Ok, second part of the extra chapters. Hope you guys are enjoying this! And I don't have anything else written yet, but maybe if you guys give me some ideas I may come up with something more. Thanks!


When she had finally come to, Kaoru found herself imprisoned in a large manor house. A tall slender woman with long black hair came to check on her.

"Awake, are we?" She asked Kaoru.

"Yes. Where are we? And who are you?" Was Kaoru's response.

"I am Yumi Yukishiro, and you must forgive me, I have no quarrel with you. Unfortunately, you're married to a man I hate with a passion, a man who stole both my children from me, and you've just gotten caught in the cross-hairs."

Kaoru couldn't help her retort. "Sorry, but didn't your daughter take poison? Sounds like it was her choice to leave you, not Kenshin's."

Yumi smiled cruelly. "What do you know, you stupid girl?"

'Apparently more than you thought I did.' Kaoru thought, but only shrugged.

After explaining to Sano and Hajime that Kaoru's body was actually a life-like puppet, and telling them what the guard at the gate had said, Aoshi, Sano, and Hajime headed to Makkari. When they arrived, they asked after anyone who just moved in and were told someone had rented the Miyagi manor just outside of town. They went to the Miyagi manor, and Aoshi kept watch while Sano and Hajime slipped inside. The two were surprised to find Yumi finishing putting supper on a tray. Telling her she was being taken into custody, they were even more surprised when she didn't fight to get away from them. They asked her where Kaoru was, and she replied that she was in a cell downstairs. Hajime had ahold of her, so Sano rushed downstairs to look for Kaoru. He found her locked up in a holding cell.

"Kaoru?" He asked.

She sat up, saying, "Sano!"

"Hey missy, boy is it good to see you. Are you alright?"

She nodded. "I'm fine, just itching to go home."

Sano pulled the pins out of the door, freeing her, and together they walked back upstairs, going outside with Hajime and Yumi. What they found was another surprise. Turns out Aoshi had been busy too. Aoshi was standing beneath a man all in black in a tree. From where they were standing they could see Aoshi was in the middle of a web-like pattern of wires, the man in the tree holding up a small rope with the end burning, and Aoshi's kodachi impaled in the man's clothing. They couldn't hear what was being said over the distance, but the next thing they knew Aoshi pulled the man into the wires while he leapt out. They realized the tangle of wires had to have been coated with oil, as a mighty blaze began, killing the man instantly.

Aoshi slowly walked back to where they all stood on the manor's front porch. Aoshi was glad to see Kaoru was ok, and also glad Sano and Hajime had managed to capture Yumi. He had had a sneaking suspicion that Yumi had been involved, just as she was behind Jin-e three years ago.

"Princess." He said, bowing.

"Aoshi. Let me guess, this was all your idea."

"Possibly." He said with a shrug.

"Well thank you. I'm glad you're alright. Who was that man?" Kaoru wondered.

"His name was Gein, and he was responsible for making the Prince think you are dead." Aoshi told her.

"What?" Kaoru asked, all but shouting.

It was Sano's turn to butt in. "Speaking of which, we'd better get you back home. Not to mention her." He said, gesturing to Yumi.

It took the five of them only a day to get back home, plenty of time to work out a plan since Aoshi hadn't told Kenshin where they were going or why. They had decided that everyone would go inside, but the men would bring Yumi into the throne room first. When Aoshi, Sano and Hajime drug Yumi into the throne room with them, all of the royals were quite shocked to see her.

"What is going on?" King Hiko asked, but no one wanted to be the first to speak, so the King made the choice for them. "Sanosuke?"

"Umm, there were some ends to tie up, so we followed a lead to Makkari, and found her." He told his uncle, indicating Yumi with a jerk of his head. Kenshin frowned, wondering why Sano was dodging around the topic. Aoshi suddenly interrupted with a bow. "Forgive me your majesty, but Yumi is guilty of many things. Sending assassins after the Prince for one, and trying to kill the Princess."

Now Hiko frowned as well. "Trying to kill her?" He asked Aoshi, confused.

The gathered courtiers gasped as Kaoru came in through the side door.

"She wasn't successful."

Kenshin was out of his seat between one breath and the next, wrapping his arms around Kaoru and kissing her. Aoshi could just see Kenshin around Kaoru, and read his lips as he mouthed 'Thank you.' Aoshi was smiling as he bowed low, the bow of a subject to his sovereign.

"While I am overjoyed the rumors of your death were fictitious, Kaoru, what exactly happened?"

Kaoru sighed, looking up at Hiko. "Yumi sent a man, Gein, from a family of robotics masters. He fashioned a doll that looked like me, kidnapped me, left the doll so you all would think I was dead, and took me to Yumi, who is still angry that you killed her children." She said, transferring her attention to Kenshin as she spoke the last part.

Hiko simply shook his head, unwilling to believe Yumi was still holding on to something that had happened years ago.

"Yumi Yukishiro, I find you guilty of kidnapping and conspiracy to commit murder. Have you anything to say?" He told her.

Yumi sighed, looking over at Kaoru. "As I said before, I am sorry you got involved," Then she looked back at King Hiko. "I only pray you all get what you deserve."

Again, Kaoru found herself unable to silence her response. "And what's that? An award for freeing our country from your tyrannical brother?"

"Why you little -" Yumi began, but cut herself off when she noticed Kenshin was glaring at her.

"Your punishment is death." Hiko said, before gesturing to the guards. "Take her away."

Feeling much safer knowing Yumi would be locked away with guards, Kaoru let herself relax, allowing Kenshin to take her back to their rooms. The first thing she was greeted by was their son, clinging to her leg. "Mommy!

"Hello sweetheart." She returned, picking him up, glad that Kenshin had found himself unable to tell Kenji she was dead. Kenshin just stood and watched them, finding joy in having Kaoru alive and back in one piece.

That evening, after having had dinner with Kenshin's parents, and making sure Kenji was fast asleep, Kaoru curled into Kenshin in bed, resting her head on his chest. Kenshin kissed her temple.

"I want you to know how much I love you, more than all the stars, and how happy I am you're back home. Not having you here, thinking you were dead, were the worst days of my life"

"I love you too, to the moon and back." Kaoru said, smiling.

So, what does everyone think? Ok? Please review and let me know!
