So. This is it. I hope it's somewhat enjoyable. And I'd want to give special thanks to DeMoKa, s3xy-Lady and LitaDelacour for being such an inspiration and giving me occasional push to keep on going. (And everyone else, those of you who have been reading this since I posted chapter 1 and those who joined in later.)

I appreciate every single review I've gotten so far.

Also, to let you in on a secret, writing this took nearly 12 hours. I planned it and re-planned it on paper. It went through some major changes during the actual writing process but I can say it's better than what the few pages of notes and scrabbles look like.

Concerning the whole story, there has been only one artist I've listened to the whole time. So, thanks to Benassi Bros. for creating the right atmosphere. (Don't ask me why them, I do not have the answer to that question. I just like house music too, kay? o.O) Thanks to Coca Cola, who has kept me awake all these long nights. (Not tonight though, I cheated on coke with some green tea :b) I decided at some point to finish this during this year. It's a bit last minute so forgive me.

Disclaimer: Characters, places and other stuff belong to J.K.Rowling.


As if she had been in a stupor, Hermione awoke to reality the day before the third task. Past weeks had been hectic, mainly focusing around Harry and his training. While studying for the upcoming History of Magic examination, she grasped the present moment. A clear picture hit her like a punch in the face – quite like the one she had given Draco Malfoy about a year ago. Same time the next day she would be sitting in the audience, anticipating and worrying about two important people working their way through the maze. A week after the task she would be leaving her goodbyes to Fleur. A heavy lump started to form in the pit of her stomach; both of them had been so busy with the upcoming Task that whenever they found time to be with each other, neither one had actually spoken about what would happen in the future. Hermione felt like time was running out; a momentary torrent of panic swept through her. She was about to dash into the Beauxbatons' carriage but decided not to; she didn't want to disturb Fleur with something like that. It could wait till later, when the time was right. So Hermione decided she would confront Fleur about this after the Third Task.

Morning of the Third Task finally dawned. While eating her breakfast, Hermione was eyeing the Ravenclaw table and exchanging glances with Fleur. She was interrupted by the owl bringing her the latest Daily Prophet. Hadn't she taken a sip of pumpkin juice just a moment ago, the front page would have been juice-free. Oh, for the dear love of… what's wrong with that Skeeter woman?! She managed to think while taking another quick look at the headlines. She failed to cover up for this sudden burst of astonishment (and the juice) and the conversation was soon evolving around the subject, written on the paper. The conversation ended when Hermione darted to the library, Ron's words of complaint fading to the loud crowd of students chattering in the Great Hall.

Hermione was the first one to finish the History examination, she pretended to read through the answers she knew to be correct and well thought-out. After figuring out how Rita Skeeter got all of her scoops, she couldn't help but to feel lucky about how narrowly she had avoided the headlines about her and Fleur. Judging by the first article about the champions, the only one Skeeter found interesting was Harry. She was getting anxious, wanting to get out of the class room already, quickly see one more book about animagi and hurry to tell Harry and Ron about this. After the exam, she didn't make it to the library. She ran into Fleur on her way, who was accompanied with her little sister, Gabrielle, and what obviously seemed to be her mother; judging by the look of her – clearly half a Veela.

"'Ermione! I just told about you to my mother, she was very enthusiastic to meet you; and 'ere you are," Fleur said beaming at the very dumbfounded girl in front of her.

"You… told about… us?" Hermione was rudely ignoring her mother, who held out her hand.

"Excuse-moi, mère. 'ermione can I talk to you alone for a minute," Fleur said tonelessly, dragging Hermione further away where they couldn't be overheard.

"So you just told her without asking me first?!" Hermione tried to keep her voice down.

"I didn't tell 'er anything yet, just zat I 'ave made a good friend 'ere. I was going to tell 'er when you came but I can see now it is not such a good idea," Fleur sighed. "I understand of course, if you don't wish me to tell 'er anything yet."

"Oh, so you didn't… I'm sorry I lost my temper like that."

"It's ok," Fleur said and gave a warm smile. Hermione flung her hands in front of her mouth.

"OH BLOODY—I must have made a complete fool out of myself, acting so rudely towards your mother…" Hermione gushed, she grabbed Fleur's arm and dragged her back. She smiled awkwardly towards Mrs. Delacour. "It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Delacour. There was a bit of understanding, please excuse my rudeness."

Mrs. Delacour kept nodding and smiling while shaking Hermione's hand. Fleur poked Hermione with her elbow. "My mother does not understand a word of English."

Hermione was headed towards the Quidditch Pitch with all the other students; she was getting exceptionally concerned and uneasy. Ron kept tailing after her, asking her meaningless questions and pointing out monotonous things, such as the decoration and the high fences. When they found seats, Hermione was shifting restlessly in her chair; only half-heartedly listening to Ron. She had so much on her mind, she felt like talking to someone, preferably Harry but seeing as he wasn't available she tried the less preferable alternative, Ron.

"Ron, what would you do if you liked someone, or rather, loved someone who you shouldn't love? I don't mean it would be so wrong to love this person, just that you're sure most of the people wouldn't take it so well. And you wouldn't be sure if you're ready to handle that kind of dislike from those people," Hermione explained, barely stopping to inhale in between sentences.

Ron stared quietly at her for what seemed to be like an hour in Hermione's point of view. He was evidently trying to figure out everything Hermione had just blurted out. His expression finally changed. "So what you're saying… you love Krum and want to know whether you should out your relationship to everyone, or not?" He sounded a bit shocked.

"Oh, for crying out loud, Ron! This is not about… never mind. Just forget what I just said," Hermione sulked and crossed her arms.

"But… Wh—" He started, but Hermione interrupted him with a murderous stare.


While having her breakfast in the Great Hall on the day of the Third Task, Fleur was exchanging glances with Hermione. She felt a tinge of tenseness for what was about to come, but the glances and the familiar slight smile on Hermione's face made her instantly feel better. She was interrupted by a dark-haired Ravenclaw girl sitting next to her.

"Oh, c'mon! It's obvious. You and her," she whispered to Fleur.

"Mm, oui," Fleur said dreamily. It took her a while to realize what she had just agreed to. "What?! I mean… What do you mean?"

"You and Hermione Granger, but… say no more. I won't tell anyone," the girl responded with a grin.

"Ah, merci beaucoup."

She was called to the chamber off the Hall after she finished her breakfast. Not sure what to expect she rose up and did as told. She was pleasantly surprised to see her mother and Gabrielle. She was in good relations with her mother; they always shared secrets and told each other everything. Fleur tried to summarize everything that had happened, they had been sending letters to each other every now and then but she hadn't really told her mother about the nature of the relationship between her and Hermione. Needless to say, Mrs. Delacour had figured this out, knowing her daughter so well. They took a walk on the grounds and Fleur had time to tell everything she hadn't told her mother in the letters. She found it a bit pointless to show around the castle since she didn't know many places, despite this her mother wanted to have a look-around. Hours later they were on their way to have some lunch, coming from the library when they met Hermione half-way to the Great Hall. Fleur noticed immediately when she had finished her sentence that she had clearly said something stupid. Hermione seemed really upset; Fleur knew how she didn't want anyone to know. She wanted to point out how Hermione had told Harry, but held her tongue; she didn't want to fight at a time like this. So she told a little white lie to calm Hermione down. However she couldn't help feeling hurt a little, as if Hermione was ashamed of her. She knew it wasn't so or at least wanted to believe it wasn't so. She tried to think of reasons why Hermione was acting like that, only being able to come to the conclusion that maybe it wasn't so much about her, but Hermione herself. She was quite young, maybe not entirely ready for all of this; even if she wanted to be.

The champions walked ahead to the Pitch. Fleur's mind was occupied with the incident before lunch. They were told to wait for a while until the audience would be there and settled on their seats. Fleur took advantage of this short moment and pulled Harry away from the other two.

"Zis is about 'ermione. But I assume you knew zat," Fleur said, keeping her voice down.

"Yeah, I figured. What about her?" Harry asked.

"It's just zat, she really does not want anyone to know about us. I know it 'as nothing to do with me, or at least I want to believe so," Fleur explained.

"I'm not gonna say I know her better, but I've certainly known her for a longer period of time. She hasn't really discussed about this with me but I think it's entirely her own inner struggles; everything probably has to do with you, but none of it is your fault. I think she's just mainly terrified of people's reactions if they knew."

"Merci, 'Arry. Zat made more sense zan what I 'ave thought about," Fleur said, feeling a bit more relieved.

"No problem, I just want her to be happy. So take good care of her, won't you?" Harry grinned. "Oh, and good luck for the Third Task."

"You too, 'Arry."


Minutes seemed like hours to Hermione, she didn't know how much time had passed since the champions entered the maze but it felt like an eternity already. More long moments passed, she was restlessly twitching her legs, shifting around and changing her position. She almost jumped up when Ron spoke to her.

"Hermione! Calm down, Harry'll be ok," he said, eyeing at her disbelievingly.

"Yeah, I know…" she said quietly while she was promptly staring at the point where the champions entered the maze.

"Oh, so it's not Harry you're so worried about. I'm sure your dear Viktor is doing fine as well," Ron spat out.

"Ron, will you shut up about Viktor already?! You're just so clueless, I wonder how you manage to—" Hermione was interrupted by the crowd suddenly rising to their feet to see the first champion carried out of the maze. Both, Hermione and Ron, jumped up to see who it was.

"IS SHE OK?!" they shouted through the crowd simultaneously. Fleur Delacour was lying motionless on the grass. Dumbledore's voice soon echoed in the chilly air.

"Ms. Delacour will be fine in a moment. She has been stunned, nothing to worry about."

Hermione felt a weight lift off her shoulders. Fleur was fine.

Hours passed, it was way pass the midnight when Hermione told the others she'd be going to bed. After all that chaos, she knew she couldn't sleep so instead of heading her steps towards the Gryffindor tower she headed straight outside, walking with a fast pace until she reached the spot she was very familiar with. She collapsed on the ground, leaned against the cool surface of the rock. She tilted her head back and let her mind settle, her eyes were closed; she opened them to see the nightly sky and the ocean of stars. She sat there quietly for a long time. She startled at the sound of approaching footsteps. She turned around and peeked out over the rock to see who it was. She jumped to her feet and ran towards the person approaching her spot.

"Fleur!" Hermione ran to Fleur's embrace. She let out muffled sobs against the skin on Fleur's neck. "I was so w-worried about y-you… And H-Harry and… It was horrible to w-watch all of that happening, I c-couldn't…"

"Shh, 'ermione, it's ok now," Fleur murmured, stroking Hermione's hair. She pulled Hermione behind the rock and sat down, Hermione followed and curled up under her arm. "Let it all out, 'ermione. It will 'elp."

Tears were silently falling down Hermione's cheeks. Twenty minutes passed by in silence. Hermione felt safe and warm by Fleur's mere presence; she soon wiped the tears away, took a long intake of breath and straightened up.

"Thank you, it did help."

"Oui, it always does. I think we should talk, I know it is not ze best time right now but if zis chaos remains, I don't think zere will be a better time," Fleur said rather cautiously.

"I know, I also think we should talk," Hermione agreed. She took another deep breath, foreseeing what was going to be the subject of this conversation, "So… You want to start or should I?"

"I can start and ask you something first. Are you surely ready for zis kind of commitment?" There was no accusing tone in her voice, just a gentle, understanding nuance. Hermione stared at Fleur for a while, before answering.

"I don't know if I am. But… if that means this is over then I'll be ready for it no matter what," Hermione said.

"Of course it won't be over. What you need is a bit of time, non? I was thinking whether I should get a job from 'ere over ze summer. You don't 'ave to decide anything by zen, I will be near if you ever need me."

"That'd be great. I know I want to be with you, I'm just not sure if now is the right moment," Hermione said, her eyes were watering again.

"I know 'ermione. Zis doesn't mean we can't see each other, non? I'll always be 'ere for you," Fleur stated and planted a soft kiss on Hermione's forehead. A short silence followed and Hermione was leaning her head against Fleur's chest, listening to her serene heartbeats. Both of the girls were gazing at the stars quietly, Hermione didn't really think anything profound, she tried to find a word for what she was feeling at the moment but failed to find any. She wanted to stay in that moment forever.

"Oh, by ze way, 'erm-own-ninny, don't you go fooling around with all ze girls drooling after you when I'm away, non?" Fleur said teasingly. Hermione hit her playfully in the arm.

"With every single one of them."


The day of the departure for everyone was sunny and warm. It had been only a week since Hermione and Fleur ceased to be in an 'official relationship' but Hermione had no regrets. They had still had fun like they used to, taken the most out of the time that was left rather than sulking about the fact that the time was running out. Hermione had her trunk packed and she was standing in the Entrance Hall waiting for the carriages with Harry and Ron. Fleur came in to Hermione's surprise. They had said their goodbyes this morning before Hermione had snuck back to the castle. But Fleur merely glanced at Hermione, she mainly came to say goodbye to Harry. Ron made an idiotic comment again and Hermione rolled her eyes. She flashed a quick smile to Fleur before she left. Ron kept staring at Fleur's back disappearing inside the Beauxbatons' carriage. Hermione couldn't stop herself.

"Don't even dream about it, Ron. She's mine."




AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! IT IS DONE.. finally. I might just be the only one cheering about this. NOW WHERE'S THE CHAMPAGNE???

:'D oh.. in the fridge waiting for tonight..


And I want to thank the academy and... erm. right. :D

If you could just hit the review button one last time, it'd make me really, really happy.

Don't let the TBC fool you, the sequel is very probably going to be written. But I shall take a short vacation from writing this. So don't expect it any time soon. Give me few months. Then you can start filling up my mail-box with complaints and exploding letters etcetc. (and I mean my e-mail, that in case of emergency can be found from my profile page)

Just informing you all, I made a fanart piece (tablet & paint shop pro I think, photoshop decided to piss me off for some strange reason) based on this fic. Based on the chapter 10a, as a matter of fact. It can be located at spookje. deviantart. com (this stupid things doesn't allow me to use url addresses so without the spaces) and it's not a masterpiece. I'm a rookie with the tablet and all..

Thank you everyone for reviewing and reading my story:)