Hello, everyone, welcome to my new story! Yes, this is another one of my weird ideas, heh. It's been bothering me for a few days, so I decided to write it down. I sure wish that I could quit starting new stories, and just finish all my old ones, but some stories just scream to be let out. So, yeah, here's this new story. Let me know what you think of it, and if I should continue or not.

Disclaimer: I do not own FullMetal Alchemist. I don't own much, for that matter. Heh, I have a lot of junk, but hardly anything of value. Hehe.

The stranger slowly hobbled down the street. He was in a hurry, but the limp in his right led slowed him down. The people he passed by on the street turned their heads to stare at the man limping slowly by. "Don't stare at me," he would mutter under his breath as he pulled his cloak even tighter around his face. He knew that he wasn't a pretty sight, but he still didn't like being stared at.

The man continued to hobble along. Every time he had to readjust his cloak, another clump of hair would fall out. His body was deteriorating fast, but he had a job to do, and he was going to do it, no matter what.

Eventually, a car pulled up beside the man. "Would you like a ride, stranger?" asked the driver.

"If you would be so kind," said the stranger.

The driver opened the passenger seat door, and the man climbed in and sat down without a word. The driver nervously cleared his throat and asked, "So, where did you want to go?"

"I need to get to Central Headquarters," said the man.

"Do you mean the military headquarters?" asked the driver.


There was silence after that. This man just didn't say much, and even though the driver couldn't see his face, he could tell that there wasn't the slightest trace of a smile. It was kind of spooky, actually.

"So," chuckled the driver, "You want to get to the military headquarters, so the military headquarters it is."

There was no response from the stranger. The driver began driving, and tried to strike up a conversation with the man.

"So, are you with the military?" No response.

The driver cleared his throat, and decided to try again. "Are you from around here?" No response.

The driver nervously asked, "Is there anyway that I can help you, at all?"

Finally, the stranger spoke. "Tell me everything you know about the Elric brothers, especially the younger one."

The driver hadn't expected a question like that, but he'd do whatever he could to help. "I don't really know a lot about them, and most of what I do know is about the elder brother. I know that they are, or rather they were, very famous alchemists before the elder brother's unfortunate demise. The elder brother had even become a state alchemist at the age of twelve, which is the youngest on record. Both brothers were always trying to help the people as much as they could. The younger brother is now a state alchemist himself, as a matter of fact. They say that he's discovered something that could be valuable in war, and they're going to have him test it out soon. That's about all I know."

The stranger said nothing, but continued to ride in silence. The driver decided not to press the man to talk, as he obviously didn't wish to speak.

Finally, they arrived at their destination. "This is your stop," said the driver, "Good luck with whatever you're doing."

"Thank you," said the stranger, who then stepped out of the car without another word.

The stranger stepped into the building, and spoke to the secretary. "I need to see Colonel Roy Mustang."

"Colonel Mustang is busy right now, sir," she said.

"He's not too busy to see me," said the stranger.

"And who might you be?" asked the secretary.

"If he doesn't see me right now, his worst nightmare," said the stranger.

"Are you threatening the Colonel?" demanded the secretary.

"That's not a threat, that's a promise."

"Watch you step, Mister, this gun is loaded." The stranger turned to see Hawkeye pointing a gun at him.

"Long time, no see," said the stranger, "Feel free to shoot me all you want. You can't kill me."

The stranger turned back to the secretary and said, "Listen, if you don't get me in to see Roy right now, then I'm just going to march right into his office myself, and that wouldn't be pretty."

The secretary nodded nervously and signaled to Hawkeye to feel free to fire. Hawkeye shot two bullets into the man, who merely chuckled. "Like I said, you can't kill me."

"Are you…a…homunculus?" asked the secretary, not even sure why she'd bothered to ask that.

The man laughed. "I'm much worse than a homunculus, but I'm not your enemy. I simply need to talk to Roy. Now, are you going to help me, or do things need to get ugly?"

Neither the secretary nor Hawkeye could find a way out of this. They decided to escort the man to Roy's office.

"We're sorry, sir," said the secretary, "But this man seemed to have something quite important to say." Hawkeye did some sign language for Mustang to let him know to watch this character, because he seemed a little fishy.

Roy dismissed them and invited the stranger to come in. "I need to talk with you…alone." The stranger motioned towards the other man that Roy was talking to at the moment.

"I'm sorry, Mister, but you don't seem to realize just how important this meeting is," said Roy.

"You are the one that doesn't realize how important this meeting is," said the stranger. "I will tell you what I came to tell you whether this man stays or not, but I don't think he can handle what I'm going to say."

"I'm in charge of the group that is going to test Alphonse Elric's discovery tomorrow," said the man, "If I can handle that, I can handle whatever you dish up."

"Fine," said the stranger, "But I'm still not sure that you can handle it."

"So, what is it that you so needed to see me about?" asked Roy.

The stranger pulled down the hood of his cloak so that the two men could see his face. They both gasped out of fear. In spite of the missing clumps of hair and the rotting flesh, that face was undeniable. It was Edward Elric.

Well, that's the first chapter. Let me know what you think. If I get a good response, I'll update soon.