A/N: I know this story said complete, but I received more than one review that mentioned Max not getting harrassed by fans and I thought...YOU'RE RIGHT! So here is a little epilogue to remedy the problem. After all, if anyone deserves to be chased it's Max after his complete bratty ness in the previous chapters. (Don't get me wrong, I love Max. Bratty ness and all. )

Disclaimer: Own...no, no I don't. --

Here Come Trouble, and It's Name if Girl


After their trying meeting with their 'special fans', Tyson came to a realization. While Ray may have gotten his come-uppence after being a pain about the fan girls (More than what he deserved if you asked Ray himself) Max, who had been even worse, had recieved no punishment. Now, Max might have been Tyson's best friend; but best friend or no, he couldn't let this stand. However, he wasn't used to getting revenge on someone. Solution: enlist some help.

After explaining the situation to Ray and Kai, Tyson found himself with some very willing allies. Allies that were not only intelligent and creative but slightly evil as well. It was Kai who pointed out that Max most likely had just as many fans as the rest of them. The blonde boy had simply gotten lucky that none of his fan's were there that night. Then Ray slyly mentioned that Kenny had a laptop with internet access. It all proceeded from there.

"You want me to look up what!" Cried Kenney. He couldn't have heard them right, could he?

"You heard us Chief," said Tyson with a large smile. "We want you to look up Max Tate Web sights."

"Why?" The chief asked bewildered.

"Don't worry about it chief," Ray soothed, patting the smaller boy on the back. "Just do it."


"Come on Kenney! It's not like we're asking you to look up porn or something!" Tyson exclaimed.

At this, the bespeckled boy choked and decided he would just do what they said. A few minutes of searching later, and they had hit the jackpot. A Max Tate fansight (A/N I don't know if there is such a thing. There probably is) complete with fan listings. Perfect.

"Alright," said Kai with a slightly scary smirk on his face. "It's time to get to work."

Ray answered with a similarly scary smile, while Tyson chuckled ominously. The chief wished he hadn't anwered the door earlier that day.


Max was having a good day. He had gotten to sleep in, his favorite candy bar was not only on stock but on sale as well, and to top it off he had gotten a special invite to go a private club for Beyblader's only. The fact that he had never heard of such a club and that none of his friends were invitated as well didn't even faze him. It was a good day after all.

Walking up to a nice building, Max could feel an ominous chill run down his spine. Shaking it off, the blonde entered the building anyway. Later he would curse not trusting his instincts.

Upon entering the designated room, the usually cheerful boy froze in complete shock. In front of him were at least thiry girls around his own age standing under a banner that said the "Max Tate Fanclub". Most of the girls were wearing t-shirts with his fact on them, others overalls like he liked to wear. Many held what looked to be Drasel plushies close. What he did next was very un-Maxie like. "Oh Shit".


Later that day, Tyson, Kai and Ray were hanging around Tyson's dojo. They knew Max would look here first and decided to wait for him. They were not disappointed when a very bedraggled Max walked in late in the afternoon. His clothing was torn,( one of his gloves was completely gone) his hair looked like it was now home to some kind of small bird, and his face screamed both exhastion and grumpyness.

No one spoke. The guys stared at Max and Max stared at the guys. The silence went on for several minutes. Finally, of all people to break the silence, Kai spoke.

"What happened Max, run out of sugar?"


A/N: Okay, Kai might be a little OOC right there, but I thought that was too funny. (That last line actually came from my sister. I love her. ) I hope you enjoyed the final installment of Here Comes Trouble. It was fun to write. Stay tuned for other stories from me. I have lots of ideas. Thanks for the reviews you guys, they mean a lot. And see, by reviewing you get special things like this funny little epilogue. ;p

Review and I'll Love You! (That rhymes. 0.o)

Till next time
