Ed: In this story, Ed is not an Athiest! I repeat not an ATHIEST! Technically Lent is Catholic...but hey! I know in the series he does not believe in all that religion stuff. Just because I changed this little detail doesn't mean he isn't still our cute little shy-guy Ed.

"What?" screamed Ed, as he choked on a piece of pie.

"Yeah." said Al.

"Lent started today, that means you have to give up something you usually do or something you like to have until Easter."

"I know what lent is Al!"

"So what do you want to give up?" asked Winry.

Ed was in Al and Winry's apartment, Ed used to live there until he and Roy got a house together. While Al and Winry lived in the apartment together, yes, they are couples, and Ed visits them usually to talk to them about him and Roy or to have something to eat.

"I'm giving up touching or even messing with mechanic tools."

"I'm giving up sneaking kittens or cats in the apartment."

"You shouldn't even be sneaking kittens or cats into the apartment in the first place honey!" yelled Winry.

"You know I can't help it!"

"Well at least there won't be any cats in our house until Easter." Winry said with relief.

Ed continued eating the pie. "I guess I will give up eating so much."

"I know you like something better than eating." said Winry. She started to think and her eyes started to quickly widen, as she got a quick thought, and then her eyes went back to their normal state. "I know what you can give up." Winry said with a evil smirk.


"Having sex with Roy."

Ed started to choke again. "WHAT?"

"Yeah! Think about it! Every time you come over here you always tell us what a wonderful time you had with Roy, and I mean EVERYTIME you come here." said Winry.

"Yeah that is true, you give us too much detail. Almost drowned in my coffee when you told us about the 'experience' you had." scoffed Al.

"Oh, sorry." laughed Ed.

"There's no way he's going to do that Winry, so he might as well stick to the eati-"

"Good idea, Winry." said Ed.

"What?" said Al.

"Yeah, Roy without sex is like me without food, it won't work." Ed nodded and crossed his arms.

"So you're going to torment Roy? You're cruel, brother." said Al.

"I'm just going to do it to see how he holds out for two and a half months." Ed smirked mischievously.

"Ok then, you have to keep that promise until Easter. You know how Roy can be seduceful at times." said Al while eating.

"Ok, then I will!" yelled Ed, as he walked out the door and waved.

When Ed got home he flopped on the couch. "Damn I am pooped, I feel so tired right now. Work is a bitch." Ed grabbed the remote from the table and started to watch TV. Soon his recreational time was interrupted when he heard a twist from the doorknob.

"Hello my Edward." greeted a person.

"Hello Roy." Edward greeted back.

Roy took off his coat and tossed it on the floor. "You look very SEXY in that position." purred Roy. Ed loved when Roy did that but he had to remember it was lent he had to wait until Easter.

Roy had tried to pounce on him, but he flipped over the other side of the armrest and ending up falling on his ass.

"Oh my little Ed is a little fiesty today, I like that." purred Roy as he crawled up over the armrest like a Persian cat. He tried to grab the sitting chibi on the floor with his arms, but Ed ran around to the kitchen, which he had to cut past Roy to do that, as the kitchen was connected to the living room.

"Roy calm down!" Ed ran around the kitchen table.

"Why? You always liked a good chase!" Roy jumped on top of the table. "Right my little Eddie?"

Ed ran around the table, cut through the living room, and ran upstairs.

"I like this Edward. He wants a chase does he?" Roy jumped from the table, landed flat on his feet, and chased after the fleeing human.

"Here chibi, chibi, chibi." Roy walked into the room they shared together, and saw a lump in the bed. "Very sly Edward." Roy ran into the bed and slammed on top of it, but what he landed on was too soft to be Edward. He looked under the sheets to see it was a bunch of pillows.

Edward quickly came from under the bed, with a rope and tied the rope to Roy's hands and ankles, attaching him to the bed.

"And don't call me chibi." said Ed.

"Whoa! My little Eddie is being feisty again."

Edward blushed. "Yeah Roy, thats it."

"Ok then can you untie me?" pleaded Roy, as he poked his lips out. "I promise to be good."

"Last time I did that you pinned me to the ground and started to rip my clothes off." Ed stated.

"I thought you liked that?"

"Well. I do. It's just...Shut up!" Ed turned blushing more, he had to admit he LOVED seeing Roy tied up like that. Ed started to doubt if he or Roy could make it until Easter, even though he does not plan to tell him.

"Well can you at least lighten these up a little, I feel like I'm losing circulation."

"Alright then." Ed started to loosen them up a little, but at that chance Roy jerked up his head and kissed Ed on the lips. "I knew you would try something like that." said Ed.

"I know, just seeing what you would do."

"Whatever Roy."

Roy chuckled. "Ok untie me now Edward. I won't try anything, I promise."

"I'm going down stairs to watch TV! Later!" yelled Ed as he opened the door.


"Not until you fall asleep, that's the only time that you're seldom."


Ed blew a kiss and hurried down stairs.

When you are on lent, it means that you cannot do nor have something until Easter, and it actually started March first! Therefore, I hoped you enjoyed chapter 1! I like over persistent Roy.

P.S. Ed is not an Athiest in this story, I repeat not an Athiest!

I know some of ya will hate this new removed detail and I'm sorry you feel that way...but I am glad you took time out to read my fic! XD! Have a nice day!