Disclaimer: I don't own naruto... I wish the manga would never ended actually... sigh

Authors Note:

YEA.. screw waiting around...I'm writing the next chapter...

I hope you guys like it? It's a time skip... meh.. hahaha

Anyhow I just reread my story and I am in love with it (since I forgot that it was me who wrote it while I read it xD I'm such a dork...)

I figured that I owe you guys a relatively...long chapter... so yea enjoy. (I should be studying...xP)

sasuke : FINALLY... after so long...

naruto: yea I know right? our child is 4 now sweatdrops

[ 5 Months in ]




". . . . . Do you know how long it took for me to make that?" said the now very agitated blonde as he drummed his fingers against the counter trying to keep his cool.

"Naruto-chan . . . . I . . I . . . Here I'll . . ."

"NO! … Stop! Just leave it alone and get out of here!" Naruto screeched throwing a wooden spatula towards the other man before turning around to clean the mess that had occurred on the floor. Fortunately, the spatula missed the mans head and lodged itself a few inches into the wall. Sasuke gave the blonde a hard look before he scanned the surroundings of the kitchen and sighed in defeat stalking out of the area. 'So much for that idea of helping Naruto out with cooking' .

It was near dinner time and his kitsune wanted to make it a guys night with a handful of their close friends. Naruto had just recently gotten out of his ramen filled diet and was strangely very open to try new things. Today it was Yakiniku and the blond had prepared just enough delicacies of meat to grill for everyone to have, especially Choji.

Flashback:: more like not too long ago::

It was a nice cool night today in Konoha and the sun was just about to set. If you were to peer inside the Uchiha compound, you would see a strapping young man lying on the grass with his arms stretched behind his head dozing off to sleep. Strewn all around him were some genjutsu scrolls and parenting books. With a loud yawn and a good stretch, the man opened his charcoal eyes looking at the direction of the house with a soft smile on his face sniffing the sweet air that filled his nose. 'mmm...smells heavenly but I know a person that smells even better'.

Smirking Sasuke gathered his things and started to head inside with a slight bounce in each step he took. 'Maybe I should go and help Naruto out with preparing the food and if we finish doing that before everyone comes . . . then we can have some alone time and just relax on the couch' . After the thought, the Uchiha gave a nod to himself and walked with a quicker pace determined to get his plan into action.

Inside the house you could hear a cheerful hum coming from the kitchen, the now very prominent pregnant man was just about done finishing the side dishes for todays dinner. Naruto surveyed the huge mass of food surrounding him and gave a stern nod crossing his arms around his chest with a wide grin.

"Yosh! Almost doonee!" exclaimed the happy blonde giggling with excitement in his crystal blue eyes. Naruto was quite proud of the gleaming plates of food ready to be served and cooked right on the grill. After to staring at the meat for a long while like he was in a trance, the blonde made a face while he slightly rubbed his belly and groaned from the dull pain in his stomach, "Ahhh i'm starvingg..." he groaned as he turned his head towards the clock. Not a moment later his eyes went wide and gaped at the time.

"6 o'clock already? Aw man...better hurry with the rest of the food before everyone gets here, I have less than an hour"

Naruto quickly chopped up some vegetables, put them on the plate and turned his attention to the oven checking if his dessert was done. Finding this to be a perfect time to take a break and rest, Naruto sat down slowly on the floor right in front of the oven watching the batter rise ever so slightly while unconsciously rubbing his stomach feeling the baby's small kicks.'Ah... i'm so tired... I wonder if you are tired too... hmm little one?' Naruto smiled softly thinking of all the things he would do once the baby is born.

'Narutoooo...what are you going to name your child hmm?'

Naruto raised an eyebrow and grinned at the sound of the voice echoing in his head. Its been a while since he had talked to the kyuubi.

' Hmm... that's a good question...is it a boy or girl kyuubichan?'

'Hm... Let's keep it a surprise! Now tell me namess naruchan'

'I haven't really thought about it yet...I should ask Sasu about it later'

'Sasu? Since when did you call him that?'

'Dunno! Just happened right now ahahah I'll test it out later when I get the chance'

'I'd love to see the end result'

'I hope he doesn't mind... hehehe'

Just when the female fox was about to tell Naruto about other things, Sasuke came around the corner into the kitchen and rammed right into some open drawers and cupboards. Naruto's body jerked and whipped his head towards the direction of the noise gasping at the scene. The Uchiha was so caught off guard by the sudden road block in his way that when he took a step back he slipped on an unknown wet substance on the floor causing him to lose balance. Not looking closely enough to his surroundings, Sasuke grabbed the nearest thing that he could reach.

'What the flying fuck!?' Sasuke thought in a panic trying to regain his balance. Reaching blindly trying to grab anything that would prevent him from falling. Sadly enough, his reach happened to be Naruto's freshly baked and iced vanilla cake with fruit ontop courtesy of Iruka-sensei's recipe. Sasuke's eyes widened in horror when his hand landed into something soft and moist. Knowing that it was already too late he closed his eyes as he fell to the ground and cringed when he heard the cake fall to the ground and the glass plate shattering across the kitchen floor. 'fuck...'

Naruto sat there shell shocked after witnessing one of his precious food fall to the ground. 'No way... out of all the dishes I've prepared...I spent... a long time on that...' Tears brimming his usually happy eyes, Naruto slowly stood up hands shakings and head lowered with anger radiating from his blond looked around hastily and grabbed the nearest object next to him. Sasuke balked and quickly grabbed the nearest towel trying to clean the mess up.

". . . . . Do you know how long it took for me to make that?" said the now very agitated blonde as he drummed his fingers against the counter trying to keep his cool. 'I am going to kill you...'

'Now now kit... it was just an accident... please calm down for the baby'

"Naruto-chan . . . . I . . I . . . Here I'll . . ." Sasuke exclaimed meekly trying to avoid making his love even more angry and upset than he already was trying to clean the mess up faster but failing since the frosting kept smearing even more.

Naruto felt a vein pop at the mess spreading and slammed his hand down wincing slightly by the impact.

"NO! … Stop! Just leave it alone and get out of here!" Naruto screeched throwing a wooden spatula towards the other man before turning around to clean the mess that had occurred on the floor.

'Naruchan... I think that's enough...calm down'

Naruto huffed and sighed looking at the cake solemnly and took a swipe at the cake and placed the frosting in his mouth. 'I really wanted Sasu to eat it...'

'I know...I know'

End flashback :::

Shaking his head after what just happened less than a few minutes ago, Sasuke sulked his way through the house muttering incoherent words to himself walking to the back yard staring at the sky looking hopelessly at the clouds as if they would be the one to give him answers.

"I hope Naruto isn't too upset..." Sasuke murmured under his breath eyebrows burrowing at the thought of bieng kicked out of the bed for the night. Lately Naruto had become quite emotional and more temperamental each and everyday. There was never a dull moment with the blond and Sasuke was glad for that. He chuckled and shook his head leaning against the door frame smiling at one of the fond moments he'll never forget on how spontaneous Naruto was.


'Ugh...what time is it?' Sasuke moaned internally trying to shield his eyes from the sun. Rolling over to look at the digital clock and glared at it once realizing how early it was. 'What the...it's 5:45... Why did I even wake up?' The man huffed and rolled back to his normal position throwing an arm over...'what the...'

Sasuke opened his eyes and blinked owlishly at a missing body in the bed,

"Naruto?" Sasuke yelled sitting up listening intently for any signs of movement. After a good moment of silence Sasuke threw his legs over the bed and padded his way through the compound, grumbling about how cold it was and how Naruto should be in bed sleeping next to him so he could be warm and comforted knowing that his blond was safe. As he passed through many rooms, Sasuke stopped midway after having a whiff of something that felt toxic.

"What the... that kind of smells like...paint" Sasuke mumbled before continuing his quest to find Naruto. Just as he was about to head into the living room, the raven haired man caught a glaring brightness in the corner of his left eye. ' wait a minute...' Sasuke thought miffed that the house felt so aloof. He whirled around and walked straight into the room that blinded his eyes and coughed at the intense fumes the paint was giving off.

"Naruto... why is this room …. orange?" Sasuke asked looking around for the blond through the intense brightness that was seriously blinding his eyes.

"This is our baby's room" Naruto exclaimed unfazed looking at his love who was covering his eyes from the sheer brightness before returning his attention to the last wall that has yet to be covered in paint. Sasuke gave an exasperated sigh and opened the window letting some fresh air enter the room.

"You know, it's not safe for you or the baby to paint inside a room that's not ventilated." Sasuke said concerned

"I'm sorry Sasuke kun, I was just so excited to paint this room I completely forgot about it" Naruto chuckled putting a hand behind his head before handing Sasuke a clean paintbrush to help him. Sasuke stared at it and reluctantly grabbed the brush cringing that he was actually allowing this color to be in his home.

End flashback ::::

WOOT... okay so … yea It's not much but I hope it added?

Tell me what you guys think and I'll see you another time :]

Ahaha... I just finished this while in my anthro class xD …. i'm a bad student...

Anyhow reviews are cool lol see you next time