He just didn't know how big he had messed up. Luke sighed and continued to wipe the counter, thankful for the lull in business between breakfast and lunch. Unlike the first time he and Lorelai had split, Lane and Ceasar had no wish to see the diner become a relic of its former glory, so they had promptly taken control of everything, giving Luke one and only task: to fill coffees and clean.

No one had purchased coffee in three days.

He hated the way the town felt now. Everyone knew; everyone knew more than he did. All of them stared with a mixture of pity and annoyance when he walked down the street. It hadn't been a big problem to figure out when the question came up as to why the two had broken up. Luke didn't know how to handle the sudden extra attention and did the thing that could always be predicted and avoided. Zach hadn't called his eyes the Fires of Mordor for nothing.

April was coming tonight and he suddenly didn't know how to talk to her. She came by a couple of days ago, and he had been able to convince her that he was just having a bad day then. He didn't think she's buy it a second time. Part of him wanted to just tell her everything about his life that she should know, and the other half said that he didn't want to burden her with it. She wasn't obligated to know Lorelai, and she shouldn't be forced to have a relationship just because they were supposed to get married.

Part of him wondered why Lorelai had never at least met his daughter.

He knew that he didn't want to make Anna feel bad about another woman knowing her daughter, especially since her daughter was just getting to know her father.

He wasn't sure what to think anymore.

The letter had taken him by surprise. At first he didn't know what to do; he just wanted her to say something to him. Luke had called everyone who might know with the exception of her parents, but not even Rory could be found with an answer. Finally he had to take Sookie's advice and be patient with the hope that she would be back soon.

He talked to Jess yesterday. Rory had decided that Luke needed some family support as he waited for what was to come. His nephew had made him give details as to what happened and the letter, not shutting up until he had the information. And although he would never admit it, Jess' call did serve to calm him down since he had someone to rant to about everything that had suddenly gone topsy-turvey in his life.

Jess asked him why he hadn't met April yet. Now he was even more confused.

Still, some things remained the same. Taylor was always Taylor, and picking fights with him would forever be both a sport and an occupational hazard. It seemed like everyday, usually multiple times, they argued about the lease agreement, or why Luke didn't decorate for the coming Easter, or Taylor's latest plan to move the soda shoppe in with the diner as a joint establishment (after the necessary reconstruction channels were followed of course.) Despite Luke's mood he never lost his ability to tell Taylor no empahtically.

In retaliation the town managed to sport an entire army of pink ribbons overnight. Luke stopped talking altogether; it was just easier. But he wasn't exactly sure how much more he would be able to take.

Hey everyone! Sorry it's taken so long to post and that it's so short. I just haven't had the time that I used to, prom and senior trip these next two weeks, and all the pre-graduation stuff going on. Anyways I hope to post another chapter sometime soon.
