Disclaimer: Me no own Naruto.

Taste Test

He'd long since learned to ignore the fear-filled stares and hateful glares of any who knew him; open curiosity was a bit new to Gaara of the Desert though. He moved to sit in an empty stool in front of the counter that Naruto indicated, unstrapping and setting his gourd down as he did so.

"Yo! Ojisan! Two miso ramens please!" Naruto exclaimed with a wide grin. The man behind the counter looked over at Gaara for a few moments before smiling easily and nodding. No doubt he had been wondering just how Naruto had managed to drag the visiting Kazekage along on his infamous excursion to Ichiraku. Gaara was quite curious himself.

A few minutes later, a steaming bowl of ramen was placed before him. Breaking apart his chopsticks, he murmured "Itadakimasu," and put some of noodles into his mouth, careful not to slurp.

Naruto, surprisingly enough, had yet to touch his own bowl; he was too intent on Gaara's reaction to his favorite food. "Well?" he badgered anxiously, leaning forward on his own stool.

Gaara slowly turned his head toward Naruto, still chewing. He swallowed and licked his lips experimentally. Tilting his head to one side, he replied, "You taste better."


A/N: Yay for random drabbles! Now review! ...please?
