Yumi watched with tears in her eyes as Ulrich, with help, attempted to walk a couple of steps. He fell yet again. He swore in frustration and pushed away the several hands of help that was trying to aid him up. Yumi silently cried as she watched her husband struggle up the bar only to fall again. He punched the floor in fits of temper.

Over the past month, Ulrich had slowly improved and the fear that he would be paralysed had thankfully passed. But his progress was too slow for himself. He was growing angry and impatient. He felt useless to his wife and children; on countless occasions he had snapped at Yumi and immediately regretted his severe actions.

Ulrich didn't feel himself anymore. He was a fighter, always on his feet, a determined body builder. Not being able to walk without the aid of three people either side of him and blocks on his feet was driving him into a state of depression. And he felt like such a failure to his wife, Yumi. He looked over at her in the corner, as the nurses helped him back on his feet, she was crying silently.

It killed him that he knew he was doing it to her; causing her to cry. He had seen Krystal twice since he had awoken and started to try and walk again. She had been happy to see her Father awake and looking normal rather than the pale weak version she had seen previously. He had enjoyed her company also, but thoughts ran through his head after she had left with Odd and Sam.

What if he never recovered? What if he was stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of his life? He was pretty sure that Yumi wouldn't leave him. So he would remain in the family. But what would be better for the family? How could Kaiser feel? He would never be able to play Soccer with him. Would Krystal be heartbroken when he couldn't walk her up the aisle on the most important day of her life?

"I think that's enough for now, Ulrich, we'll carry on tomorrow, without the blocks I think," The doctor smiled gently at him as he watched his colleagues helping his patient back into his bed.

"I know you're frustrated Ulrich, but many patients wouldn't have managed to do what you're doing so soon. Please be patient!" The doctor then left the room leaving Ulrich and Yumi alone.

"You should go home Yumi," Ulrich muttered taking a sip of water.

"You know I don't leave till late tonight, besides Sam is looking after the kids"

Ulrich didn't reply. They sat in silence for the rest of the evening until it was time for Yumi to leave.

"Please don't be hard on yourself, everything will be alright, it always is" Yumi said kissing him goodbye.

Ulrich didn't reply.

Ulrich looked around the hospital room. It was dark, the only light source coming from the moon through his open window. His eyes fell upon his walking apparatus. His eyes were set and determined. He moved into a sitting position and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. Using his arms he lifted himself into a standing position and walked two steps before he fell. Undeterred he picked himself up and; using support from things around the room, he walked around the room. He plonked himself on the bed. Exhausted but pleased, he tried again.

That night, Ulrich learned to walk again. He needed aids after a short while but he could manage a maximum of seven steps without using any aids. Every time he knew the nurse was due in he would push himself into bed and pretend to be asleep. This was something he had to do by himself and for his family.

The next morning when Yumi arrived, she found her husband fast asleep looking exhausted. She sat herself down on her usual chair and began reading the newspaper she had brought for Ulrich.

Ulrich only awoke when the doctors arouse him for his session with the walking apparatus. Yumi was shocked when Ulrich merely smiled and nodded.

As soon as Ulrich put himself into a sitting position, his helpers rushed forward.

"No, let me do it for once" They retreated.

Yumi watched with joyous tears in her eyes as she watched Ulrich walk around the room, without the help from the medical team. Sure, he used objects around the room but he'd don't it by himself.

The doctor was pleasantly surprised too. "Ulrich, when did this happen?"

"Last night, I had to do something for myself, so I practised all night. Had a few falls but I did it, and to me that's all that matters"

Yumi managed to restrain herself until the medical team left, but as soon as they had left the room, she jumped onto the bed with Ulrich and hugged him tightly.

"I'm so proud of you!" Yumi squealed.

He smiled.

"I had to do it Yumes. I couldn't let someone else walk Krystal up the aisle or teach Kaiser how to play soccer, I couldn't let you cart me around in a wheelchair"

Yumi smiled. "I wouldn't have minded Ulrich, I love you"

"I know, that's precisely why I did this"

Everyone was amazed to learn that Ulrich had learned to walk for himself.

It only took Ulrich another month and two weeks to be able to go back home.

Though he had to be careful, he was pretty much allowed to do what he wanted apart from strenuous activities. Though they all knew he probably would.

Ulrich felt bored at home, with only one task to do which was looking after Kaiser and sometimes Serenity when Odd and Sam couldn't find a suitable babysitter.

It was unsurprising to everyone that Ulrich got himself to work within three weeks of being back at home.

It was a rather sad evening, when the gang all gathered together for one last time in what could be said for a very long time. Jeremie, Aelita, Ansel and Zachery were leaving in the morning. They had all gathered at the Sterns whose lounge was the biggest.

The girls were in tears already as they poured into old photo albums, and the guys were simply drinking sombrely watching their wives crying.

Krystal, Twinkle, Ansel and Zachary could be heard playing upstairs with Kaiser and Serenity sleeping in their cots in the next room. The children seemed certain they would see each other again and refused to be sad, and even if they didn't get to see each that often, there was always instant messenger. Their parents had been amused.

They all looked up from either their position at the table or on the floor at the clocked that had just chimed midnight.

"Goodness, we've got to go; the children need to have at least some sleep!" Aelita said jumping up.

Jeremie nodded and raced upstairs to get Ansel and Zachary.

Sam and Yumi watched as their children said goodbye to their friends. They watched as they turned their attention to their "Uncle Jeremie" and "Aunt Aelita".

The girls did as they were told and went upstairs to bed. Since it was late, Odd and Sam were going to stay over in the spare room with Serenity in with them and Twinkle in Krystal's room.

"I'm going to miss you guys so much! Send me those pictures when you get them developed Ulrich" Aelita insisted hugging him tightly which he returned one armed due to using a crutch in one arm.

After Jeremie had said his goodbye to him, Ulrich stood back from the events and simply watched.

He observed his wife say her goodbyes to their friends, crying all the while, and Sam sharing a goodbye kiss with Jeremie. He viewed the scene while Odd and Aelita hugged tightly and Jeremie and Yumi did the same. Finally Sam and Aelita exchanged their goodbyes.

Yumi joined Ulrich on their porch and Sam and Odd joined them as there attention was drawn on their friends getting into their car and driving away from them for a very long time.

They all quietly walked into the living room and sat down staring at the television which was currently on standby.

"And then there were four. . . " Odd said his eyes resting on the picture of Ulrich and Yumi's wedding picture where the six of them stood, smiling brightly.

Hey I'm back! That blasted writer's block with this story is gone, for now. I'm going to try and write another chapter now, and get it posted tomorrow, but don't get your hopes up, I have college work to be doing tomorrow too. I'll at least get some of it written! Please review, I hope to see all my old reviewers back