Angel of Protection

Yzak awoke one morning to find that he didn't have his left sock.

"Where are you, blasted thing!" he yelled into darkness. Those were his favourite socks, they were. He didn't ever want to lose those socks.

Those socks were from his… friend?

Is that what he should call her? His friend?

She was the nicest person ever and she was really caring. She always knew what was wrong. She was an empath, he knew that, but he didn't know what that meant. She had taken all feelings away from him to make him happy. She had the arms of an angel. She would hug him and all sudden emotion would leave. But if he wasn't experiencing any emotion, then he would feel whatever she felt and know the reason why she was crying.

"Yzak!" Dearka yelled from down the hall. "Why are you yelling this early in the morning? Shouldn't the cussing start after breakfast? Or is today extra special or something?" Dearka asked in a smug voice as he entered Yzak's room. He was greeted by… the dark?

"What are you doing in the dark? It is four in the morning and you are usually up? What is wrong? I thought that you were happy to be seeing your mother again?" Dearka reminded him about today.

'Today', Yzak remembered, ''Is the day I will see mother again. My time off. But I am betting she will be there. It is her birthday after all…' Yzak's thought finished. He began to play with a necklace that was around his neck. A thin gold chain and a pendant was on it. The pendant was a locket. A heart locket that he only wore in his spare time. She had the same one. He then remembered Dearka was still in the room. He got the solemn look off of his face and pushed Dearka out saying an excuse that he would be out in ten minutes and if he wasn't then Dearka could come back and kick him out of bed or hit, whatever he liked. Yzak wondered why he hadn't gotten up earlier. Then it hit him. He was dreaming of her and his sister. Payton Joule had gone missing seven years ago. And that was when Yzak decided that he too would join ZAFT. His sister had been killed by Earth Alliance soldiers. But he just wanted to think about her. She probably would see him again. It was his first time off in ages. And they hadn't seen each other in four years. He began to search for the sock and found it under his case. The he fumbled for the present. It was a box. A ring box to be exact. They had a promise between them that only three people knew of. Well not including her sisters and brothers and possible friends. Yzak thought then about how much he had changed since his dad had died. Jacob Joule, Ezaria Joule's husband, was killed four years ago after being hit with an air sniper on earth. He too was a ZAFT soldier. She didn't like ZAFT or the Earth Forces, so she was neutral. Yzak wondered if she had changed much, when Dearka walked back in. It hadn't been ten minutes yet so Yzak wondered what was up.

"Your escort is arriving early to take you to your PLANT. I believe it is called Radar. They will be here in an hour, so be ready, Mr. Joule" Dearka mocked. Yzak was the only one allowed home as he had been on serve for the longest and Dearka went last time and Nicol and Athrun went home when he and Dearka where first on Earth.

"Mr. Joule? We are here to escort you?" some Guard announced. As Yzak was too young to go by himself, according to commander Crueset, and no ZAFT soldiers were allowed near the PLANTS unless on official business, he would have to have a minder. The Commander and his mother had agreed on it.

"We will miss you, Yzak!" Dearka mock cried behind him.

"I will only be gone for three days, Dearka! Anyway, I am coming back and you are just being insulting" Yzak said as he tried and failed to fake-punch his best friend.

'Second best' Yzak reminded himself of the girl he was about to go and see.

When Yzak arrived home he was coated in kisses from his mother. It was winter on that PLANT, so Yzak had to wear long tracksuit pants, a thick, long-sleeved t-shirt, a jumper and thick sneakers. Then when Ezaria was done caressing her son, she went over to the door and said "Come in now dear! He won't bite you!" Yzak smiled at the fact his mother was still as strict as ever. Then in walked a girl whom Yzak had never seen before. She had long deep brown hair, grey eyes that showed that she was no older then Yzak himself (and they had a kind of playfulness in them), a yellow skive, brown skirt and brown high-heeled boots that finished just after her ankles. She was beautiful.

"Hey Yzak!" she yelled and ran over to hug him.

"Yzak, be polite!" his mother snapped.

"Um… hi?" Yzak half asked and half said. He didn't know who this person was. And why was she hugging him?

"Don't tell me you have forgotten me?" the girl said getting out of the embrace and holding his shoulders now.

Now that you mention it, he did remember those eyes.


A/n: You will find out who she is next time. This is just one chapter of my story. There will be many, trust me. She is an OC. This will have flashbacks of Yzak and her together. She is a very nice OC. She is like a playful child. She is five months and seventeen days younger than Yzak. Her birthday is January 25th. She is sixteen. She is a coordinator and she isn't what she seems. Many more OC's so don't like, don't read. No gay pairings. And her name is really nice (and long though), I mean my OC.

She and Yzak will get together. And this will pull a few tears.

See you next time on Halmea, Last Embrace!