
I sighed as I woke up in the middle of the night to a loud knock at my doorway. Groaning, I got up and went over. "What?" I asked sharply when I opened the door. My eyes grew wide as I fearfully looked at the face in front of me.

Red X. Startled, I backed up, but he grabbed my wrist in a firm grip. It being the middle of the night, I didn't know what to do. I was in violet silk pajamas: a spagetti-string top that just covered the middle of my ribcage and up, and some shorts. Wordlessly, X began to pull me away. I did the only thing I could think of to do. I screamed.

I screamed as loud as I could and then my eyes began to glow as did my hands, but he shoved me against a wall where I hit my head. I whimpered with pain and was extremely grateful that it hadn't been a harder blow. Apparently I thought too soon. I heard foot steps, as did X, and the next thing I knew, he knocked his fist into my head and I was out cold.


As I slept I tossed and turned. I could tell something bad was going to happen. Soon. Maybe it was from my bond with Raven that I had that feeling. Maybe it was instinct. Maybe I was just worrying about nothing. Whatever it was, I couldn't sleep.

I made myself comfortable and dropped my face into the pillow. I'm not sure if it was a few minutes later, or if I had fallen asleep and it was a few hours, but I jumped in my bed with a start when I heard an ear-piercing scream. I furrowed my brow. Realization hit me when I realized that it had come from Raven, and I rushed out of bed and down the hall as fast as I could. I was the first one to get there.

When I got there, I leaned on the wall in disbelief. I had let one of my team mates get captured, right under my nose! I stared around, trying to comprehend what had happened. There had quite obviously been a scuffle of some sort. There were dents in the walls and floor, and Raven's door was open. Cyborg and Beast Boy were soon right behind me. Beast Boy just stared, not sure what to say, and Cyborg gripped my shoulders. "What happened?" he demanded. I shook my head.

"I-I'm not sure...I just got here..." I said quietly. Cyborg wordlessly bent down to the floor and a blue tunnel-light rose from his arm. The kind he used when we went into sewers and stuff. It illuminated foot prints and before I could say anything, he was on his way to the lab. I looked around, a little curious as to why Starfire hadn't come as well. Didn't she care?


I was lying in my bed, pretty comfortable. Some people thought I had some steel platform or something, but I didn't, I had a regular bed. I wasn't asleep, I really don't know why, but I was close and I wasn't complaining. I awoke with a start when I heard my 'little sister' scream. She never screamed...Well, almost never. I knew something was wrong.

I got out of bed and ran out of my room and down the hall, where I found Robin staring worriedly at all of the damage done. I grabbed his shoudlers and said, "What happened?".

"I-I'm not sure...I just got here..." he replied. I sighed and without replying set my arm up toe illuminate the foot steps so I could figure out who had done this, and then brought them to the lab. No one touched -much less captured- my baby sister and got away with it.

Beast Boy

I was asleep, nice and warm in my bed when I heard a scream. "What the hell?" I asked myself, annoyed. Then I realized something; the scream was coming from someone in the tower, and I recognized it to be Raven's.

I sprang up and ran out, neck-to-neck with Cyborg. I stared in shock and confusion at what I saw. Who had done this? How? This was...scary. I know I'm a hero and all, so I'm not supposed to be scared of a criminal, but that's not what I was afraid of. Someone -or something- had taken Raven, and I was scared for her.


I yawned as I rolled over on my round bed. It was 'comfortable' as they would say on Earth. I was deep asleep, having a strange feeling something as going to happen, but not really caring. I heard a scream, and I knew since it wasn't from me it must have been 'Friend' Raven's...Unless it was Beast Boy's, he did do the 'screaming of the girl' quite well, but I was pretty sure it was hers.

I rolled my eyes and sighed as I heard all three of the boys rushing to the spot, but I wasn't worried and didn't care. Raven could take care of herself, and if she couldn't, why should I care? I could see it in Friend Robin's eyes, he liked her more than a friend, and if she was gone, that was fine with me.

Shrugging, I put my head back down on the pillow and closed my eyes.

Red X

I waited outside the door of one of the female Titans...Raven, I think the name was. Sunshine herself. After about 10 minutes, I knocked on the door, and when she came out, I attacked. The girl is strong. I had to ram her head into a wall to make sure I wouldn't end up with a thrid broken rib...That girl can kick. Apparently she has a rather hard head, because I had to punch her in the head to knock her out when I heard footsteps. I swung her over my shoulder, and then ran into her room and jumped out the window. That had been too easy...Well, maybe not, but a few broken bones for the most powerful member of there team? It was more than a fair trade.


Since my puter with all of the other stories is kinda not working at the moment, I decided to write this one, inspired by 9witch2 adn dedicated to Vulcan 'cause I know the whole puter thing is annoying you! Next chappie coming soon, and if you would review, that'd be great, thanks