Chapter 15: Wedding

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Forgotten Realms in any way shape or form… I down the OC's though.

A/N: Hey cool another chapter of this fic and the one many of you have been waiting for… THE WEDDING!

Anyway as some of you might have noticed I have branched out into D.Gray-man and I have to say that is one of the best Mange and Anime's I have ever watched in a long time, but don't worry my normal readers my normal beta is still working on the stories you know and love but she douse those ever now and then.

Anyway enjoy and leave a review… oh also I am working on Dragon Lords two for those of who keep asking so please don't worry I well carry on with it.

Chapter 15: Wedding.

Time slowed.

People started to run from the Death Eaters and time crawled. At first no one noticed the figure robed in black and red. No one noticed until he fell from above, from the masking enchantment of the Great Hall's ceiling. Time crawled for everyone except the robed figure who fell, landing unharmed and on his feet from the ceiling's lofty height.

This should have been enough of a warning of something out of the ordinary to Death Eaters and guests alike. It should have been, but no one reacted to his sudden appearance, at least not until he moved, a simple motion, raising his right hand out before him in a gesture normally used to halt some action, word or deed.

His raised palm faced the Death Eaters and the incoming green bolts of the killing curses. As the tableau of panic played out, the irresistible force of the killing curses met the immovable object of the invisible spell shield an inch before his raised palm.

Time seemed to get over its slow grind and returned to normal with an influx of shouts and screams of fear, anger and frustration.

It was supposed to be impossible to stop a killing curse. No word had been uttered to throw a counter spell, which would only have countered one curse, not all five, by the simple expedient of raising a palm against the onrushing death.

It was simply impossible.

Bellatrix, not believing someone had so effortlessly stepped in to stop her from killing Hermione, shrieked and snapped out an order to her followers, yet it appeared not to be the Death Eaters day.

Before her shrieking voice had fallen silent there was a blur, white hair flying, scimitars flashing and Drizzt was wading into the battle. The slender blade of one scimitar cut into the hip of one Death Eater and his scream of pained disbelief was silenced by the second blade.

It was over before it really began.

Aerie and Liriel cast a spell each, their magic grasping the Death Eaters securely. Bellatrix screamed again as she felt the magic take hold and despite her best efforts she found herself held, unable to break the constraints of the Hold Person spell Aerie had focused on her. Unprepared for the use of a very different form of magic being used against her, Bellatrix could only rage in silence.

Harry had not moved except to lightly hold Hermione, whom he now smiled at before moving to look into the frozen eyes of Bellatrix and note the insane, burning hatred glaring at him.

"You know I spent most of that first summer after you killed Sirius thinking up ways to kill you. Now I've had considerable time to think on this, and those who know what has happened will, I feel, agree with my reasoning."

Harry turned to observe the figure which had moved to take his place beside Hermione. The black and red robes swayed gently, as though to a breeze no one else could feel. The handsome aquiline face was calm, eyes closed as he dealt with the dissipation of the killing energy absorbed through the energy wall he had created.

As the guests settled Harry waited, watching the tall form until eyes as black as night opened and returned Harry's regard.

To everyone's surprise Harry bowed from the waist to the dark robed man, straightening slowly to once more meet the eyes where simmering power could be seem by any who dared meet his gaze.

"Merinid, have you room in your realm for this bitch and her friends?"

His robes seemed to move independent of his movement as he took a step toward Harry and more than one of the watching people thought they detected a dark shimmer about his form. Near him the leaves in the crystalline ice forest shimmered, tinkling to some unseen breeze, or perhaps to a current of energy.

"More than sufficient, Harry. Have you anything special in mind for this one?" A long, fine boned hand raised, index finger pointing to Bellatrix.

"Mr. Potter, might I remind you at this point these people are criminals, and have the right to a trial before any sentencing is carried out?" Minister Fudge appeared from the guests, walking forward, flanked by four of his best Auror's all of whom had wands in hand and ready, aimed at the four Death Eaters.

"Minister, they attacked me at my wedding and as such, by one of your own laws, I have the right to decide what to do with them. I can give you the century, year, Act and sub category numbers of the clause a little later if you please. Besides, you didn't give Sirius Black any trial worth mentioning, so I'm not particularly inclined to wave my right to give them one." Harry did not even look at the Minister, instead he returned to Hermione's side. "And besides, it does not really pay to tick that man off once he stakes a claim to someone."

Fudge blustered in protest and Merinid sighed, turning to Harry, clearly not amused with the delay.

"I assure you he is not going to kill them, Minister, merely detain them. Merinid, please. Take them and see they can not return to this world, or cause trouble in the other. We will deal with them after the war is over… or perhaps she could make herself useful and offer some information?"

Merinid paced forward, circling the Death Eaters who survived, now bound by material bonds and pulled to one side to stand away from Bellatrix. "And the others? How long might I find suitable entertainment for them within my realm?"

For those who were in the right position to see, including Minister Fudge, one hand rose and shifted shape subtly. The change was small at first, slightly elongated fingernails grew into six inch long talons, the hand itself stretching and distorting to accommodate the length and the flesh darkened to a dusky black hue.

Harry resisted the urge to smirk at the look on the Death Eaters faces as they were held mesmerized by that clawed hand. He was unsurprised, however, when Bellatrix stared right back at Merinid, challenging him openly with a look that stated he would not break her. Briefly he wondered if the information the minions of the God of Murder would be the ones entertaining her would affect her confident smirk, but he had no intention of revealing just who this particular guest at his wedding was.

"Any information which could be gathered would no doubt prove to be useful. Provided they are healthy enough to stand trial when the war is done, I am certain Minister Fudge would not object to our easing the strain on Azkaban."

"Very well Harry." Merinid smiled and his dark eyes hardened, one talon gently running along the curve of Bellatrix's jaw. "I have a servant who has not had a friend, let alone a female friend, to keep him company for millennium. I'm sure he could find something with which to entertain you. I advise you not to make the mistake of thinking him a joke when you see him. He does not take kindly to laughter, and evil maniacal laughter is certain to get his temper up. If you are lucky he might allow you to learn how to properly scrub a dungeon floor. It is, I am informed, a fine art form, if done properly."

There was a flash of black light and Merinid and the Death Eaters were gone, leaving Minister Fudge looking anything but cool, calm and collected. Harry was not certain if he could describe the Minister as looking like a child deprived of a new toy, or a man in desperate need of a latrine.

Harry looked around to find Cho and Mr. Lovegood standing to one side of the Great Hall, their Quick Quills writing furiously to record the events of the wedding. The two were the only reporters permitted to attend and Hermione had even gone so far as to request an anti bug ward, thus depriving everyone's least favorite beetle reporter from attending in secret.

Hermione smiled, the soon to be Mrs. Potter only too happy to have him rejoin her.

"Well people, this is a wedding and I won't allow anything to stop us from finishing it." Harry beamed at the guests. "If you could bide a moment while we clean up after the excitement, we can get the Wedding of the Year underway."

After a long moment of silence there was a general migration back to hastily vacated seats, the Minister for Magic being the first to regain his chair. Other members of the Council were present and Harry noticed Narcissa Malfoy looked happy, though whenever anyone spoke to her she hid her emotions behind her usual cold mask. She was seated just behind the seats of those whom Harry and Hermione considered family and he determined to have a word with her later.

Filch appeared with Mrs. Norris and cleaned up the blood spilt when Drizzt had taken the Death Eater down. In short order the Great Hall was restored to order, guests assisting at reassembling neat and orderly rows of chairs knocked aside in their hasty migration.

"Nicely done, Mr. Potter. Very nicely done."

Jarlaxle's voice from the shadows at the rear of the hall drew Harry's attention and he watched as the flamboyant Dark Elf offered a hat sweeping bow before vanishing. He had accomplished his part of the exercise by getting the Death Eaters into the school to perform their nefarious deed. It was hardly his fault if those assigned the task of killing Hermione had failed so miserably and he would be sure to smile sympathetically when the Dark Lord was informed of the outcome.

A faint ripple of power passed through the Great Hall and Harry knew Merinid had returned, though he could not see him. The last of the chairs was righted and Filch departed with his mop and bucket and Harry stared deeply into the veiled face of his soon to be wife, cradling her hands in his as they savored the moment.

Everyone watched the happy couple and some of the girls, who had been subjecting Hermione to evil looks for removing Harry from the Wizarding Worlds most eligible bachelor list, even looked happy for them.

"Now where were we?" Harry murmured.

Harry composed himself as he was reminded they were supposed to be taking their vows and he smiled, his voice only just reaching those at the rear of the hall.

"Hermione I have known you for seven years and during that time you have proven to be a loyal and good friend and a true companion in adversity. I remember how we first meet and I remember how we became friends. The only thing I would change about our past is that I would like to have become your friend sooner."

There were a few amused murmurs from the audience, but the hall had a hushed quality to it as people strained to hear what was being said.

"You supported me through the years. You helped with Professor Snape's test for the Philosopher's Stone and in second year I had my heart in my mouth watching you lying in the hospital, petrified. It was you who first worked out a Basilisk was attacking the students, not me. In third year you were willing to front Sirius, before we found out he was not my parent's Keeper of Secrets, and you helped save his life from the Dementors kiss. In fourth year you were the only one who believed me when I said I didn't put my name in the Goblet of Fire and you helped me get ready for each test, denying your own studies to help me get through those tests alive."

Not so much as a murmur disturbed the silence in the Great Hall as Harry paused. He was smiling at Hermione and beneath her veil she was smiling gently back.

"It was you in fifth year who talked me into leading the D.A's. I led them then for you and for your willingness to learn whatever I could teach. I learned then that it is better to listen to you rather than fly off half cocked and get loved one's hurt. Last year you helped me to get over the death of the only father I had. You have always been there for me, Hermione and I say to you, before this entire gathering, that I swear to love and honor you. To care and protect you from this day on."

Harry brought Hermione's hand up to his lips and lightly kissed her fingers, glimpsing a single tear roll slowly down her cheek beneath the veil.

Taking a deep breath Hermione locked her eyes with Harry's.

"Harry, you have helped me to survive for the last seven years. You have shown me there is more to life than books and the knowledge they contain. There is also love and friendship, and you showed me how they are more important than books. I heard it was you who remembered I didn't know of the troll loose in Hogwarts in our first year here. I would not be alive now if not for you. I would do anything for you, Harry. I would stand before death with you any day, any time. I know that as long as you are with me, there is nothing for me to fear."

A few whispered comments came from the guests but Hermione ignored them, taking a deeper breath and plunging on with her vows.

"I remember how distant you were over the summer in our sixth year, and I remember everything you have ever done for me. I swear to you, before these witnesses, that I will love and honor you and I will care and protect you from this day on." She gave Harry's hands a tight squeeze, exchanging a smile with him.

Without another word Harry held out his hand to Ron, Hermione doing the same to Ginny and each was handed a ring. The ring Ginny gave to Hermione was a gold band, engraved with a wolf's head and with a single emerald where the eye for the wolf was defined. The ring Ron passed to Harry was a white gold band with a diamond centered in a bed of small blue sapphires.

"With this ring, I take you, Hermione Jane Granger, to be my wife. I will honor you and protect you, love and cherish you and our children from this day on. Hermione, let this ring be a symbol to all of my love and devotion to you." Harry took Hermione's left hand and slid the diamond and sapphire ring onto her finger.

Hermione, all beaming smiles, took Harry's hand and slid the wolf ring to the first knuckle of his finger before speaking.

"With this ring I take you, Harry James Potter, to be my husband. I will honor you and protect you from this day forward and cherish you and our children. Harry, let the world see this ring as a symbol of my love for you and of our marriage." With the final word she pushed the ring all the way onto Harry's finger and looked up into his face, smiling.

Smiling right back Harry reached up and slowly pulled Hermione's veil up, smoothing it gently down the back of her head. Looking into her chocolate brown eyes he leaned forward as Hermione leaned to meet him and they kissed, ever so softly, neither noticing Colin Creevey take the first photo of the wedding, capturing their kiss.

They did, however, notice the approving calls of the guests. As they parted the newly married couple looked out over the guests. Liriel and Aerie were in the front row with the Weasley family, minus Ron and Ginny. The other six members of the Council of Seven, Catherine smiling happily at them both, were seated behind Hermione's family. Liriel nodded to them, holding Vierna gently in her arms while Drizzt stood next to her, also smiling at the newly made husband and wife. Aerie was smiling happily while holding her daughter, Amra, and her gaze flitted up into the enchanted ceiling where she knew her husband watched and approved.

Harry looked at everyone and then, grinning broadly, reached into his robes and pulled out a wand. Unlike his wand this one was shorter, though fashioned from the same wood. "I would like to thank everyone for coming to our wedding. Now if everyone would like to wait out in the entry hall, we will sign the register while the Hall is prepared for dinner."

With a wave of the wand the hall doors opened to reveal a large snack table had been set up to one side of the hall, and a smaller table on which rested a fluffy quill pen and documents was set opposite it. The guests began to file out and Harry and Hermione waited for everyone to leave before making their way out of the hall and as they did so Jewel and Dobby appeared to supervise the house elves of Hogwarts in setting up for the reception.

Outside the now sealed Great Hall Harry and Hermione, with their attendants, proceeded to sign the wedding register and before long were the focus of attention for Colin as he began to take the photos. First photographs of the Bride and Groom were taken, then moving on to include the Best Man and Maid of Honor. The photo session moved steadily through family and friends, with the Bride and Groom and the members of the Council of Seven, including some of Hermione's parents standing with the Council.

Just as Colin finished taking a photo of Hermione's parents, the bridal couple and the Council of Seven and Harry's Uncle Shane, Ginny and Hermione's close friends descended on Hermione with hungry, expectant looks.

"You know, I think they want you to throw the bouquet." Harry, his arm around Hermione's shoulders chuckled, watching the approaching girls.

Ginny, with Lavender right behind her was laughing quietly to a comment made by one of the other girls in the group. Harry could see the Parvati twins and even Luna in the crush, but Tonks, Cho and Catherine stood to one side, apart from the group.

/ That won't do. We need to get them into this as well, Harry my love. / She thought to him, inclining her head toward the three standing to one side.

Catherine had certainly been watching for she shook her head slightly at Hermione and pushed Tonks and Cho unceremoniously into the group of single young women. Hermione inclined her head toward Catherine and glancing at Harry the pair made their way to the grand staircase, Harry climbing three steps and Hermione two. With her back to the watching guests and the participants gathering at the foot of the stairs Hermione watched Harry pull out the wand he had had made from Drow hair and the Avarial feather.

"Here goes." Hermione whispered, composing herself she jumped a little to gain a bit of added height as she tossed the flowers over her shoulder.

Quick as a flash Harry's wand flicked and Hermione's eyes widened dramatically as she felt the garter she wore slip from her leg and saw it fly into Harry's waiting hand.

"Harry! I don't believe you did that." She stared at him in shock as he dangled the garter between finger and thumb.

"I had to get it eventually and this way you didn't have to show off your leg to the guests." Harry snickered. "I'm the only one to admire those sexy legs of yours today. Look."

Hermione poked her tongue out at Harry and smartly turned to find Tonks standing with a dumb founded look on her face and the bouquet crushed between her arms and her chest. Hermione was fairly sure Tonks had not been trying to catch the flowers and she was receiving some dirty looks from the other young ladies.

"Take it as a sign Tonks!" Harry called, grinning from ear to ear as the guests laughed with delight. Harry held up the garter and his grin grew wolfish as he shook it gently, watching the young eligible men hustle the women out of the way in hopes of catching the garter. "Later, guys."

Moans of disappointment and protest broke out and Harry found his heart swelling in happiness as he looked out over everyone gathered. This was the quality of friends they had, laughing and happy and joking even after they were attacked by Death Eaters and his smile turned feral, his eyes glinted evilly and in a quick move he tossed the garter up and out.

A chorus of delighted laughter broke out and Harry wondered which of the twins it was who had had the garter land on his bright head until the other twin, laughing outrageously, started a chant of Fred, Fred!

Fred reached up slowly and removed the garter, staring at it for a few seconds before turning and shooting a beaming smile at Angelina, starting for her with a swagger in his walk. Angelina huffed and moved away, only to have Fred increase his pace and with a small squeal Angelina was off, running with Fred in hot pursuit and the guests erupted into laughter, egging them on.

Thoroughly enjoying the fun Harry embraced Hermione and they stood on the steps and watched the antics of their friends. After the worry of meeting any attack successfully Harry was determined to enjoy the wedding celebration.

The doors to the Great Hall opened and both Dobby and Jewel stepped out and took up positions on either side of the doors. The black and red robed figure of Merinid stood in the middle of the doorway and he had no trouble drawing attention to his imposing figure.

"Ladies and gentleman, if one might have your attention." In seconds there was silence and Merinid inclined his head. "The reception awaits."

Merinid inclined his head, sweeping a hand behind him into the Great Hall and as he did so his children, shielded by an invisibility spell cast by Gorion, appeared behind him.

Gorion wore his customary purple though these robes were trimmed with silver, his elegant wings arching a little as he bowed formally before moving aside. His sister Jastra wore an elegant evening gown of fine deep red silk, cut low in back to permit her wings freedom, folded neatly at her back as she dropped a curtsey. Standing at her side was her brother, Aravilar, dressed in his customary forest leathers and cloak, all newly crafted especially for the occasion.

"If you would form an isle for the Bride and Groom?" Merinid instructed.

The guests seem to shift a step or two and suddenly there was a wide isle for Harry and Hermione to walk through. Escorting his wife down the isle Harry paused as they came to Merinid and the two exchanged a firm hand shake, then Hermione stepped forward and, standing on tip toe, she kissed Merinid. The dark robed man inclined his head, dark eyes smiling and he stepped to one side, permitting the couple to enter the hall where the twins escorted them to the head table now resplendent for the wedding feast.

Ron and Lavender were next to move and then people were moving around them and drifting into the great hall, the bride and groom's attendants making their way to the high table, and Merinid's children taking charge of escorting the Council of Seven's representatives to their table.

Around the hall were tables large enough to seat ten people, snowy white tablecloths and attractive flower displays crowning their centre. The tables were set around the perimeter of the hall, the ice forest seeming to enclose them in a great forest clearing, with a clear dancing area lightly dusted in snow in the centre.

When everyone was seated Harry stood at his place at the high table and lightly tapped a fork against a crystal goblet to attract their attention.

"I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone for coming and sharing with us what is the happiest day of my life. I know it is traditional for a lot of speeches to be made, but I think we are all friends here and you will understand when I take a leaf out of Professor Dumbledore's book. A short speech to set the mood, and longer speeches later. So, enjoy your meal. Dig in."

The House Elves of Hogwarts were, as always, exemplary with their timing and a fine selection of meats and food appeared on each table, with white and red wines to compliment each dish and the obligatory pumpkin juice for those who did not indulge.

Merinid, unnoticed as he moved through the fantasy ice forest, watched with quiet amusement. He was a proud father and well aware of the attention paid to his sons by the young women present. They were seated with their mother at a table set close to the bridal party, where they could keep an eye on things and act quickly should there be another interruption by the Dark Lord's minions.

"It looks as though my boys will have full dance cards tonight," He murmured, passing behind the table set aside for the Council representatives, moving on to the table where the Hogwarts staff enjoyed their meal.

As he passed he waved a hand elegantly and a chicken leg, baked and seasoned to perfection, flew into his hand. Wearing a Ring of Sustenance curtailed the need to eat, but Merinid always appreciated a well cooked meal. He was mildly entertained by the amount of young males making calf eyes at his daughter and stomped on his surge of parental overprotection. He had taught Jastra well enough how to defend herself, and long ago she had informed him, in no uncertain terms, she could scream loud and long for him if she ever needed his aid with a hot blooded suitor.

The meal was progressing well, everyone enjoying themselves. Two courses were completed and swept away by the House Elves magic when Ron, looking as though he would like to run, stood tall and tapped a spoon against his glass. He was very conscious of the duties of a Best Man and it was better to get the speech done before he totally lost his nerve.

"Well, it has come to that time, people. The speech giving; and I guess you all pretty much know I would rather be bolting out the door, rather than standing up here like this."

A low round of genuine amusement made the rounds of the tables, Harry and Hermione grinning at their best friend, appreciating the courage it took for him to stand up before so many people.

"First I would like to say congratulations on behalf of all the people here to the newlyweds, but Harry, Hermione, have you considered what this means for some of us? I mean, we could hear you before in our dorm rooms and now, after a few months of silence, we are all going to have to suffer again. Not to mention that ever single girl here will now want a wedding as grand and just as pretty as this one."

Ron grinned wickedly at the blushing couple and then smiled at Lavender, who was shaking her head at him before continuing. He did not dare look at his mother for fear he might not see an amused smile but the promise of parental retribution instead.

"I hope you have a long and happy marriage and that you remember to name me the Godfather of any and all new Potters which might be forthcoming. To the newlyweds." He held up his wineglass and took a sip, the other diners emulating the action and offering a smattering of applause.

Ron sat down and a five tier cake, snow white and crowned with doves and delicate little flowers, appeared on the bridal table. Shane stood and saluted the couple with his glass, offering a speech praising the Bride and her attendants for their beauty and welcoming Hermione into the family, expressing his delight at the thought of his family growing.

Outside the castle the army of light, led by Wulgar, circled the castle. They had known there must be an attack and arrangements had been made, but now the expected attack had come and they had permitted the survivor to escape to carry news of the incident to Voldemort, they determined there would be no surprises. Wulgar had determined Harry and Hermione would have a quiet night and no army would be marching on Hogwarts while he was in charge.

In the Great Hall Harry and Hermione stood, knife in hand, laughing as they cut the wedding cake. With a cheer and much applause the guests expressed their appreciation and to a wave of Professor McGonagall's wand the knife began to cut the cake neatly and fill plates set to one side of the table. Another swish of the wand and the plates floated to the tables which filled magically with ice cream and Christmas Puddings and all manner of desserts to tempt the taste buds.

Harry wondered if he could ever stop smiling, so happy was he. He and Hermione shared a piece of wedding cake and stared deeply into each others eyes. He had never felt so happy and producing his wand he swished it deftly and the present Tonks had brought rocketed through the doors to land on the table before Hermione.

"From Tonks, Love. I know we said no presents, but she had brought this a long time before we decided to even send invitations out."

Hermione nodded and carefully began to unwrap the carefully wrapped pink paper. Harry in the mean time, contemplated his new 12 inch holly and Avarial feather, Drow cored wand. Mr. Ollivander had expressed an interest in creating more, praising the components used in the crafting of the device as being most suitable for the conduction of magic.

"Ooohh!" Hermione's soft squeal drew Harry to find his bride literally blushing cherry red and then she was staring at Harry. "Remind me to jinx her later." She whispered.

Harry blinked, glancing at Tonks who was smirking at Hermione's reaction and he leaned forward to see what had been gifted. A book the size of a notebook peeked back at him through the pink wrapping, and Harry could just make out the title.

One Hundred and One Magical Ways to Please Your Lover.

Harry could feel himself coloring in a deep blush. "I think I'll be joining you."

Tonks grinned cheekily and Aerie leaned in to her and to Harry's horror he saw Tonks whisper and Aerie laughed, clearly delighted.

"Bugger the jinx, Love. I'm going for an all out curse!" He whispered.

Following the eating of dessert and the wedding cake Harry, with a little prompting from Shane, rose and held his hand out to Hermione, who smiled at him as the soft strains of a waltz started up a little louder than it had been through out the dinner. Hermione, blushing prettily, took the offered hand and Harry led her onto the dance floor, gently placing her arms around his shoulders and she laid her head on his chest. Harry gently wrapped his arms around her waste, his hands resting not quite on her butt and both began to sway to the music.

Liriel and Drizzt smiled at the newlyweds and watched while Liriel held their sleeping daughter close. Merinid moved up silently behind his wife and rested a hand on her shoulder, smiling at the contentment oozing from the bride and groom. Aerie sighed softly and reached up to gently squeeze his hand.

Albus Dumbledore was smiling contentedly. It had been a long time since such a happy occasion had visited Hogwarts, and he was more than content to watch as the couple's attendants and Hermione's parents moved to the dance floor. It was the signal for other couples to take to the floor and enjoy a turn or two.

Harry, bathing in the warm glow of the moment watched the couples from over Hermione's shoulder. /Do you think Liriel would mind a dance with her brother?/ He questioned as the waltz ended.

Hermione looked over at Liriel, admiring her slender figure in the silver and snow colored gown. Drizzt sat with her, his lithe form clad in his chain mail armour and a voluptuous full hooded cloak.

/ I think she would enjoy that./ Hermione returned as Harry led them from the dance floor and to the Drow couple.

Harry grinned at Liriel and swept a gallant bow to her before taking her free hand in his and touching his lips to it.

"My dear Sister, might I have this dance?" From the corner of his eye he noted Hermione had approached Drizzt from the other side of the table, much as he had approached Liriel.

"Of course they will dance with the Bride and Groom." Aerie did not give either Drow a chance to refuse.

Merinid relieved Aerie of their daughter and Aerie removed Vierna from her mother, talking softly to the baby as she woke with the movement. Seeing no excuse would be accepted Liriel graciously accepted and she and Harry moved onto the dance floor.

Drizzt sighed softly and gallantly kissed the back of Hermione's hand, sweeping her onto the dance floor and past Harry and Liriel, with Hermione delightedly giggling all the way.

Merinid smirked, one foot tapping to the beat of the music while Aerie held little Vierna up to watch her parents dancing. His own daughter was laughing and clapping her hands. The thought just crossed his mind to throw his daughters suitors into disarray and sweep her onto the dance floor, when he felt the unmistakable impact of a pair of very intent eyes on him.

Looking around Merinid focused on the Bridal table where four translucent figures stood, watching the festivities. He might have taken them for some of the ghosts of Hogwarts but he knew better. Hogwarts ghosts were nothing more than shades of grey and these four, while anything but solid, were quite colorful.

One was gowned in a flowing blue dress, her long midnight black hair pulled up high on her head in a tail, the cascade of hair being bound with a matching blue ribbon. Merinid had no trouble recognizing her and it only served to astound him more that she was present. Power emanated from her, far more power than people sensed from him and his gaze swept the Great Hall, ensuring none other than he detected their presence.

A young man, his eyes glowing with happiness and his black hair cut to fall around his shoulders stood to one side of her; his black robes shifted slightly as he moved. He looked young and healthy and very happy to be watching the dancing. Next was a man who looked much as Merinid imagined an older Harry would look, except his eyes were dark brown and not green; his grey and gold trimmed robes moved in a manner which suggested he was tapping his foot to the music.

Last in the group was a slender young woman with dark red hair falling around her shoulders in tight curls, her eyes a preface match for Harry's. Her robes were a red so deep they complimented her hair and she was beaming, her attention focused on the dancing couples. There was no mistaking who they were, either the woman in the blue gown or the people with her.

/Lady Mystra./ It was always polite to greet another God, particularly a goddess who had full powers and position, unlike himself.

Mystra smiled in return and inclined her head, acknowledging his greeting and Merinid could only wonder how the Goddess of Magic from Faerun had acquired escort duty to three shades of Harry Potter's past. The bushy haired male in the black robes he knew would be Sirius Black, the godfather of Harry whom Bellatrix had killed. The other two watching Harry with such pride and happiness could only be his parents, James and Lily.

Lily was weeping softly, with joy, Merinid knew, to see how happy her son looked. The music changed and Harry swept Luna into his arms, spinning her around and Lily gasped as the Amulet she had worn years ago slipped from beneath his shirt, which now, Merinid noted, was half unbuttoned to cool him.

James put an arm around his wife and smiled broadly at Harry, looking down at his bride. It was a gesture Merinid had seen repeatedly from Harry and he realized Lily was almost the same height and build as Hermione.

Merinid settled back to watch the animated features of the three, enjoying their every reaction to the dancing couples. When Harry and Hermione moved together in the middle of the dance floor Sirius broke into a beaming smile and he looked so very young compared to the photograph Merinid had seen. All the cares and woes of a hard life fell from him and Lily and James moved to lightly clap him on the back.

It could not last, of course. Merinid knew the rules which had been stretched to allow for this interlude, and he knew time was limited. He was not surprised when Mystra lightly touched the three, drawing their attention back to her. He could hear her, though no one else could and no one, as yet, had remarked on how the ghosts of Hogwarts, who were enjoying the party as much as anyone else, were not drifting near the high table.

"Your time is up, I am afraid. Remember, however, that this is not the last time you will be permitted to see the one you love. Say your goodbyes and we shall return to the Weave." A hand was laid lightly on Lily's shoulder, a comforting touch as it was clear the woman did not wish to leave her son and new daughter-in-law.

Lily nodded, one had resting over her eyes for a moment and then she was looking at Merinid and he saw her eyes widen as she realized he could see her. Turning to Mystra she was greeted with a gentle smile and faint nod.

"Oh yes, he can see and hear you."

Turning with hope toward him Lily gestured toward the dance floor. "Protect him for me? Until the time is right; protect him."

When he inclined his head, acknowledging her request, she moved quietly to Mystra's side, no longer looking so devastated.

James took a long look around the Great Hall, noting faces he knew and sighed softly, before looking to the laughing couple and moving to stand with his wife, drawing her into his side with a gentle hand. He looked at Sirius and after a moment gave a low whistle, drawing Sirius's instant attention.

"Hurry it up, Padfoot."

Sirius nodded and with a final look at the dance floor, and the whispered wish Harry should take care, he moved to his friends and to the Goddess who glowed brightly, taking them away from Hogwarts, unseen and unheard by all but the ghosts of the castle and the man who was not merely a man.

Merinid sighed softly and settled deeper into his seat, aware suddenly of the eyes on him. Aerie, the one who knew him best, was looking at him with a gentle smile. She knew his extraordinary senses and his mannerisms as no other did, and it would not have taken her long to understand something was happening. Aerie reached to take his hand in silence and led him out onto the dance floor and he realized that Drizzt and Liriel had returned and were watching over the children.

"Who did you see?" Aerie whispered as he led her through the steps of the dance, using the laughter and music on the floor to cover their conversation.

He watched as Harry and Hermione tumbled from the dance floor, looking hot and bothered and extraordinarily happy, and made their way to their seats, intent on resting for a time at least.


Aerie arched an eyebrow, plainly surprised. "Mystra?"

"She was not alone. Harry's family was with her and his mother even requested I protect him, until the time is right."

From his seat Harry smiled, looking out over the dance floor and chuckled when he saw Catherine smiling and laughing as Gorion's wings folded around them just enough that no one could get close to Catherine as they danced. On the other side of the dance floor Jastra and her older brother were dancing a little faster than others, a happy smile lightening her brother's normally hard face.

"It's well after sundown, Harry." Hermione was leaning close to him, blowing gently into his ear. "Why don't we call it a night?" The warm breath became a suggestive nibble, accompanied by a smile of pure mischief.

Harry moaned softly and noted Hermione had removed her tiara and veil and pulled down her hair, freeing the untamed locks.

"One last dance, 'Mione, to warm us up." He whispered, getting to his feet and leading the way to the middle of the dance floor.

Liriel snickered as she watched, noting how the steps of the dance seemed to invariably lead toward the great doors. 'Play nice tonight.' She chuckled to herself and kissed her sleeping daughter.

Tonks who was dancing with Professor Lupin, smiled as the happy couple passed them, laughing delightedly and looking into each others eyes. She was quite pleased with herself, having escaped retribution for her wedding present, but that pleasure crumbled to disbelief as she caught sight of her reflection in one of the magically generated crystal trees.

Her hair was a rich black she hated and her eyes a deep blue, betraying her Black heritage. With wide eyes Tonks knew who had bewitched her and she screeched wildly, horrified anyone should see her this way.

Looking around Tonks spotted Harry and Hermione grinning at her and laughing. Harry blew a kiss in her direction and bowed, sweeping a hand before him elegantly and Hermione dragged him out the doors. Tonks' shriek of horror when she tried to morph her hair and eyes to something more acceptable echoed around the Great Hall on discovering that she could not morph so much as a single hair.

A stream of curses followed and Professor Lupin, chuckling quietly, led her to where Madam Pomfrey was sitting to one side, enjoying the evening.


A scream rang out as the Death Eater fell to the ground, twitching in pain. Voldemort stood over him and his eyes glowed red and a sneer twisted his snake face. Jarlaxle slouched against the wall, pipe in hand, a habit he had picked up while travelling with Drizzt's old rival, Entreri, and he blew a smoke ring in carefree fashion. He was not averse to watching Voldemort torturing his followers, it was, after all, one less he would need to kill later.

The Drow Priestess smiled at the pain being inflicted on the human, luxuriating in the pain and fear as only a priestess of Lolth could. Her laughter became louder at the screams and her whip wrapped around her lovingly, one of the snake heads writhing up her arm.

"Why is it that something as simple as killing a Mudblood is beyond you? You dare to report to me that she still lives and Potter is enjoying his wedding!" Voldemort hissed, glaring at the unfortunate Death Eater who had been chosen to be the eyes and ears of the Dark Lord.

Voldemort had expected Bellatrix to take out Hermione Granger and return, jubilant with celebration at delivering a mighty blow against Potter, but no, they could not even do something so simple.

"M…Master they… there was someone there… They… He blocked the Avada Kedavra! He took her and the others and apparated."

Jarlaxle resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Could the imbecile not tell the difference between apparating and a Demi God opening a personal gateway? Human minions of evil Dark Lords were such fools.

Another bout of screaming marked Voldemort delivering more pain and the Drow rogue wished the snake would be a little more inventive. He was becoming bored watching and listening.

The Death Eater was babbling now, words tumbling out of him between screams and sobs. Jarlaxle found himself wondering if Voldemort actually heard what was being said. There was no visible reaction when the man wailed about Potter and the 'man' talking of 'his realm'.

Finally the Death Eater could not even scream and lay gasping at his Masters feet, sobbing, alive though still feeling the effects of the pain curse.

Voldemort hissed, sounding more and more like a snake and in predictable fashion permanently silenced his minion with his favorite killing curse. Silence could be quite loud, the rogue mused, blowing another smoke ring as he waited.

"Where did he take my Lieutenant, Jarlaxle? If you do not know, I suggest you find out and get her back." Voldemort snarled, spinning, his robe flaring about him, wand aimed at the Drow.

Jarlaxle snorted smoke from his nose and straightened, moving to the cave entrance before he turned back to the Dark Lord and the watching Priestess.

"I'll pass on that, if you don't mind, and pity if you do object. I've had dealings with that one before. I assure you she is beyond even my reach, Lord Voldemort. You might try the Lady Priestess and through her the Queen of Spiders, though I doubt even Lady Lolth would venture into the realm of the only God who can indiscriminately kill another God." With a flamboyant hat sweeping bow he swept from the cave and determined to make himself scarce for a time.

The Priestess was sure to be less than pleased with him. Besides, it was not a lie, merely a shading of the truth. The God of Murder, even as a lesser God, was one to be feared.

Voldemort hissed his rage and stormed off into the depths of the cave network he had made his base of operations in the Orkney Islands. Behind him, within her shadowed space, the Drow Priestess smiled and kept her eyes on the doorway through which Jarlaxle had retreated and she laughed softly; a short hard sound. How the rogue could lie with such a straight face amused her and the stupid Rivvil had brought the story too.

The Dark Queen, she who was the Queen of Spiders, feared no God.