I created Adam O'Riley, Fast Eddie and any others that don't sound familiar to you. Everyone else is owned by Disney. These stories are written for pleasure, not for profit. Please don't sue me. Oh pretty please?

Author's note: This is the first episode after my Nightmares Saga.


Early December, the day after Elisa's rescue…

The sun shone, unusually warmly for a December afternoon, through the window of the med-wing room. Elisa Maza (Dracon) lay in her bed, provided by David Xanatos, in the Eyrie building. A soft smile lay upon her lips as she slept. She was sleeping the most peaceful sleep she had had in nearly a month and a half, dreamless, but nightmare-less as well.

She could have slept another three hours, but a sudden rising in bile caused her to spring to life and make a mad dash from her bed to the adjacent bathroom, fall to her knees before the toilet and vomit profusely for nearly 4 minutes. After the wave of nausea subsided, Elisa got up from her spot in front of the toilet and went to the sink to wash her face.

As she splashed her face with the coldest of water, she couldn't help looking at herself in the mirror that was hanging over the sink. She saw that her normally golden skin was blotchy and uneven from stress (and maybe because of the pregnancy?), not to mention the numerous cuts and abrasions on her once flawless face. She touched each cut once, her trauma made real through her sense of touch. Though the cuts were already beginning to heal, their presence still reminded her of the events, and made her cringe at their sight.

She shook her head when she saw the spot that Tony Dracon's hands had held her almost to the point of suffocation; this large area had already turned black and blue. After this last sight her eyes had taken in she slowly walked back to the bed, rubbing her neck softly. She wondered what had become of Dracon. She hadn't allowed her thoughts to wander to him all morning, though she suspected he was arrested. She looked down at the wedding band that she slipped off of her left ring finger and onto her right. She was legally still Mrs. Dracon, so she should figure out how to annul the marriage. She made a mental note to ask Goliath about what became of Dracon this evening.

Getting back in to bed, pulling the covers over her, she surveyed the room. Already, there were dozens of flowers and cards from well-wishers littering the side tables in the small room. One of the most beautiful bouquets had come from her parents when they came to see her the night before. Filled with her most favourite of flowers, lilies and gardenias, the bouquet was situated in plain view of her bed, and made her smile just by setting her sights upon it.

Just then, there was a knock at the door.

"Elisa, honey, it's Mom. Can I come in?"

"Yeah, come in, mom." Elisa called.

Diane Maza entered the door, carrying another bouquet of flowers, this time a dozen white and pink roses, in a vase. Elisa smiled, knowing that her mother would do anything to ensure Elisa was happy, even in the hospital room of sorts in which she found herself. She let the new vase sit upon a free spot on a rolling table near the door and walked towards her daughter. She bent down and gave her eldest daughter a big kiss on her forehead. Elisa couldn't help holding her arms out for a hug to go along with the kiss. Mother and daughter embraced for a few heartfelt moments before withdrawing from one another. Diane sat on the chair beside the bed and looked at her daughter. There was suddenly an odd look pervading Diane's normally relaxed manner. Elisa noticed this and furrowed her eyebrows at her mother.

"What, mom? What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Elisa, you look different to me. I can't tell how, though." Diane said. Her gaze was still somewhat off while looking at her daughter.

"Mom, you haven't seen me in over a month. It's obvious that I look different."

Diane shook her head passionately, as if there was something amiss.

"No, no, no, Elisa, it's something else."

"Mom, I'm not feeling the best right now. What with being kidnapped and all." Elisa said, jokingly. Her mood was light, but her mother's look was about to bring an end to her light mood. Her mother's eyes suddenly widened in realization.

"Elisa! Are you pregnant?" Diane Maza said, her eyes like those of a deer caught in the headlights. Elisa should have known better than to hide something of this nature from her mother, and scolded herself internally at her lapse in judgement.

"Well, uh…yes. Surprise." Elisa said weakly. Her mother's look remained cemented. Elisa became somewhat worried that her mother was going to snap on her at any moment, so she braced herself for what she might hear and said,

"Mom, say something. Please?"

After what felt like an eternity, Diane Maza seemed broken from her trance, and looked at her daughter again.

"Who is the father?" She said a little too calmly.

Elisa felt her face burning.

"Dracon is…but—"

"You mean that criminal who kidnapped you! You actually…" Diane nearly yelled.

"Mom! It's not like that! They injected me with something…"She pleaded, feeling an eerie sense of déjà vu, as if she had already gone through this exact scene with her mother. The feeling came from the nightmare that she had while in captivity in Portugal. The only difference between this moment and the nightmare was that her father was not present to share in the disapproval now. She was grateful for that.

Feeling the same reproach from her mother as she had felt in her nightmare, Elisa burst into tears unexpectedly. In the nightmare, she hadn't been able to stand up to her parent's disapproving looks and harsh words, and was afraid that this scene might end up like that one. Diane Maza had opened her mouth to retort when her daughter began crying. She closed her mouth, and her look became softer towards her daughter and her daughter's news.

It seemed like hours passed until mother and daughter spoke another word. Finally, after her sobs had quieted, Elisa had had enough of being silent. She refused to let this scene be an exact duplicate of her nightmare. She gathered all the self-confidence and self-reliance within herself and began to speak with a stronger voice.

"Mom," Elisa said, in this strengthening voice, wiping her eyes. "You know that this kidnapping was not my fault, and neither was anything that was done to me while I was being held."

She stopped to gage her mother's response. Her mother was crying herself quietly, looking down at her hands. Elisa breathed in to continue her defence, when her mother looked up at her through tear-filled eyes.

"Elisa, I am not blaming you for what has been done to you. My concern now is what you plan on doing with this child."

Elisa glared at her mother. She was suggesting either abortion or giving up this child whom she already loved and cherished so much.

"I plan on raising him or her. That's what I plan on doing, mom. How could you even ask me that?" Elisa demanded.

"You are going to carry this child to term! How? After everything that man did to you: Hurting you and tormenting you and forcing you to marry him!" Diane Maza nearly shouted at Elisa. Elisa didn't want to yell at her mother about something that was her decision to begin with. Elisa straightened her covers over her, and looked back at her mother matter-of-factly.

"Mom, regardless of how this child was created, I am already connected to him or her, and I will raise this child. After all, this is my son or daughter. I love this child." Tears were forming again in Elisa's eyes. She looked down at her stomach, and placed her hand on it.

Diane smiled at the gesture. She knew that her daughter always was, and always would be certain in her decisions, and if she had set her mind to something, she was going to stick to it, no matter what. This was turning out to be one of those times. In that second it took to think about her daughter's nature and character, she realised that she needed to support Elisa, not rebuke her in one of the most important choices in her life.

"Darling, you misunderstand my words. I am just worried about how you will raise this child on your own. It's difficult enough to have a child when you are married and in love, but in this way…" Diane shook her head. "I'm just worried about you, Elisa."

Elisa's hand went to her mother's.

"I have very good friends to help me raise this child, and ask for advice," Elisa smiled. For a split second, she thought of telling her mother that she was in love with one of those 'very good friends', but thought against it for fear of giving her mother a heart attack. iThat's a revelation for another day/iElisa thought.

"…And this child and I already have a great family to support us." Diane Maza's tears were flowing freely now, but she smiled heartily at her eldest daughter. She leaned over and hugged Elisa.

"Of course, Elisa. If this is your wish, then we are here for you and our grandchild." Diane realised what she had just said, and paused to contemplate that. "Our first grandchild…goodness, it's about time!" She smiled, and mother and daughter both laughed. Elisa thought of something and let her mother go for a second.

"Mom, don't tell dad until I am ready to tell him, ok? Promise?"

"I promise. Your father will probably react in the same way that I did at first, but he'll see it the way you see it. You two are very alike. Speaking of which, he's on his way up to see you." Diane smiled. Elisa suddenly became quiet. As if right on cue, there was a knock on the room door.
"Hello? Are my girls in there?" Peter Maza asked outside the door. Diane answered.
"Yes, Peter, come in." The door opened, and presented a wide-smiled Peter Maza, with his arms outstretched towards his daughter. Elisa and her father hugged momentarily. He then grabbed a chair, placed it beside that which his wife was sitting and kissed Diane quickly upon her lips.

Elisa began pondering whether or not she should tell her father now, or later. Better judgement overrode any sort of lie of omission she was concocting in her head, and she made her mind up to tell him now.

"So, kiddo, how've you been?" Peter asked his eldest daughter.

"Better, dad. I'm still a little tired from the sedative I was given, but otherwise, doing better." Elisa inhaled deeply before continuing.

"Actually, I need to tell you something, dad."

"What is it, Elisa?" Peter had no idea what this information might be, so there was a look of harmless curiosity on his face.

"Um…dad…I'm, uh…I'm pregnant, dad." She exhaled quickly. Peter's face was changed from curiosity to shock.

"What? How? When? And who is the father?" Her father asked, using his experience interrogating criminals to now ask 21 questions of his daughter.

Calmly, Elisa began.

"Dracon is the father, but it's not what you would think. I was artificially inseminated. I'm about a month along or so, and before you even ask, I iam/i keeping this child." Peter Maza leaned towards his daughter's face, as if to inspect her a little more closely.

"You sure about this, kiddo?" He asked sympathetically.

"Yea, dad, I am. You're going to be a grandfather." She smiled evenly, hoping to get a smile from him as well. She did, although his smile was larger.

"My little girl is having a baby! This is incredible! First we thought we had lost you, and now we have you back, plus a new addition to the Maza family!" Peter said happily to Diane, who was also smiling from ear to ear at this time. She squeezed Elisa's hand reassuringly. Peter bent down to his daughter and kissed her forehead, then gave her a loving hug.

"Wow, dad, I thought you'd be against this."

Peter looked at his daughter, and his look turned reflective.

"Elisa, it's like I said. I am so grateful that you were brought back to us. About this baby, it's your life, and if you can take care of him or her," he looked at Diane, smiling, "…with a little help from the grandparents of course, then I am happy that you are happy." Elisa couldn't be happier, actually. Her parents both approved of her pregnancy, she now had the love of a wonderful man—well, gargoyle—and everything seemed right in the world according to Elisa.

Elisa smiled. After a few minutes, Elisa hadn't said anything, so Peter and Diane understood that to be weariness. They got up, each kissed their daughter on the forehead, waved a loving goodbye, and left her room.

Elisa hadn't been tired, but something was making her think a little. What her mother before her father had entered the room had said stuck in Elisa's mind.

Father and child can be very alike, can't they, Elisa thought. This child will never be like Tony. I will do everything in my power to prevent it. I swear it.

After her parents left her, Elisa wanted to get out of bed. She went to the bathroom to freshen up after her last nap, walking slowly. Straightening her hair as she walked, she passed by the window and looked out onto the view that was awaiting her from one of the highest floors in the Eyrie building. It was the first time she had noticed that window there since she had been put into that room, and was at once glad to have it there. As she gazed outwards, she was astonished at how high she was, and how breathtaking her city was from above. Sure, she had been to the Statue of Liberty on Staten Island, and she had been to the Empire State Building, but the view from both monuments was nothing when compared to the view from this unusually tall building. Also, the sun was in just the right position to reflect off of another building in the distance, so it made the view of Manhattan that much more breathtaking, creating shadows and more reflections here and there. It seemed like the perfect scene for a postcard to Elisa. Perhaps it was the fact that she was just been saved from death and that she was given the chance to tell Goliath that she loved him, but she was appreciating things and looking at things a little differently lately. She looked down at her stomach and smiled.

"Maybe it's because of you, Little One," Elisa said to her unborn child. As she looked upon the scene before her, she continued her speech to her child.

"When you come into this world, I will show you everything that is good and pure about it. I will teach you everything that I know, and I'll even learn more so that I can teach you that, too. I will proudly introduce you to everyone I know. You already have a few 'uncles' and 'aunts' who will help me teach you to be a good person, inside and out." A smile crept onto Elisa's lips. "And when you meet Goliath, you will love him almost as much as I do. Almost." She added.

She splashed some water on her face, and put on the robe that was behind the bathroom door. She didn't know where to go, since this would be the first time she would be walking around outside of the room, so she went to the telephone, picked up the receiver and dialled zero. A male voice came on the line that Elisa knew all too well.

"Yes, Detective." The stoic voice of Owen Burnett came on. "It is nice to see that you are up and about. What can I do for you?"

"Owen, uh…can you show me around? I'm getting sort of bored up here…"

"Certainly, Detective Maza. I will be there shortly."

After hanging up the telephone receiver, Elisa made sure her robe was presentable (It looked like one of Fox's old robes, but 'old' just meant last season to Fox Xanatos, so Elisa was dressed in high fashion so to speak.) and sat on her bed, awaiting her escort.

Once he arrived, he showed her various other floors to the building, which, to her amazement, consisted of 49 floors, not including Castle Wyvern, which extended it only three more floors. By the time her tour was over, the sun was ready to set again. Feeling up to going to greet the gargoyles, Elisa thanked Owen for the tour, and took the elevator up to the courtyard. Thankfully, the waves of nausea had not bothered her while she was being shown around. She just prayed that the feeling didn't pop up while among the other members of the clan who didn't know about her pregnancy. She didn't want to have to deal with uncomfortable questions that would most certainly arise if they saw her throwing up.

As the sun fell beyond the horizon for another day, the clan awoke to see a smiling, but tired-looking Elisa awaiting them. They each jumped off their parapets and ran towards her to hug her. Broadway was the first.

He charged at her and hugged her so tightly she felt light headed. She knew that he meant well, though.

"Elisa, I'm so happy you are alright! We were so worried!" Broadway voiced, speaking on behalf of everyone, and being right about their sentiments. Lexington hugged Elisa when Broadway had finally dropped her on her feet again.

"Yeah, I didn't get a chance to talk to you after Xanatos brought you home. You look so much better today!" Lexington added. It was now Angela's turn to hug her friend. Lexington stepped to the side to let Angela get her turn.

"Oh Elisa! Broadway is right. You scared us!" Angela cried, hugging Elisa tightly as well. Elisa didn't have a second to respond before another clan member would hug her. Brooklyn was next.

"Elisa, I'm so relieved that you are safe and sound." Brooklyn hugged her like a brother would a sister, then let go and smiled to her. Stepping aside, Hudson came up and hugged Elisa.

"Welcome back. Ya do look much better this evenin', lass." He hugged her briefly and then noticed that someone else wanted their time with her. Goliath stood behind Hudson, smiling at the scene he was witnessing. He observed as his entire clan, even Bronx who jumped up and licked Elisa's face, had come together to welcome back their human friend, and his love. Hudson stepped aside to let Goliath pass. Once in front of her, Goliath's smile was even larger. He put a hand on her shoulder and asked, "Are you sure you are alright? Are you strong enough to walk about the castle? I am not complaining, however—"

"I'm fine, Goliath." She smiled. "Nice to see you, too. Everyone else gave me a hug, so where is yours?" She asked playfully. Goliath seemed to blush temporarily, then bent down and hugged Elisa loosely, remembering her injuries, but still with an adoration that permeated the room so that it was detectable to all. As he hugged her, he breathed in the smell of her hair and her skin. Though she hadn't been at home, and using her regular shampoos or body washes, she still somehow smelled the way he knew before her kidnapping. After letting go of her, with a permanent smile of contentment on his noble face, they all walked into the castle and sat in the common living room, where Xanatos had put two new sofas and where the large television and new computer were located. Goliath walked behind Elisa, ensuring she was alright. He would have held her hand or her arm, but he knew her fiercely independent nature, and even the slightest bit of babying would result in a lecture, even in her somewhat weakened state.

Once they were all in the castle, the clan sat as close to Elisa as they could and began telling her about what she missed during the month that she had been kidnapped. They sat for a short while, relaying events to her. Then Xanatos entered the living room area. The clan turned to face him.

"Hello, everyone. I trust you all slept well." He said cheerfully. He then turned to Elisa.

"Detective, you are definitely looking much better than last night. How are you feeling?"

"Better, too. Thank you for helping the clan take me home." Elisa said graciously. She hated having to thank Xanatos for anything, considering her history of hating him for his quarrels with her brother as well as the gargoyles, but he had saved her life, so, again she was seeing things differently, and thought it best to perhaps start anew with Xanatos. In a gesture that would have been considered an act of absolution, she reached for his hand. Xanatos smiled and shook it.

"No need to thank me, Detective. Consider it as repaying one of the many debts I owe to you and the clan. Now, I will try to repay another. Though I know that the gargoyles would greatly enjoy your continued stay here, I know that you are getting restless, and would like to return to your apartment. What concerns me is that it was quite easy for you to be kidnapped from there, so I think that perhaps we should relocate you to another building." Goliath nodded.

"Aye. That sounds like a fine idea. Your apartment is not safe. If it was that easy for someone to kidnap you from your own home, then it is best to find another home." Goliath added, ensuring he didn't use Dracon's name. He was unsure how the use of his name would affect Elisa.

Elisa shook her head. "I don't want to leave my place. I have a lot of memories there—"

"But are they all good ones?" Angela asked, cautiously. Elisa resigned, and bowed her head down. The image of that man standing over her while she lay in her bed came to mind, and she shuddered at the thought of that ever happening again. She shook her head.

"You're right, Angela. But where would I go? I don't feel up to packing my things and going apartment-hunting is not my favourite of things to do…"

Xanatos' hand shot up.

"I have everything taken care of. I have movers waiting until you say the word to pack your things for you, and move them, and I have already spoken to your parents about this as well. They will help look through listings and go with you if need be to check them out."

Elisa hated this about Xanatos; he was always prepared for your answer, regardless of whether or not it was a positive or negative one.

"I don't know…"

"Elisa," Goliath started, "You should not stay where you can be easily targeted again. Please, take Xanatos' offer." He placed a hand on her shoulder and looked into her eyes. She made a face, then realised that her pride could not come before the welfare of her unborn child; a child that only Goliath knew of. If she was targeted again, who knows what would become of her child. She nodded slowly and reluctantly.

"Ok, fine, Xanatos. First thing in the morning, we'll start looking."

"Excellent. See you tomorrow, then. Good evening everyone." He said, pleased. He began to walk away when a thought occurred to him. "Oh, Detective, the press will want a statement from you tomorrow afternoon. Be ready for anything, and remember what we discussed about how you were rescued…" He smiled and then departed, leaving the clan resuming their conversation about the events during Elisa's time away.

After Lexington told of how he had made a new online buddy, and how Matt Bluestone had been to visit them a few times during her absence, Elisa's stomach began to turn again. She tried to squelch the urge to vomit, but to no avail. In the middle of Hudson's discussion about how some new anti-gargoyles group called the Quarrymen had begun to recruit people through late-night television commercials, Elisa silently got up and ran towards the nearest bathroom. Goliath and Angela followed her.

The door was closed, but Goliath and Angela could hear the sounds of Elisa heaving painfully, along with the sound of the toilet flushing a few times. After five minutes of straight flushing, the door to the bathroom opened and out came an exhausted and pale Elisa.

"Elisa, are you alright?" Angela asked. Goliath looked at Elisa, searching her face for the answer himself. Wiping her chin of the water she had just splashed on her face, Elisa nodded slowly.

"Yea, I'm just sick." Elisa hoped that would stick for now. Goliath motioned for Angela to go back to the clan.

"I will take her back to her room, Angela. Tell the others she was a little tired and needed some rest." Angela agreed and walked back towards the living room. Goliath turned to Elisa, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"My love, are you sure you are alright?" He asked. Elisa's façade of being capable of walking around was finally wearing off. Her look grew tired and almost weak.

"I guess not. I think I should go back to my room now. Take me? I want to tell you about my day before I go back to bed."

"Of course, Elisa." He held her by the shoulder as they walked to the elevator.

Once back in Elisa's room, Goliath tucked her in, and brushed a stray hair from her forehead, tucking it behind her ear.

"Elisa, you need to rest. After all, you are expecting a child." Goliath said.

"I'm only a month along. Wait until I'm 8 and a half months along—I'll want to rest all the time. That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about: my mom knows I'm pregnant." She replied.

"That is good. You could not keep this large a secret from her, whether you would like to or not."

Elisa nodded.

"Yea, I know, but she said something that made me think. She said that my father and I are very similar. It worried me because I started thinking that maybe this child will be like Dracon in ways that I won't be able to control. I'm scared."

Goliath smiled an assuring smile.

"This child's biology is unimportant. I have confidence that you will raise this child to be good person. Being Dracon's son or daughter will not effect how this child's character develops. I know you will make sure he or she is raised properly."

She took his hand in hers.

"And with you and the clan to be there for this child, I am sure that I will be proud of my son or daughter for the person he or she becomes."

Goliath leaned down and kissed Elisa gently on her lips. Sighing, Elisa leaned back upon her pillow and smiled at him. Suddenly remembering her mental note to herself that morning, her smile faded.

"Goliath, where is Dracon? What happened to him? Did they arrest him or did he escape?"

Goliath had been afraid of the following conversation to take place, but knew it had to be done. He inhaled deeply and began.

"Elisa, what do you remember about the last few minutes before you went unconscious?"

"I remember Dracon unbuckling his pants…why? Was he—was he planning on raping me? I can't remember. Damnit, the drugs really messed with my head. God…" Elisa put a hand on her forehead, closing her eyes. Goliath felt regret for bringing the issue up, but he felt it would be the only way she would forgive him for killing Dracon; it was to defend her.

"He intended to violate you, yes. I saw him speak to you in a manner that you should never be spoken to, ever, and then he told you he was going to consummate your marriage. I charged at him and took him to a cliff a few miles away. I was going to leave him there alone, but…all you need concern yourself with is that he is dead. I watched him die. You will never be harmed by him again, my Elisa."

Her face showed signs of relief.

"Thank you, Goliath. You are my guardian angel." Elisa said, a few tears falling from her eyes at the confirmation that Dracon was gone forever.

"You are not angry that I killed him?" Goliath asked, confused.

"No, not at all. I know I should be, because he could have been sent to jail for life for something like this, and it's my job to put away creeps like that, but I know that I would forever be looking over my shoulder, not to mention the fact that I would always be worried that he would try to take my child away. It is impossible now, Goliath. Thank you, my love. Thank you." She smiled through her tears of relief.

"You are most welcome, Elisa." Goliath reached down, cupping her cheek in his massive hand, and pressed his lips to hers again, putting an end to that conversation.

"What is wrong with Elisa, lass?" Hudson asked Angela as she re-entered the living area of the castle.

"Uh…she threw up. I don't know why, but Goliath walked her back to her room in the medical ward. She looked exhausted." Angela relayed.

"Oh, it must be that flu that they've been talking about on the news lately. It's getting around!" Lexington suggested. The rest of the gargoyles nodded their agreement. Hudson, on the other hand, put a hand under his chin and furrowed his brow in thought.

Trying to remember events from a millennium ago, he could have sworn that he had seen a human female acting in this manner. And the flu was not as common in those days. He tried to remember why she had looked so exhausted and was seen dashing to a nearby bush to vomit. Gasping as he realised why the human woman had been so ill, he rose from his recliner and began walking towards the door to see Elisa.

"Where are you going, Hudson?" Brooklyn asked.

"I need to visit with Elisa."

"I don't think that's a good idea. Father had to help her walk back to her room. She might even be asleep by now. Perhaps you can wait until tomorrow night to speak with her."

Hudson realised this was a better idea. Maybe she doesn't know about her condition herself, he thought.

"Yes, lass, that will be a better idea." With that, Hudson walked back to his recliner, and got comfortable again.

Somewhere in Queens, New York, 11:42pm…

A short, stout man wearing a black trench coat walked along Liberty Avenue, carrying a large duffle bag in his left hand, and a folded paper in his right. He was searching for an address, which was written on the paper. He looked down to the address printed in red ink on the paper, and scanned the nearby buildings for the street number. His eyes finally closed in on the right number located on the other side of the street; it was a building that, on the lower floor, was a Guyanese roti shop. Cautiously, he crossed the street after a car passed by. As he approached the door, he made out a hand-written sign on the door, stating, "QM Meeting 11:45". Confirming that he had the right place with the sign, he knocked. Instantly, a man in a dark blue hood opened the door and let the plump man in.

The two men climbed a series of steps until finally reaching another door. The hooded man knocked on the door in Morse code for SOS, and the door opened. The podgy man nodded to the hooded man and stepped inside the room, where the QM meeting was already underway.

Looking around the room, he saw that it was an old dance studio that had been converted to a meeting room with dozens of chairs in rows, and a podium in front. In those dozens of chairs were dozens of people, both male and female. They looked like a very scattered bunch, from all walks of life. Some looked almost homely, as if they hadn't taken a shower in a few weeks, and others seemed to have come out of a fashion magazine, especially one woman who caught his eye.

She had long, straight blonde hair, a heart-shaped face, and the most sincere looking eyes he had ever seen. Low and behold, there was a seat next to her that was unoccupied. He took his chance, and sat beside her. After sitting for a few seconds, trying to think of ways to talk to her, he looked over to her and asked, "When is this meeting supposed to start?"

The blonde turned to him, and replied, "In a few minutes."

"Oh. I just got here, and I thought I might be late." He outstretched his hand to her. "I'm Ray."

She shook his hand, smiled, and said, "I'm Robin. Nice to meet you. I take it this is your first Quarrymen meeting?" Ray nodded.

"How can you tell?" She giggled a bit.

"Because you would know that these meetings are always a little behind schedule so that we can accommodate as many people walking in as possible. The more support we have, the sooner we can rid our city of the gargoyle nuisance."

That was exactly was Ray wanted: he wanted those monsters wiped out. That was the reason that he hurriedly scribbled down the address that he had seen on a commercial late at night. He wanted to do his part to make sure Manhattan was safe again.

Just then, a lean, blond man walked up to the podium. He had his hair slicked back and had a pencil-thin moustache on his upper lip. He tapped the microphone lightly, testing the loudness. The dozens of people in the room went silent at his approach to the podium.
"Friends, I want to thank you for coming here tonight for another Quarryman's meeting. I see some new faces among us, so welcome." The blond man said, in his light English accent. Ray settled into his seat, knowing that this was where he needed to be, and that what the man was going to say would be important.