Chapter 7: When all is done

The young man in his room could not sleep. He checked the clock besides his bed on top of his drawer. "1:00am" he said to himself. Chiro got up, got his role and left his room heading for the kitchen. "Maybe I'll get some milk to get me to sleep." Chiro kept telling himself. Soon he entered, got his glass of milk and some of Jin-May's cookies and walking out heading to his room when he noticed someone outside on the balcony. "Who could be up at this hour?" he said then thought to himself and replied "Besides me". He walked towards the person outside and realized it was Jin-May. "Can't sleep to huh?" Chiro said to her and she nodded. He knew she was feeling down but he didn't know why. He took a sip from his milk and offered the cookies he took from the fridge. Jin-May took one and returned to the way she was. Chiro heard her crying as soon as she turned back. "Oh Chiro!" Jin-May grab him and gave him a strong hug. Chiro could do was hug back and comfort her and ask in his mind "what happened?" while ignoring the broken plate and milk cup that was now on the floor. "Please don't leave me Chiro, please..." she was begging him. "I won't leave you Jin-May. Just because I'm not here with you in person, doesn't mean I'm not with you at all." Chiro said "The sweetest hello make the sweetest goodbye. Ever since I met you, I've fell in love with you. I love you with all my heart Jin-May. Nothing can ever change that" he finished with a smile. She then looked at him "but it might be a long time before I see you again. Yet you're right, no matter where you are, you're always with me." Jin-May said with a smile. "Come on, we better get back inside, its cold out here." Chiro said and walked with Jin-May's hand in his when she stepped on the glass of the cup. "OW!" she replied and was whimpering when she felt the pain. "I'll take you to my room. It's too far a walk from the medical bay. I have a first aid kit inside." he said and had Jin-May's arm around him and they both walk towards Chiro's room. Jin-May sat down on his bed while Chiro was searching in his drawer for the first aid kit. "Ah here we go!" he said while he held the kit up to Jin -May's point of view. "Now just to have to wait and see" Chiro said as he sat next to Jin-May while she moved towards the bed and lifted her foot to Chiro's knee. "Next time where slippers Jin-May, so this doesn't happen again. " he said while he administered iodine to her left foot. "I couldn't find them in the dark. I didn't want to wake Nova up and besides all my socks are in the laundry." Jin-May defended Chiro's advice. Chiro had finished applying a small bandage to her foot when he blew on it to make sure it was applied correctly. "Hey that tickles!" Jin-May replied in delight and lifted her foot off Chiro's knee. "Now's my chance. If I don't take it I'll never have it again probably never again." she told herself in her mind. After her foot was healed, she moved in close to Chiro and started to twiddle her fingers. "All or nothing, I hope this is worth it." was the last thing she said in her mind before she pulled a move on Chiro. "Jin -Ma.." was the last words Chiro said before Jin-May was beginning to kiss him. She broke the kiss quickly and said " Chiro I love you a lot and though...we might get into trouble for this, I don't care. We might not see each other again, and I wanted to you to show me how much you love me." Both of them were looking into each other's eyes while she said that. " If you love me Chiro, show me." She was on top of him waiting to an answer. He could not resist her. After all, it was Jin-May. "We..." Jin- May was going to say however this kiss was by Chiro and he was the one who cut her words off. Soon both of them where showing the passion from there hearts to each other. And all through the night they had shared each other's love physically, mentally, and emotionally...

Next morning Chiro woke up for find that Jin-May left. "Huh what happened?" he said while trying to get his things together since today was the day he had to leave. He got up took a shower and went into hyper mode since he had a speech to make to the citizens of Shugazoom. "Hey monkey crew, how's it going?" Chiro said as he entered the main room. "Hold on Chiro." Antari told him while the whole team was viewing something on the monitor. Chiro then realized it was Jin-May and she was having one final training session before they left. "She's pretty good" Chiro replied. "It was Nova's training" Otto said which lead Nova to say "Na she's a natural. I didn't have to do much." Chiro then said "Come on, its almost time to tell the city on us leaving." "Wait I have to let Jin-May know so she can be with us." said Nova and left to catch up with her."Ok but remember we need everyone there." said Gibson and the rest of the team were making there way out. Jin -May was barely coming out of the shower and drying off when Nova came in. "Hey Jin-May, close your eyes quick. I got one more surprise for you." Nova said while Jin -May closed her eyes and Nova got a box under her bed and gave it to her. She then told Jin -May to look and it was as equally as good as last night with Chiro. Jin- May was seeing her own version of the hyperforce uniform that Chiro wore only it was made for her. "Thanks Nova"after she said to Nova as she started to put it on. When she was finished, she walked over to Nova and gave her a hug. "Aw it was nothing" Nova replied. "It was, you've have been like a sister to me and the hyperforce like a family. To me it means a lot." Jin-May said before she looked at the time. "Oh its getting late, we've got to catch up with the rest of the team." Nova said and soon both left running towards the door. They caught up and Chiro gave his speech and Jin-May stepped down to say good bye to her team mates.

8 hours later in his room Chiro was looking out at the window in his room when he saw a letter on the ground. He picked it up and on it read "To Chiro"... Since his hyper mode gloves don't have good grip to open letters, he turned it off and was back into his regular look. He then opened it and read...

"Dear Chiro,

Thank you for all the team and you especially have done for me. The night at the concert hall, dinner at our first meeting place, and so much more. I miss you no matter where you are or how long you leave for. However, like you said Chiro "The Sweetest hello makes The Sweetest goodbye" . I know you'll come back one day and we can have even more pleasant times here on Shugazoom. Until then, I'll be waiting for you to be here so I can be in your arms.


Jin - May"

Chiro was breaking into tears when he finished reading. He looked outside and saw how the stars look. They were glowing pink and it reminded him of Jin-May and how beautiful she looked to him. "Don't worry Jin-May" Chiro said while wiping away his tears "I'll see you again someday, I promise." He then looked out the stars once more and slowly fell asleep against the glass knowing that his sweetest goodbye wasn't going to be his last one.