okay first off...I AM SOOOOOO SORRY IT TOOK SOOOO LONG FOR ME TO UPDATE! IT WAS NOT MY FAULT OR DOING! my sister got caught on by my parents (heavy christians against gays) and so my dad locked the computer and took away the internet for the entire summer! and i just recently got it back and had to check on all my other accounts first! im realllllyy sorry!


okay also truthfully i had this chapter sorta done at the sorta beginning of summer becuase i was working on it at my friend dianna's (aka: Karesu) house at breakfast when we were eating ramen...mmmm, rameen...ANYWAY! yeah she helped me write some of the funnier points because i can be funny, not write funny. its complicated. also i know this chapter is shorter than i had hoped and im going to try and update longer chapters but its not garenteed to start off that long of chpaters since schools about to start again and i just got the computer back,but im really going to try so please be patient with me. one more thing,no one proof read this for me so its going to be kinda...i don't really know.


check out dianna's account to!


p.s. she got mad at me because i didn't say that she helped me on the last chapter and proof read it for me because i was in a hurry so im saying it now. you happy Kare-Bear? im even promoting you! aren't i a good friend?


"blah blah blah" (signifies talking)

'blah blah blah'(signifies thinking)

blah blah blah (signifies flashback)


Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN FMA! sniff so depressing saying that. sigh oh well.

Warning: some OOC-nessy ness ness ness and Ed doesn't yell random things when insulted as much. just soes ya know.


Chapter 3: Offenses and New faces

"You...are kind of short."

Dead. Silence.

Roy watched in mild curiosity as Ed's eyes widened before lowering his head, bangs shrouding the top part of his face. For some odd reason a feeling of impending doom (or at least something hurtful to his health) washed over the raven haired man. A low chuckle escaped Ed as he slowly looked back up at Roy, a strange glint in his eyes to go along with his smirk.

"I do hope you realize that the last person who called me that didn't make it five paces. I'd also like to note your only three away from me right now."

Roy gave the distance from the bed Ed was sitting on to his feet a quick glance.

"1...2...3...1/2. 3 1/2 actually," he stated in a calm 'matter of fact' tone. All he recieved in response was an icy glare. "Do you have a death wish?" the irritated blonde asked. "You do remember what and who I am right?"

"It's more of a death grant, and my memory has never faultered thank you. Perhaps yours has though." To prove his point Roy fingered the gun on his waist belt. Ed glanced at it and scoffed. "Guns have no effect on me. You should know that with your occupation."

It was Roy's turn to smirk as he grabbed the gun out of its holster and cocked it open to retrieve the bullets inside. They were shaped like regular lead bullets with the exception of the center being filled with a slightly glowing red liquid like substance. "Recognize these?" Roy questioned.

Ed blinked as realization dawned on him. "Thats cheating!" he yelled as Roy reloaded the gun and stuck it back on his belt holster. After fastening it to make sure it stayed , he turned back to face the bow pissed blonde vampire. "Well if you stay on my good side, I might not have to shoot you with these. You already know what it feels like."

Ed's glare intensified and was currently attempting to drill a hole into the skull of the still smirking hunters head, when something occured to him. "Just because I can't get near without being shot at," he grinned, "Doesn't mean I can't still hit you at far range."

The grin widened as Ed picked up the lamp on the nightstand next to the bed and chucked it at Roy before he could respond.

Before it made contact with his head, Roy gathered his mind together and dodged the lamp which fell to the floor and shattered as gravity intended.

"You little bastard!" Roy shouted before ducking another object thrown by the newly provoked short one (heehee, short one, heehee). "I'm NOT LITTLE!"

Thus, it began. The battle of insults and flying inanimate objects waged for the better part of an half hour, with Ed throwing anything and everything in the room at his disposle (he had gotten up to grab more amo), and Roy trying not to get something thrown into his eyes (the most thrown at target). Being as distracted as they were, what with insulting and dodging (yay! what fun), they didn't notice the figure that was slowly making its way through the window on the far wall.

Finally after avoiding another chair, Roy had had enough. "Ed, you little bastard! Quit throwing stuff at me!"

Ed snapped back, "I'M NOT LITTLE!" before hurling a telephone at Roy.

Roy missed being hit by dramatically leaping (or just tripping over his trench coat while trying to move). Unfortunately, he had been standing in front of the far window area and so the projectile did not miss hitting something.

With a loud bang and a groan the figure that had been in the window fell off the sill and landed in a heap on the carpet floor. This immediately averted Ed and Roy's attention. They both stooed still for a second neither moving before they both darted over to the crumpled form. Roy got to it first being already closer than Ed and turned the body over slowly.

He frowned at the person, not recognizing the face. He turned when he heard Ed gasp and shove him out of the way.

"Oh my GOD! Envy are you okay!"


again, REAAALLY sorry about the wait!

please review!