
Author's Note: This story contains boy/boy situations, so if you don't like that kind of stuff, don't read. It also contains spoilers for Yu-Gi-Oh GX. So if you don't want to know ahead of time what's going to happen in the anime, don't read. Otherwise, enjoy the story and R&R. (May 17, 2006: For those of you who have not already done so, check out my other recent fic, "Onmyoukyou.")

Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to or of the Yu-Gi-Oh Series.

Japanese Terms: Aibou - Partner

Chapter 10: Broken

It was the eighth day in a row he had lain awake like this…Restless, face pressed against the mattress, without energy whatsoever. Breakfasts, lunches, and dinners flew by, and his attendance record plunged into the gutter. To him, it made no difference.

The clock displayed a perpetual 9:25 AM, the batteries drained. The curtains that shrouded the windows were lined with creases. The poster on the wall was beginning to peel. The things he did not care to pay close attention to before blared at him like the sirens of a police cruiser during a highway chase. His head ached, as if it was being stung by a swarm of hornets, or torn straight off in a chainsaw accident.

"He'll be back."

He was convinced…Any minute now, Sho would come rushing into the room, plop down next to him, and tell him how sorry he was for running away.

"He has to. He just has to," Judai told himself.

The duelist pulled the pillow over his nose and mouth, trying to suffocate himself and rid himself of the pain he was feeling. "Sho…I don't know what to do. You're out there somewhere, alone and probably freezing when you did nothing wrong, while I'm livin' it up in here! The one who deserves hell like that is me. Come back. Please come back!" he shouted into the linen casing, which muffled his cries.

The furry spirit of Hane Kuribo materialized from the roof. It descended next to its master, prodding at him with its puny claws in a vain attempt to revitalize his usual sunny self.

"Not now aibou," he shooed the winged creature, to which it obeyed. "I'm not in the mood."


Tossing and turning in bed, Judai could hear the bluenette's voice. It was chilling, and caused the boy to shrink under the covers in grief.

"You betrayed my trust, and now you want me to forgive you?"

Tears forming in his eyes, he sat up for the first time in days, replying with an overly forceful breath, "Yes!"

"It hurt more and more each time. I was afraid you'd leave me…that you didn't want me around anymore. I couldn't take it-su…"

"Sho…I love you."

"I love you too-su, but - What does it mean to you Aniki?"

The brunette dug his fingers into the sheets, and explained shakily, "I-It meant everything. You're my world, Sho. We've been apart for only a week and I'm already in shambles…a total wreck!"

"What about Kenzan-kun and Edo Phoenix-su?"

"T-They could never replace you," Judai continued. "You're special to me."

"If only I could believe that."

The boy brought his hands together in a gesture of prayer, kneeling before the spectre that only he could see. "Look at me! Look at what I've become! I'll walk across hot coals, leap off a fifty-story building, drink that stuff under the sink…Whatever you ask, I'll do it! Just don't go!"

The bluenette smiled understandingly, but promptly vanished from his sight.

"No! Sho, don't go! SHO!"


"D-Don't go!"

"Aniki, snap out of it, zaurusu!" Kenzan shook him.

Judai finally awoke. "W-What happened? Kenzan, what are you doing here? Where's Sho? I have to stop him!" He clutched at the Ra Yellow's well-built shoulders.

"Aniki, relax. We haven't found him yet, remember? You were just having a nightmare."

"A nightmare?" He loosened his grip on Kenzan. "Yes…Just a nightmare."

"Get out of bed pronto, da don. They're waiting for you at the duel stadium." The taller boy helped him to his feet.


"Manjoume and Asuka-senpai. They're challenging you to a duel, zaurusu!"

"Are you sure you're ready for this?"

"I was born ready."

"No you weren't. Everything you have now Saiou-sama saw to. Without him, you walk this earth, a mere broken soul."

"Hmph. 'Broken' does not even scratch the surface of how I feel. But his intervention was highly unnecessary."

"Do you not see Saiou-sama as we do? It would interest him to know that you're a pretender within his flock, however unthinkable that may be."

"I'm no pretender. Watch and I'll show you!"

"And Yuki Judai?" White Thunder dismissed cynically.

"What about him?"

"Don't play coy with me! Answer the question!"

The shorter one laughed, pushing him away. "Yuki Judai won't be a problem once I get through with him. Just you wait-su."

Manjoume remained doubtful, but swallowed his pride and entered the arena. A keen grin formed on his face as Judai's expression of pure horror came into view. He also spotted Edo Phoenix and his former coach in love, Tenjouin Fubuki, in the stands behind him.

The teenage duelist chewed on his bottom lip. "It can't be…!"

"That's right, you're opponent for this duel is-"

"Sho-kun," Asuka cut in, appearing at his side.

The brunette stared in disbelief at his boyfriend who, now dressed in the regalia of the Whites, met his gaze with a loathsome shudder. The rope that had previously tied the two together suddenly came undone, becoming a lifeline that could give way with the tiniest of movements.

"Sho, w-what did they do to you? Don't tell me that you're – No you couldn't have!"

"Saiou-sama has opened my eyes to the truth-su." He raised both arms high into the air, grasping at the beams of light that fell from the ceiling. "I was weak and miserable, and it was all because I stuck by you!"

"You don't mean that!"

"Yes I do! With no more shadows to hide in, he set me free!" Sho defended himself.


"Enough talk, Yuki Judai! Let's settle this once and for all-su!"

Judai had no choice but to accept; he was not about to leave Sho in the hands of the enemy. This was his chance to retrieve what was stolen from him, and rectify his mistakes.

Their duel disks produced identical clinks. The battle was about to begin.