He was almost there in the elevator. Heaven help him he didn't even have his pants off yet. Maybe he'd finally met his match he thought. He had her pinned against the wall with his body, his hands caressing her backside. Ziva writhed against him, her hips rocking against his. She had both her hands knotted in his hair as they kissed. She made little moaning sounds of encouragement that made him crazy. He broke off panting. "I don't want to make you do this."

"You're not making me do anything." She said covering his mouth again.

Ziva's apartment door clicked shut behind them. She pulled Tony roughly towards her. Her parted lips were wet from kissing. She was breathing quickly. She nipped his lower lip playfully. "Now," she said, ripping his shirt over his head. "Faster." She guided his hands to her hips. He could live with that. He undressed her between kisses.

He had been fantasizing about taking his time, about long drawn out love -making. That wasn't to be. Not the first time. It happened quickly, a sexual feeding frenzy heard through out the building. Ziva dug her fingers into his flesh as she screamed. He welcomed the bite of her nails across his back. This was for real.

They'd made love on the floor in the hall, in her kitchen and then again in bed. Now they lay together both wondering exactly how their lives would change. Work was defiantly going to be different. They had a secret to hide from some of the most astute people they knew.

Tony surveyed the room, re-playing everything in his mind. It had all been worth it. She could hand cuff him any day. The blankets lay beside the bed in a tumbled heap. They'd knocked over her lamp and cleared off the top of the bureau. He smiled as his eyes lit upon her green suit discarded on the rug. It had looked even better in person.

Tony flipped to his right side, running his hand across her taut stomach. He traced the fine silvery lines that crossed her lower abdomen. He hadn't noticed them the last time he'd seen her naked. He hadn't been looking for them. In truth they were easy to over look, there were only a handful.

"There's something that I didn't tell you," she said softly, her hand on his.

"You can just say it."

"The bomb."

He kissed her hair. "I know. You were pregnant."

She nodded. She always got a lump in her throat when she thought of it. "How did you know?"

"Like you said. I'm an investigator. When we were undercover you seemed to know what you were talking about. And it made you touchy."

Ziva sighed. She placed both of her hands on her abdomen, cradling it. "I was almost five months along. You should have seen me. I was all stomach. They made me drive a desk." She spoke slowly. She'd moved beyond the sadness a long time ago but the memory still stung. "It was for the best. I'm not very maternal. But still, I…"

"Miss what you missed?"

"I guess so." She was amazed. Sometimes she thought he could see through her. It scared her. "Are you sleepy?" she asked, rolling onto her side to face him.

"Not really."

"Good." She pushed him onto his back and straddled him.

"If you don't feel like it."

She laughed. His Ziva. "Americans just don't get it sometimes. You spend your lives worrying about death. That's no way to live. Enjoy each day like it's your last. Soon enough you'll be right." She kissed him deeply, slowly twining her tongue around his. When at last they broke apart she spoke. "So if I want to spend my night spoiling you for all other women I'm going to." She beamed at him. He didn't think he'd every seen her quiet so happy. She was beautiful. She stretched her body out over his, hovering. He could feel her body heat radiating through him. She kissed him playfully on the lips, a question. Suddenly, he wasn't so tired anymore.

In the morning he woke to her warm body curled against his. She was right he thought. He'd been spoiled.

El Fin Hope you liked it. Let me know. I haven't done anything like this before. I got a suggestion to do those two almost there scenes from chap 3, what do you think?