Disclaimer: I don't own the XIII order... or most of the things that will be mentioned in this fic. -cries- I make no money off this...

Summary: Poor Vexen... All he wanted was a nap! One of Xigbar's time spells goes horribly wrong leaving him and the other order members with some pint sized problems... Pre-CoM

Warnings: OOCness, children (oh horror of horrors!), spelling and grammar errors, hints of shounen-ai, some Spoilers for XII Order members...

A/N: My oh my. Libechan's reviews always make me smile. Possibly because of the comma inducing amounts of sweets she showers me with. Which is good, the dusks keeps stealing them from me. And Vexen even took my Special K Bar. T-T

100+ reviews on this. Wow. I sowwy. I did it again. Took a long while to get a chapter up. How do you people put up with me? Lexaeus shows up in this chapter, Zexion tries to open a door, and Marluxia and Larxene are still tied up in chairs...

- the critical blow



By: the critical blow

Chapter 7: Title-less. Yep! It's that bad.

Zexion scream loudly at the very mentions of the two words Saix had just uttered. And even though the sounds of his screams were muffled by the gag in his mouth they were still... very loud. Even loud enough to startle Saix. The man recovered from his shock quickly though and sealed the bathroom door all the way before locking it. Zexion watched him with paranoid if not crazed eyes and began to rock his chair in attempt to get free.

There was no way he going to take a bath. Saix knelt before him so they were about eye level.

"Don't hold it against me. This is for your own good. You're a total mess. You'd have to take one sooner or later..." The elder sighed and began to untie him.

"!" Zexion wriggled free of the ropes and managed to evade Saix's grasp and ran to the door, twisting the knob in an attempt to open it. When it wouldn't budge he he decided to resort to another means of opening the door...

"Um... the pasword is... um... EMU! Open sesame! ALAKAZAM!" He scream ay the top of his lungs. He waited a second before he began twisting the knob again frantically. He'd said the password so it'd have to open now!


Sadly it wouldn't as Saix had locked it. Now if Zexion had paused to really think about the situation he would have realized that and could have just unlocked it. But when one is in a paranoid state of mind the obvious solutions never come until its already too late. He noticed theknob to unlock the door!

He reached for it in a desperate last effort to free himself. The knob twisted and there was a click as the door unlocked. Zexion grinnedand turned the door knob... He'd cracked the code! FREEDOM!

"Got ya."

Andjudging by the hands at his waist it was too late.



Marluxia and Larxene exchanged nervous looks from outside the bathroom. What could the scary man possibly be doing in there to Zexion that would make him scream like that!

"What do you think he's doing to him?" Marluxia asked Larxene. Larxene stared back at him with a frightened smile.

"I'm not so sure I wanna know." She said. Marluxia thought about it for a second before another wail of terror erupted from beyond the bathroom door and he shuddered.

"Me neither." He said quickly.


"Yipe!" Roxas squeaked and latched himself onto Xaldin's leg once again. Xaldin shuddered softly as a chill ran down his spine. Moments ago he and Roxas heard a scream that could shatter glass come from one of the floors above. It was far too high a pitch to be Demyx's voice though Xaldin didn't doubt the idiotic teen could push his voice even higher. He decided going upstairs wasn't in his best interest at the moment.

So he turned to head down a different hallway when he realized something had latched itself onto his leg...

Something relatively heavy.

He glared down at his leg to find Roxas clinging to him for dear life. He shook his leg gently in a attempt to shake the boy off him but still he clung to him.

"Off me." Xaldin said.

"Nooo... I'm scawed..." Roxas whined and clung even tighter. Xigbar was about to try and pry him off with a spear but the look on Roxas' little face made him stop. The boy sniffled up at him and gave him the infamous puppy dog eyes, a thing #13 rarely used in his older state. Demyx used that trick all the time so it was easy to become immune to his version but Roxas'... It was unbearable.

Xaldin had a feeling he was going to regret this later on.

"...You're cutting off my circulation..." Xaldin sighed.


"You can ride on my shoulders." Xaldin said cutting him off. No room for whining as he might change his mind. Anything to make him stop staring at him that way.

"Yay!" Roxas said and instantly let go of his leg.

Xaldin was half tempted to just run away and just leave the brat alone in the hallway to fend for himself. But the thought left his mind as he remember how damn fast Roxas could run. The boy outstretched his arms waiting to be picked up and Xaldin did so before letting him sit on his shoulders. Roxas clung to him slightly for a moment as he was a bit unsteady but that was quickly overcome as he noticed something interesting... Xaldin's braids. The boy gripped two of his braids and shook them like a horse's reigns.

"Giddy up!" Roxas said.

Xaldin felt his eye twitch. He was just a kid he reminded himself.

No stabbity small children. That was bad. Maybe when he was back to normal. Hell, that sound like fun. Stabbity teens was okay in his book.

Stabbity teen with a keyblade... even better.

"Better enjoy this while you can..." Xaldin grumbled.

And Roxas' only response to that was a giggle.


Luxord's eyes shot open when he heard a scream. A scream that reminded him all too much of a certain cloaked schemer. Well... a certain cloaked schemer if he'd sucked on some helium. The cloaked schemer he was supposed to be watching. He glanced around the room to find Zexion was indeed gone as was all his munny. He ran out the door only to stop and stare as he watched with wide eyes as Xaldin jog past his room toward the library.

As unshocking as that may sound... he had Roxas riding on his shoulders. The very fact that Roxas wasn't dead was what shocked Luxord. It was a known fact Xaldin get along with the others. He'd often made death threats against them.

"Um... Xaldin?" The gambler stuttered.

"What?" The spear wielding nobody didn't ever turn around to look at him. But he did pause on his course though he seemed to continue jogging in place. Roxas giggled and toyed with his braids.

"What are you doing?" Luxord asked.

"Looking for Saix." Xaldin replied casually.


"So I can kill him. Slowly." A malicious grin spread across Xaldin's face as he said that causing Luxord to take a step back into his room. He was tempted to end the conversation there and allow Xaldin to go about finding and killing Saix when he remembered.

"Oh. You haven't happened to have seen Zexion anywhere have you?" The gambler asked.

"No." Xaldin said.

"Oh. Okay... Um, Xaldin?" Luxord had just one more question for him.

"What?" The braided man asked obviously getting annoyed by Luxord's constant questions.

"Why is Roxas sitting on your shoulders?"

"...Don't ask." Xaldin said. And the look on his face clearly told the gambler not to, not unless he wanted to face a very painful demise by spears. And Luxord knew far too well that Xaldin would do it too. So he just smiled sheepishly, doing his best to ignore Roxas playing with Xaldin's hair, and nodded.

"Okey dokey." He said.


Zexion went rigid as his cloak was removed and he was lifted toward the tub. He was going to get a bath whether he liked it or not so he might as well just go along with it...

But by God, he was taking this blue haired man with him.

Sucking in a deep breath he released a battle cry that would put Xena to shame and bit down into Saix's arm. Saix and Zexion both yelped, Zexion as he found himself falling toward the tub full of warm soapy water and Saix because of the pain in his arm. The blue haired man took a step back and stepped into a slick little puddle of water, slipped and fell... right into the tub. Zexion clawed at the man leaped out of the tub.


He hadn't made it out unscathed, he'd still managed to get a little wet but it was nothing fatal. He ran to the door, ignoring his missing clothes, and unlocked the door. He turned to glare at Saix, his dark eyes narrowing slightly.

"There can only be one..." He said and promptly stepped outside. He walked into the room he and his comrades had been trapped in and shut the bathroom door, panting heavily as the adrenaline was still pumping through him in an overdrive manner.

"You're alive!" Larxene and Marluxia yelled. Larxene sounded more shocked than anything but Marluxia was just happy to see the awkward boy wasn't dead. And the Larxene noticed that Zexion... wasn't wearing any clothes.

"Gah! My eyes! IT BURNS!" She wailed and shut her eyes. Zexion's eyes widened as her screams were just the thing to push his already frenzied mind over the edge and into pure panic. He darted out of the room and down the hallway babbling nonsense. Larxene opened her eyes and was glad to see that he was gone before she realized...

"Hey! Wait! Come back and untie us!" She cried. Marluxia sighed softly.

'Why me?'


Luxord sighed before he remembered he had to find Zexion and ran in the opposite direction figuring the kid couldn't have gotten too far away from here. He decided the commons room would be the best place to start looking.

When he reached said room, he noticed Vexen and Demyx standing in the doorway. Vexen looked mildly amused while Demyx just looked scared out of his mind. Luxord raised a brow and peeked into the room to see a very unconscious Axel lying on the floor and a very sheepish looking Xigbar backed against the wall with a tomahawk at his throat. Lexeaus didn't look very pleased in the least.

"What do you mean Zexion's gone missing?" The larger man growled. Xigbar opened his mouth to speak but closed it seconds later, actually considering whether the words about to leave his mouth were the best to say for once, before opening it again.

"I... Ur... SAIX DID IT!" Xigbar screamed and warped out of the room. Lexaeus glared at the spot Xigbar had been occupying moments earlier and sighed. He turned around to see Luxord, Vexen, and the mini Demyx and raised a brow.

"Going to see Saix?" Vexen asked. Lexaeus nodded.

"You might want to hurry then. Xaldin's on his way to kill him now." Luxord said almost sheepishly.

"I think Xigbar might have already taken care of that... No wait. Couldn't have. He hasn't found Roxas yet." Vexen mused.

"Oh! I saw Roxas with Xaldin just a little while ago." Luxord said.

"Was he was still alive?" Vexen asked. Luxord nodded and Vexen raised a brow. That was peculiar... he was sure #3 would have killed the boy or run away from him screaming. Xaldin wasn't very good with children. He'd have to run some tests to make sure that #3 wasn't ill or anything. Demyx was too busy poking the knocked out Axel to be paying attention to the conversation at hand.

"Yeah. And Roxas was riding on his shoulders too."


"You don't say."




"Ow... My head's killing me. What the hell is going on? Where am I?"


"Pyro man's awake now."


"Knock it off!"

"Waah! Pyro man's scary!"

Lexaeus's right eye twitched. Zexion needed him. Why was he still here again? Everyone paused in their irrelevent conversation just long enough to watch #5 dissapear in a black void.

"Yesh, doesn't anyone say good-bye anymore? What's his problem?" Axel asked.

"Oh, he's going to see Saix." Vexen said.

"Why Saix?" Axel asked.

"Becasue he killed several of the kids." Vexen said. Luxord and Axel stared at him with wide eyes.



And with that there were only two.

"I wonder if I should have told Axel that Roxas was alright..." Vexen murmured, "Nah!"

It seemed Saix was going to be recieveing several angry visitors in the next few minutes. He would have felt sorry for the berserker but... he had no emotion of sympathy. And with that disputed he got himself and Dexmy got a bagal.


A/N: Cause bagals are good (or so I've heard) and Vexen just doesn't give a damn. I've lost my sense of humor... ;3; Crap chapter again. Sowwy. I'll try to get the next chapter out before the end of time... oh yeah. And make it funny too. XD