Chapter Fifteen:

No more turning away

Three Years Later

In eighteen and twenty-two years respectively, the Winchester brothers have traveled the winding road of life. They've taken turns at the steering wheel, slept soundly in the passenger seat, played road map reader and backseat driver. They've depended on the other – always – to get them both where they needed to be. They've taken pit stops, gotten stalled and engaged in fights along the way.

Each has questioned, in his own time, if the path they were traveling was right for them. If this was the life they were destined for – if they even wanted it at all.

Simply glancing across the front seat of the Impala, however, answered easily these questions and put all doubts to rest, and they were soon discarded with a myriad of other things long since forgotten.

An easy life they defiantly had not had, simplicity forever absent from their mindsets – the Winchesters have survived in this world depending solely on each other, having been thrust into reality far before their destined time.

They would, without doubt, however, keep surviving, forever and always, as long as they had each other. Their worlds would expand, soon to include things such as college and girlfriends; a physical distance that had never been there before.

While these changes will be difficult to endure, they will only add to the lifetime of experiences that the brothers have already packed on; and it will make them stronger. As individuals, and as a family. Life was changing, moving forward at rapid rates that frightened and motivated.

The one thing that will remain forever constant, though, is the connection the Winchester brothers have developed through their life and times, the one that would keep developing until the end of time.

This was, after all, simply another beginning.

The End

A/N: Okay, so this chapter was much, much shorter than I'd originally imagined. But hell, this whole fic lasted about eight or nine months longer than I Thought it would when I started it... It was just begging to be completed.

I hope it wasn't a major disappointment, but, if you couldn't tell, I've been losing steam with this for a long while, and this is, in essence, was the way I wanted to wrap it up. And now that it's done, I can focus on my next uber-long story.

So, drop me a line and let me know what you thought? I've been batting about the idea of a one-shot sequel too, but that wouldn't happen for a while - and I'll only consider it seriously if anyone's actually interested.

And I guess that's it. Thanks for sticking around this long. I hope you enjoyed it more than I did. (Just kidding...sorta.)