(A/N: Okay This is my second story ever! SO BE KIND BUT BE REAL! Hopefully you guys will like this story, I think it should be interesting. So READ AND REVIEW BUT MOST OF ALL ENJOY!)

Disclaimer: I don't own anyone in this story EXCEPT KARA!

John walked back into his locker room with a bag of McDonalds. "Okay I got you barbeque sauce, I didn't know if you wanted anything else with the chicken strips." John told his sister in law Kara who was starting her first day as a writer for the WWE.

"Thanks John… I'm so nervous. It's weird though; Mr. McMahon told me just to observe the current storylines and then take things from there with the other writers. I hope I don't suck at this." Kara said nervously.

John looked at his twenty four year old sister in law. For someone so young her writing talents were phenomenal, unlike her husband Kara loved traveling. However John's younger brother was a home type of guy. To compromise, John agreed to take Kara on the road with him for a little while when Vince agreed to hire her for a few months; the agreement between Kara and Vince was if she agreed to stick around and travel with the WWE, as a writer and she liked it then she would be permanent. If she didn't like it she would go back home to West Newbury Mass. Vince read Kara's works and thought it would be a brilliant opportunity for her to write for him. Vince was happy to have her.

"Kara if Vince didn't think you were qualified to be a writer then you wouldn't be here right now… TRUST ME" John said putting his hand on her shoulder.

"I hope your right… Now give me my food I'm starving!" Kara said laughing as she snatched her bag of food away from john.

"Okay, I'm going to go warm up for tonight, I'll see you in a little bit. If you need anything or anybody bothers you just open the door and there should be a stage crewmember somewhere and just tell them to come get me okay? See you later Kara." John said giving his sister -in -law a quick kiss on the cheek and leaving the room. After Kara was done eating she wiped her mouth and her hands and threw the bag in the garbage. Kara continued sipping on her soda from McDonalds, she walked over to John's belt and spun it giggling. 'John is insane.' Kara thought at she looked at the belt. She loved being a part of the Cena family. She had been married to John's younger brother Matt for two years. She had just finished college after majoring in journalism and creative writing. Becoming bored Kara turned on the TV and plopped onto the sofa in John's locker room. Kara was watching the live feed of the ring watching as fans piled into the arena. It was only an hour until Raw began. Bored again Kara turned off the TV and stood up. Her phone beeped signaling that it had low battery. Looking through her bag for her cell phone charger when the door to the Locker Room burst open.


Randy was rushing to john's locker room he was so excited to tell John about the revelation he had about his girlfriend Sam. He wanted to Marry her, she was the kindest, most thoughtful, caring, independent, wise, brilliant, amazing, most beau—Randy's thoughts were cut off when he opened the door to John's locker room and saw a goddess. Or at least that's what Randy thought he saw. She couldn't have been older than seventeen. She had a small petite frame; she was about 5'5 and couldn't have weighed more than 110 pounds. She had hazel eyes, long dark brown hair, and she had tan skin. She looked Greek, mixed with something else. Whatever it was she had endless curves. Randy slowly took in her outfit which was a pair of light denim hip hugger jeans and a white halter top with white adidas sneakers, Her hair was down and she had on a light pink shade of lip gloss.

"Hi I'm Kara." Kara said happily as she held out her hand for Randy to shake.

Randy was snapped out of his thoughts, although his reaction was delayed.

"Hellooo anyone home?" Kara asked with a grin.

"Oh sorry, I'm Randy, Randy Orton." Randy said finally shaking her hand.

"I know" Kara said happy to meet one of the wrestlers, considering her new job Kara had to know who the wrestlers were to be successful at writing for the WWE.

"I'm sorry who are you again?" Randy said nervously. He was still holding Kara's hand; his palms were becoming sweaty with nervousness. Yes Randy Keith Orton was becoming nervous.

"I'm Kara, Kara Cena." Kara said with a smile. Randy's heart sank. 'A Cena? Awww man, John's not going to let me date his sister, wait no he doesn't have a sister, cousin he won't let me date his cousin, or niece? She's so young, but she is stunning and oh man.' Randy started drifting off as he stared into Kara's eyes.

"So how are you related to John?" Randy inquired as he leaned against the wall.

"Oh he's my brother- in- law, I'm married to his brother Matt." Kara said proudly with a smile.

"Ohhhh" Randy said the disappointment evident in his voice although Kara didn't pick up on it.

"So what are you doing here?" Randy asked Kara.

"Oh well right now I'm trying to be a writer in the WWE, well Vince hired me, and I'm just hoping I will do a good job." Kara said with hope in her voice.

"I'm sure you will do a superb job. So tell me about yourself" Randy said as he and Kara sat on the sofa in John's locker room.

"Well what do you want to know?" Kara asked. Kara was happy to be making a new friend.

"Well let's play twenty one questions." Randy said.

"Okay sure, you can go first." Kara replied.

"How old are you?" Randy inquired.

"Twenty four" Kara answered.

'TWENTY FOUR?' Randy thought to himself. 'Damn she's much older than I thought.'

"What is your ethnicity?" Randy asked dying to know what to mix of races made someone as beautiful as Kara.

"I'm Greek and Italian." Kara replied.

'SO I WAS HALF RIGHT' Randy thought to himself. "Where were you born?" Randy inquired.

"I was born in New York, Queens to be exact." Kara replied.

"Oh so you're a tough girl? So what made you end up in New England?" Randy asked Kara.

"Well John's younger brother and I went to the same college St. Johns, In New York and we met got married, and when we graduated I ended up moving back to Matt's home West Newbury." Kara explained.

'Maybe I should've went to Saint John's.' Randy thought to himself.

"So what is your fondest memory?" Randy asked dying to know more.

"Oh well when I was seventeen, my mother, and father, took me to Greece for vacation so I got to learn a lot about myself and things like that." Kara said remembering how much fun she had on that family vacation.

"What is your favorite thing to do?" Randy asked.

"Write, I could write from sunrise to sunset about anything, everything, and sometimes nothing at all. One thing you will never see me being is speechless, because words are my strength.

"Humm so you're poetic too." Randy said aloud. "I've run out of questions." Randy said with a chuckle.

"Are you serious? That was like six! Oh well MY TURN!" Kara said happily as the locker room door opened.

John walked into the locker room to see something that made his head spin. Before John even had to ask questions he knew that his best friend had fallen in love with his happily married sister- in- law.