I feel Weird

Summary: Pure GSR nonsensical rubbish. Sara's POV.

Spoilers: Grissom's dress sense up to Season 6

I have been in a weird mood all day.

I don't know why, I don't know when I noticed it but I just feel ….weird.

And I think it's his fault. Bastard!

Standing there, all engrossed in some papers, looking all geeky with his baggy pants, and a cardigan someone's granddad would wear, with his grey hair and stupid beard and I could just jump his ass right there in the middle of the lab.

Ok, I know what I will do.

I'll make a list of all his good points and bad points. That'll make me see sense. 'Cos the good points will be minimal and the bad points will just keep going and going.

I know it's stupid in some "Friends" episode type of way and its something a lovesick teenager would do but as I said …..I feel weird.

OK. Here goes.

Start with the bad points – that's easy.

1. He wears baggy pants and bad shirts. Bad green shirts.

2. Straw hat – I mean, really. Not cool!

3. He has really cold blue eyes that can cut you in two with one icy glare.

4. He has grey hair.

5. His beard is grey.

6. He walks funny – kind of bowlegged, I guess.

7. He has a beer belly. Not that he drinks beer but it is still there.

8. He is a geek/science freak/bug man/Shakespeare-quoting uber nerd.

God, this is fun.

9. He can't string together a sentence in reply if I say anything even remotely personal to him.

10. He races cockroaches and keeps bugs as pets.

Damn, he has noticed me staring at him. If I smile he will just get flustered and walk away.


Yep, there he goes, scuttling away with his stupid walk and stupid baggy pants. And even from here I can see the back of his neck go red.

OK. Good points.

1. When he turns up to work in his suit, or in his jeans and black leather jacket he looks sexy as hell.

2. Backwards baseball cap – mmmmmmmmmmmm!

3. His eyes are to die for – all electric blue and when he smiles at you, you could just die happy.

4. Lovely grey curls.

5. Lovely grey beard rubbing against your face and up your thigh, and …….OK enough of that.

6. His lovely crooked legged walk – yummy. Why do I find it so sexy?

7. Lovely Buddha belly, so squishy and cuddly and…….OK, enough of that.

8. Totally adorable when he gets all excited about some new bug related article in some obscure journal that he found completely by accident.

9. When we are at home, all alone, he says the sweetest things, usually completely unintentionally and gets so embarrassed when I call him a hopeless romantic.

10. His lips, all wet and sloppy and so good at kissing, licking, sucking ……. OK, OK. Enough!

11. He's all mine.

Damn it.

Ok, only one way to get rid of my weird mood. Go invade his personal space in the lab, flirt with him in front of Hodges until he sends me home and comes running home five minutes after me.

Life is good!