"Father, you can't do this!" The angered shout of a platinum-haired male came as he made an exaggerated swiping hand movement across the table, the bowl of soup that had been sitting there smashing against the opposite wall after flying a few metres, "How could you sell me to that cursed lord? Me, your first born son?"

"Sesshoumaru, if there was another way then I wouldn't have chosen this path for you," Calmly did the older of the two men speak, although he did not look any older than the amber-eyed son he had before him, "But...I am not long for this world, my son. At least under the care of the lord, you shall not only be well cared for, but also you shall learn humility as you serve him-"

"I serve no one!" Sesshoumaru reacted violently to his father's words, an icy glare turned upon his kin before he scoffed, "Besides, you are in good health. If you are to die, then I shall live alone with the swords you have brought into the world! That poor excuse of a ruler has no need of such weapons!"

"You must go, as my dying wish!" Finally, the younger of the two paused to stare blankly at his father, unbelieving of what he was saying. What did he mean, dying wish? He was in perfect health, especially for one his age...however, what caught the young man's ear were his father's next words, words that put his body into mind-numbing shock, "I am to be executed, upon orders of the emperor, within a fortnight if you do not go to him. Either way, you are going to be taken under his care, unless you too wish to see death."

"Death is the superior choice to serving that tyrant!"

"...I forbid your suicide, Sesshoumaru."

Coldly he glared at his father, but without a word did he stare. It was a few minutes before he finally ended up scoffing, leaving the small hut to glare down the cold, dark and abandoned streets of their village. He was born poor, and now he was destined to be the servant of that disgusting pig? He, Sesshoumaru, the son of the most honourable sword smith of their state? It was unjust, it was unforgivable, it was-

"Hey, who left the girly man out in the moonlight?" A smirking, grimy bandit of the wood just to the south of the village had come by while riding on his horse, his ridiculing tone causing fury to overtake all of Sesshoumaru's mind when he stopped his horse, "Well...tonight, you're not just going to look the part of the beautiful princess...you're going to act it."

Wincing in disgust as the man licked his lips with his malicious gaze turned onto him, Sesshoumaru reached to his side in order to grab the sword he always kept...only to realize that, the one time that he did indeed need it, it was inside of the hut. The bandit laughed in response as he reached to grab the young man, but unfortunately, the other was prepared.

Swatting the hand away, Sesshoumaru grabbed a knife out of the back of his belt, always having it with him in case he lost his sword, and with a quick stab he pushed it right through the bandit's hand. He almost felt satisfied as the other man's scream pierced the calm night air, and while the horseman was distracted, Sesshoumaru ran back into the hut, grabbing his sword while ignoring his father. At least, he managed to ignore him until a hand stronger than his own latched itself onto his pale wrist, "I don't care what you say father. I have to finish the job."

"It is not your battle to fight, Sesshoumaru. I shall be the one to fight...it is the last favour I can do for you," He couldn't help but feel stunned yet again, although he dared not show it to his face as the other turned his back to him, the darker platinum hair being tied up into a high ponytail as there was far too much for a bun, "Now, Sesshoumaru...you are the last reminder of me in the world of the living. And I know that you shall do me proud."

Sesshoumaru growled at his father as the other went ahead, but it was all in vain. There was only one person on this earth he would ever willingly take orders from, and that was his father. His mother had died on the night of his birth, therefore making his father the only one he could ever turn to. And, as time passed on, the older man also proved to be the only one he could ever trust.

However, the cries of massacre ringing through the night air finally dragged him out of his train of thought, and wordlessly he exited the hut...only to find a truly horrific scene before him. Had he not seen something of the sort when he was very young before this night, the man might have felt the slightest urge to vomit.

In the moonlight shone the blood of the slaughtered bandit, the victor panting and bleeding severely. How badly had his father been injured by that man? However, all thoughts of the events of this brawl faded the moment the standing form had begun to fall, and with quickened steps did he run forward to catch his father's body, "Father...you shouldn't have fought at all, if you knew you could become slain by such a man as this."

Although he knew he seemed calm and cold as ice on the surface, Sesshoumaru could feel unspeakable rage building within himself, a darkness that could consume his heart for eternity if he allowed it to be so. He could see two of his pale fingers obeying his mind's order to gently trace the mark where his father had been hit, although a jolt was sent through him when the familiar force of his father's grip came around his wrist.

"Sesshoumaru, my son..." An almost crooked smile tugged at his lips as he spoke, a trickle of blood coming over his lip, "You are my most precious possession. It pains me to lose you, especially like this...but, I suppose dying here is better than being executed-"

"You won't die here."

The golden eyes before Sesshoumaru blinked in confusion before they closed, that smile still on the other's lips, the same smile that always caused anger and frustration within Sesshoumaru, "Of course not, for my spirit will live on within you. However...it won't truly live until you learn the proper values of the world and embrace them with open arms...live long, Sesshoumaru. Live long."

He could feel his grip tighten around the slightly larger form's arms to the point where his nails dug into the other's skin through cloth as his father's last breath was taken from him. It couldn't end like this...it just couldn't! "Damn you...damn you, old man."


It had been seven days since his father had died, seven long days since the grave had been dug, the crimson-stained body lowered to rest in eternity. His father had sacrificed himself for him, and it wasn't an uncommon thing to hear of, but...the young man of nineteen never thought it would happen to him. It always happened to some child who couldn't take care of themselves, but this time...

He could have defied his father and in doing so saving the old man's life. But instead, he chose to follow orders, and as a result, one of them was dead. Although...what bothered Sesshoumaru the most was how fulfilled his father had looked to him, how satisfied he seemed with the events. Feeling a sad smirk tug at his lips, Sesshoumaru could only think of one reason why his father seemed so satisfied, and how it angered him to think about it; He wanted to die protecting his loved ones most precious. If it couldn't be his wife, it would have to be his only son.

"I see the son of the great smith is still filled with guilt over the death of his father."

With amazing speed did Sesshoumaru draw his blade, holding it to the throat of the intruder. Only a few seconds later did he realize that it was a smiling man, in elegant robes that said he was of noble heritage, and (as far as he could tell) the other was utterly defenceless. Sesshoumaru then sheathed his sword once more, a cold glare being set unto the other as ivory lips parted to speak to him, "What do you want with me, nobleman? You have no business here."

"Ah, but I do, young Sesshoumaru," The other kept his serene expression as he approached the other, as if the sword that had been earlier pointed at his throat caused him no distress whatsoever, "I too have come to pay my respects, although for seven days I have had trouble finding his final resting place. You were very secretive about his death, after all. Feigning his illness when he truly died of an attack in the village-"

"How do you know of that?" Growled Sesshoumaru, with great distrust did he again inspect his visitor; the only other people who could have possibly known about the true circumstances of his father's death were the villagers in other homes, and he had made sure they would keep their tongues to themselves, "There was no witness, do you merely believe rumour?"

"Ah, my apologies. I did see this occurrence...in fact, because of it, a rather dangerous thief of the high roads has been put to death, as his ransom from our ruler wanted. I suppose you will want to claim the reward, seeing as you are his only son?"

"I have no need of this reward you speak of," The low, rumbling growl came through his tone of voice as he spoke to the other, he was liking this man less and less with every passing moment, "It appears that you know of my name but I do not know your own. Unless you confide it within me right now, you shall taste the steel of father's legendary Masamune."

"Of course, Sesshoumaru," He could see the other's ebony eyes flash crimson for a brief second, although it was no longer than that as the man began to speak again, "I am Kagewaki Hitomi, although most refer to me by my title rather than my name. You shall know of that title in due time, when you are ready to know," Kagewaki added as Sesshoumaru opened his mouth to speak again, "Curiosity should not be fed before the receiver is ready, the consequences may be...too much, for someone like yourself."

It took all of Sesshoumaru's will power not to hit the taller man right now, he just made him mad, that insanely calm expression, and his equally calm tone of voice...he was too damned calm to be human! A sigh passed through his own lips as once again he sneered at the other, as if he wasn't actually curious to Kagewaki's supposed title, "And I suppose you are done paying your respects to my father? If so, you have no more business here, and as such I suggest you-"

Sesshoumaru ended up stopping in mid-sentence as his ears perked, there were horses just beyond the trees. And those horses probably supported men, and the only men who rode horses (that weren't of noble blood) were bandits. Probably companions of the man that had been killed by his father's hand, seeking revenge against the blood that slaughtered him. A swift movement was used to once again draw his sword, although what surprised him was that Kagewaki had armed himself with a blade of his own. Maybe noblemen could fight, but right now he didn't care...all that mattered was stopping the criminals (who had by now revealed themselves and left the cover of the forest) from desecrating his father's final resting place.

It was then that Sesshoumaru rushed forward, within seconds all of the bandits having been cut down. Soon enough he looked at the blood on his lips, this was blood unworthy of life, the minds of these criminals being wasted on harming the rest of the world. He sheathed his sword then, turning his gaze back to the pitless black one of the nobleman, a smirk curling on his lips as the other finally had a different expression than that annoying serenity; a look of shock suited him.

"...I can't say that your skill, speed and power were unexpected, Sesshoumaru," With those words did Kagewaki put his own sword back into it's scabbard (Sesshoumaru wasn't surprised that he knew of his own talents for they were famous in the village), "But, what I will say is that it impresses me to see such grace face to face. I look forward to meeting you again. Although, the circumstances under which we meet might not be so...pleasant."

Once again Kagewaki's eyes flickered with the colour of blood, but before Sesshoumaru could get a closer look they were orbs of moonless night. With that, he turned his back and began to head back towards the castle in which the lord of the state resided. The young man scoffed at the other's retreating back before he headed back to his own little hut, eyes concentrated on the ground as the smell of blood began to get to him. It had been a long day, and what had that man meant by the pair meeting again?

Whatever, he didn't care. He was going to be given to the lord anyway, how he despised that man. Some of the time, he was kind, and actually gave a damn about the state of the people in his domain. But, most of the time the man was said to be tyrannical, a man who loved to see others suffer, giving him the reputation of being worse than hell. No man could be that evil...but sometimes, Sesshoumaru thought the title was more than appropriate.

When the young man re-entered the hut, he glared into the dusty old mirror in the corner. Why were his ears pointed, when no other villager's ears were made in such a fashion? He wasn't about to start complaining seeing as it made him unique, but before now he never questioned why. After all, his father had ears of similar shape, if not identical to his own. But now that father was gone, he couldn't ask why...

Why did the old man have to die by the hands of some weak idiot?


Well, the time had come. There would be no point in trying to resist the lord's guards, for they were said to be the most powerful in all of these warring states. Why he did not bother to take new territory for his own was beyond Sesshoumaru's comprehension, but now, he would never be able to question it, not even in privacy. He couldn't tell how badly he wanted to slaughter those damned guards, or die trying, rather than just allowing himself to be taken by that monster of a ruler...

"You must go, as my dying wish!"

"I forbid your suicide, Sesshoumaru."

Sesshoumaru winced as some of his father's last words went through his head, and although he had never disobeyed his father while he was living, he wouldn't dare go against the wishes of a dead man. After all, those were his final wishes of his late father, the young man had more than enough honour not to deny his father that. A sigh passed through his ivory lips as he strapped his Masamune to his side, eyes gazing dully out of the door of the hut. His most precious material possession was on his person now...he might as well make his way to the castle.

Coldly did he look upon the approaching building as he continued to pace towards it, although he was held up by the guards at the gate of the formidable place, "Your name and purpose, boy. Otherwise, you are to leave immediately-"

"Sesshoumaru, son of the great sword smith. The lord ordered my permanent presence within these walls," Growled Sesshoumaru, who was unable to help but feel utterly disgusted with himself as he said the words. After all, even if it had been his father's wishes for him to serve the ruler, it was still a loathsome prospect to the young man.

"Ah yes, Sesshoumaru...our great leader has been expecting you," A new voice came out of the mist, and his gaze was turned to a toad-like man that was approaching him from the other side of the gate as the guards allowed him passage, "I am Jaken, the lord's high priest. He would like to see you before you are put to work."

Sesshoumaru sneered while he gazed upon the priest so much shorter than he, he was even smaller than most children and he was a respected member of this lord's court? That almost proved how sick the lord must have been, and that was in mind alone. Soon enough he was forced to kneel by the escort of guards that had brought him into the throne room, a low growl escaping the young man while he could hear the lord chuckle from behind the curtain that hid him from unworthy eyes.

"So, I see you have decided to follow your father's requests. I knew you would come around, Sesshoumaru," The lord's voice purred as his shadow moved to make a gesture, Sesshoumaru couldn't help but feel that the voice was familiar, "Of course...it's been a long time since I've had a personal toy to play with, but that father of yours was in the way for the amount of time that I've been trying."

Wait...it can't be...Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes at the curtain as it moved, and once the body of his new lord was revealed, Sesshoumaru couldn't help but gape at the other (no matter how hard he tried not to). It was...but, that was impossible!

"It's been...seven days? Now, you shall refer to me as Naraku, your new lord and master. I hope you've enjoyed the company of my weaker personality up until now."


Author's Note: Yay, I finally got my fan fiction up! And, in case you couldn't already tell, this is an Alternate Universe fan fiction, unlike Darkness Before Dawn. It was the only plausible way I could think of shoving these two together. Anyway, I hope you had fun reading up to this point, I'm going to attempt to write longer chapters for this fan fiction than in Darkness Before Dawn. Now review, or there will be no update (okay I'm kidding, I'm writing this because I want to, not because of reviews)! Also...I apologize now for any out of character behaviour Sesshoumaru may have exhibited, he's a hard character to write.

Disclaimer for the WHOLE fan fiction: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters that appear in Inuyasha, they belong to the wondrous Rumiko Takahashi-sama. I only wish I owned the characters, because they all rock (even the annoying ones)!