Eternal Love

The Final Chapter


"Marry you?" her heart began to race like mad. She felt blood rush to her face quickly. Did she just hear him correctly? Did Kira just ask her to marry him? Lacus looked into his eyes; she tested the seriousness of his eyes, they looked like they were waiting for an answer. "I will" her face was red, she couldn't control her blush.




Kira just stood there, he was shocked. He rolled over onto his back and looked at the ceiling. "Why?" he finally asked, Lacus starred at him in a bit of a shocked state. Why would he ask her such a questions.




"No matter what I do, no matter how hard I try I just can't seem to get you to hate me" His eyes began to shake, he hated himself. He hated what he was, what he became and what he did to her. Why won't she give up on him, why can't she accept that he's changed? "I don't deserve you Lacus"






Lacus climbed on top of Kira and with her slim fingers she gently grabbed the bed sheets and pulled it over her shoulders so that her naked body wasn't exposed to the room temperature. Once Lacus had fully put the sheets over her she rested her body on top of Kira, her lips were right next to his ear. She gently breathed slowly into his ear, doing her best to make him feel relaxed. "The moment I met you Kira, I would never forget it. The moment when I first kissed you, you were the one, I felt it. If I wasn't so crazy about you I would've stopped thinking about you ages ago. I love you Kira, every day that I breath, every second I feel alive, every moment I have to myself" She didn't make much sense to herself, she couldn't explain it in words. Her point wasn't coming clear to herself. Lacus just kissed him with all she had. Their lips met, they stayed that way for a moment or so.







Kira looked into her eyes, he could feel tears starting to form his eyes. Lacus looked shocked at what she saw. Not once had she ever seen him cry, that's the one thing she had always admired about Kira. He was strong, but now, he looked weak. He looked like he wanted to let everything out.








"…Stop it, I don't deserve this" he said rolling over to his side then onto his stomach. He didn't want her to see him like this. It was embarrassing for him, He thought he had grown emotionless over the years but he always knew deep down he was really weak. He didn't want Lacus to see him like this.






Lacus simply smiled. She lowered her head and kissed his shoulder. Lacus rolled over to Kira side and forced her way under him. Lacus forced him into an embrace when she wrapped her arms around his chest. "Sometimes, it's better to let it all out." She said. Kira silently put his head town and tears slowly began to fall down to his face onto her bare shoulder. He barely made any noise as he silently cried on her shoulder.



"Lacus" Kira said, trying to get response from her. Lacus however didn't respond. Her eyes were in a trance from all the sparkling jewelry before her eyes. It was just yesterday when Kira and suddenly asked Lacus if she would marry him, and her answer to that was… well there really isn't much not to tell, I mean come on, they were in a jewelry store looking at rings, Lacus' reply was pretty clear. Since the moment they gotten into the store, she had her eyes fixed on the most beautiful one. The ring was well over 2.2 million.





"…Lacus?" Kira smiled. She really hasn't changed at all. Kira just smiled. Kira put his arms around her shoulders and embraced her lovingly. "Do you want that one?" he said. Lacus' eyes immediately glimmered in worry. She had to admit it was the most beautiful ring she had ever seen but she didn't want Kira to spend that much on it, it was over 2.2 million.






"No! I don't want something so expansive Kira. I would rather take a cheap 3 thousand dollar ring then make you waste that much money on some silly ring." She said. Kira could see her point; she has not once acted like she was after his money. The situation made him smile because he knew how badly she wanted to wear that ring on her finger.




"…3 thousand dollars?" Kira said. He looked at his fiancée with confused eyes. "Are you mentally retarded? There is no way in hell I'm going to give the most beautiful woman in the world a cheap 3 thousand dollar ring" Kira turned his attention to the clerk. "I'll take this one" he said pointing at the ring that Lacus had been starring at. Lacus eyes widened with shock, she suddenly felt really bad.

"Sir, are you being serious?" the clerk said.

"I am, give it to me now" Kira said. The clerk immediately unlocked the glass window and took out the ring and began to the money transaction. Kira quickly wrote his a cheque for 2.2 million and handed it to the clerk. The clerk looked so shocked when he held the check in his hand.

"Kira, I said I didn't want it!" Lacus said, she actually started crying a bit. Kira smiled at her as he placed his hands on her cheeks and whipped away the tears with his thumbs. The clerk then handed Kira the ring. Kira put the ring his right pocket and his left arm around Lacus' shoulders as he began to walk out of the store.

Once they were outside she was silent as ever. She didn't say another word; she stayed that way for a long time. Kira could tell she looked impatient, she really wanted it now. They walked and walked, they eventually reached a park that had a long path that went deep into a nice scenery. It was connected with a riverside that had a small waterfall.

At this point, Lacus was really growing impatient. "Give it to me!" she said aggressively going after Kira's pocket. Kira made sure she didn't get it though he wanted to tease her since she refused to have him buy it.

"I thought you didn't want it?" he grinned looking into her eyes. She looked like a child that wanted her pacifier or she would scream. Lacus' eyes began to get teary. Amazing, even after everything she still acted the same as always.

Kira put his hand in his pocket and opened the box and pulled out the ring. Kira took his hand out of his pocket with the ring in his finger. He watched as her eyes quivered at the sight of the sparkling ring, she wanted it badly. "Give me you're left hand" he said. Lacus put her hand on Kira's as he slipped the ring onto her ring finger. Once it was in her hand she turned her back at Kira and held her held close to her face. It was the most beautiful diamond she had ever seen. It was crystal blue, like the colour of her eyes. It also had a bit of pink on the sides of it. She turned to Kira and smiled.

"You know what this means?" she asked.

"I know what it's supposed to mean but you'll probably think the meaning means something else."

She smiled. Lacus walked closer to Kira and kissed him on the lips. "It means, no matter what. You're stuck with me, so even though you hate me, you have no choice but to marry me"

Her words stung him a bit. "Do you really think like that?"

"You think I hate you?" she asked.

"I don't know. I honestly can't understand you at all at times" he asked looking down. Lacus put her arms around his neck and rested her head up against his chest.

"I love you" she said softly. "That's all that should matter" She slowly looked up into his eyes and met his lips in a very deep passionate kiss.



3 months had passed by fairly quickly. Everything seemed to be going quite good. Kira had finally turned towards the light and stopped well at least controlled his anger. Infinity was doing really well; it wasn't long till Infinity would expand again and started developing new technology.

Lacus had joined Kira and was second in charge of the company next to Kira. Kira was in his office looking at some documents when Lacus came walking in.

"Kira" she called out. Kira looked up and smiled at her. She was carrying a big envelope. She walked up to Kira and sat on his desk, crossing her legs. Kira took the envelope in his hands.

"What's this?" he asked curiously while caressing her thighs. Lacus' red cheeks began to brighten as she slowly smiled at him.

"It's something of been doing for you for the passed week. I hope you like them…" she said with a blush. Kira broke the seal on the envelope and pulled out the stack of glossy paper. Kira's eye widened when he saw it. There were pictures of Lacus, she was posed in lingerie in some, some in a see through night gown, and in the rest she was topless.

"…Wow" he said. Kira looked back up at Lacus and smiled. He was shocked that Lacus would do something like this for him, but the question he kept asking himself was why did she feel like she had to do something like this? "Why did you do something like this for?"

"I just wanted to do it for you. I don't know why"

"Well you look really sexy in all of them. But seeing you in one of these in reality makes you look 100 times sexier." Kira stood up and kissed her. Lacus just blushed, she wanted to be with Kira more but he was always busy. "Though I don't see it often enough, but I really love you Lacus. No matter what happens I'll always love you" He said right before devouring Lacus into a passionate kiss that made Lacus' heart melt. The kissed lasted awhile before the slowly pulled away.

"I love you too, Kira."






"You know Lacus; the wedding is in 2 months. You haven't told me where you want to go for our honeymoon." Kira said holding onto her hand as they were walking out of the office together. They were both done for the day and were going to head on home.

"I was thinking Hawaii but everyone goes there on their honeymoon. So maybe something like Rome, you know some where in Italy maybe. I can't make up my mind Kira there's so many places where I want to go" Lacus said, she was obviously thinking about it a lot.

"How about we go to a bunch of resorts? I know a cruise that would take us all the way up there. Though if you want we could just get a huge boat for the two of us and just travel ourselves." Kira said, he put his arm around Lacus head and kissed the top of her head. "Whatever you want"

"That sounds like a good idea" Lacus smiled, she put her arms around his right arm and rested her head on his shoulder. They both walked silently, enjoying the silence of each other.

After awhile, Kira spoke up about a thought he had in his head for awhile now. "You know those pictures you took, well I mean posed for?"

Lacus looked over at him and smiled. "What about them?"

"Please tell me a woman took those pictures for you" he said. Lacus smiled.

"Don't worry. It was a girl, she was really nice too" Lacus said. Kira sighed; at least he had that feeling out of his conscious now. If it really was a man that took those pictures he would have to kill him or at least rip out his eyes. Kira just laughed silently to himself. Lacus noticed his expression.

"What's with that grin?" Lacus asked.

"I was just thinking would I would do to the man if it was man that took those photos of you." Lacus just giggled.

"Well, I would hate to be there if it was a man and you walked in when he was taking the pictures of me" Lacus said. They both continued walking.

"Hey Kira, do you remember last night when I was feeling sick?" Lacus asked. Kira looked down at Lacus and Lacus looked up at Kira. There eyes met as Lacus began to speak again.

"…Well, I'm pregnant "






A/N: Sorry for the loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong update. I've tried so many times to complete it but nothing was being accomplished. Well thanks for everyone who reviewed and I'm really sorry about all this. Well now that I only have one storyI'll be able tofocus on that more.