I do not own Teen Titans

The team had fallen apart after The Crisis that took so many lives. The world mightiest had fallen. There was no longer a Superman, a Batman or even a Wonder Woman. They were all gone even Raven and Cyborg had been killed. The teen titans were no more, and though in time the big there had been replaced by their sidekicks these new heroes were different darker almost even evil. Robin, rather Nightwing at this time tried to stop them, but to no avail so he left with Starfire to someplace that I haven't seen them since.

I was left here, with no team and the world becoming a darker and darker place I had no idea what to do so I began wandering thanks to the only thing I had left of Cyborg I was able to hid myself. With the world around me going to hell I began to rebuild my life without the titans.

Three years have place since the crisis, I am now 23 I have returned to jump city though I don't why, this place seem different to me now, Villains are no longer stopped with the titans here, that this place seems worst then Gotham. Then again, this city doesn't have that new "Batman" but still I have returned to the city were I was once lived, and this is where my story begins.

Beast Boy laid on his bed in the hotel room, he didn't have a lot of stuff with him, all he had to his name was in the duffel bag that sat on the floor, which was nothing more then clothes, a picture of his parents then one of the team, and finally a cloak that had belonged to Raven, in fact the one she had worn on her last day. Something hit the window. Beast Boy got up to see a bird on the ground, he when to see if it was okay, when a bunch more bird came flying at the window hitting and cracking it.

At a closer look Beast Boy saw that the birds were ravens. Beast Boy took a set back he took off his ring, nothing knowing what exactly he was going to do and at the same time knowing this was all a bad idea. He transformed into a raven and flew out the now broken window.

The city was in ruins, not that wasn't normal but there were died birds everywhere, and there were dogs barking everywhere, talking about Brother Blood or something. Beast Boy couldn't make any sense of it all, still he flew on, a following were all the bird were coming from. Only to knock from the sky by rock, Beast Boy fell to the ground and transformed back to his normal form to find himself face to face with a few old faces including Gizmo and Mammoth.

"Look at what we have here; I thought all you punks were dead. Looks like we get to have some fun to day." Gizmo said. Mammoth ran swing at Beast Boy, who transformed into a gorilla to stop Mammoth from killing him. Beast picked up Mammoth and threw him to the crowd, knocking them down, and some out. Beast Boy transformed into a raven and flew up, trying to escape knowing that there was no way he could take on that many at once.

It wasn't that easy, once again he was dragged to the ground as he fell he looked up to see a giant foot coming down on top of him, only to stopped by a mysterious person. Beast Boy got out of the way, to face this girl, she reminded him of Slade. The girl grabbed Beast Boy by his collar and threw a smoke bomb. As the smoked cleared the two were gone.

"So your one of the famous teen titans?" The girl asked now that they were in some place safe. "Used to be… who are you?" Beast Boy asked. The girl looked away not wanting to answer. "I'm Ravager, I'm Slade daughter, but don't worry I'm not evil." Beast Boy looked at the Ravager. Ravager got up and turned to Beast Boy, "There is something wrong here. Can you tell me what the dogs are barking?" Ravager asked.

"I don't understand it well, I can make out Brother Blood." Beast Boy said.

"The new cult leader odd, I wonder what he's doing?" Ravager said.

"Brother Blood, but how I haven't seen him in years."

"Well for one this a new one, actually more your age. Beast Boy come with me to check him out, I could use the help of a Titan."

"I guess I can, but how am I going to help you?"

"An extra hand is an extra hand and while I know where his church is, I don't know where he is in it."

"Alright I'll help let's go." Beast Boy said.

Beast boy transformed into a Raven and began to follow Ravager who was headed to the church. Beast Boy however stopped and his eyes flash, and he flew pass Ravager. Who was surprised; however quicken her pace to catch up with Beast Boy. When she grabbed, him Beast boy was acting weird, only saying "Raven belong to Brother Blood." Ravager looked at the green bird in her hand. "What in the world does that mean?" Ravager wonder but her thoughts were interputted when Beast Boy peak her hand drawing blood, the sudden pain caused her to let him go. He flew off fast then before.

Ravager however wasn't ready to give up and ran after Beast Boy. She had found she was right about the location and entered the cult church. There she followed Beast Boy through several hidden passages to what could be best described as a cult ceremony with Brother Blood performing some kind of ritual. Upon a closer look the woman standing near Brother Blood looked familiar Ravager could have swore it was Raven. But that couldn't have been right. Beast Boy now have quit speaking however had landed on the shoulder of the girl. Ravager waited in the shadow watching the ceremony.

"We gather here today to proclaim my marriage as it was prophesied I shall marry the daughter of Trigon and take over this world. Now the final steps are in place the only thing left is this marriage." Brother Blood said.

"Yes, my love." The girl said, as if she were in a trance of some sort.

'Very well let us begin." However Brother Blood wasn't able to go on with the ceremony for with in minutes, Beast Boy still as a Raven jumped at Brother Blood pecked at one of his eyes.

Brother Blood cried out in pain and grabbed Beast Boy and began to crush him to death. "Who let this in here?" Brother Blood asked, he looked around at the cult member none of them saying anything. Ravager in the shadows stood by not sure what to do, she had to save Beast Boy but with out getting killed her self. She pulled out a throw knife and carefully aimed it at Brother Blood shoulder. She then threw it hitting Brother Blood a scream of pain escaped his lips. Brother blood had left out of Beast Boy who seemed to have regained his sanity. Transforming back to normal he saw Brother Blood, and the girl.

He quickly picked up the girl and began to run away. Thankfully Ravager was there to help slow down the cult followers that were following him. When the reached out side of the church Beast Boy set the girl down removing the hood that kept her face some what hidden Beast Boy looked into the girl's eyes.
