Sum-Darry, Soda and Pony have to move in with their Grandmother, after the death of there parents.

I don't own The Outsiders but I do own the Nana and any other people that come in that are not from the book. No Shelley is not mine.

-Pony's P.O.V-

I can't believe it. I don't want to, but it's true. I want to pretend they are still here, but their not.
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We were on are way to the funeral home. I was in the middle of Darry and Soda. Soda's eyes were red and puffy. We were in our best clothes. Two-Bits was coming with his mom and sister. Steve is coming with Johnny and Dally.

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When we got there we meat the gang out side. Two-Bit was standing with is kid sister and mom. When we walked over to them Ms. Matthews gave us each a hug.

"If you boys need anything, don't heisted to call." She told us. Darry nodded. Shelley, Two-Bit's kid sister gave us a hug too (this here is what I add on that was not in my book.) witch was sweet of her seeing she is shy around most of us. Witch is kinda weird seeing her brother is a big joker. But we still like her like a sister. Johnny even likes having her around, he sees her more then Two-Bit does witch is crazy seeing is that Two-Bit and Shelley leave at the same place. Oh well.(this is were it ends).Then they went in side.

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Soon Dally, Johnny, and Steve arived. Steve put a hand on Soda's shoulder. Soda and me have been crying a lot more then normal.

Sandy soon came, she went right over to Soda. Soon Soda was crying on her shoulder. Sandy was whispering in his ear.

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Inside we were all sitting in the front row, where an older lady in about her 50's was sitting. She was in all black. Darry say next to her I sat next to him, Soda sat next to me, Steve, next to him, Dally next to him, Johnny after Dally, Shelley after Johnny,(I'm Shelley and I want to be next to Johnny and TW!) then Two-Bit, Ms. Matthews, then Sandy.(I forgot about her! I just added her in.)

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After, the funeral my eyes and Soda's eyes where puffy and red. The gang said they well see us later. Guess they wanted us to have sometime alone.

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Soda and I were sitting in the truck watting for Darry to come.

"Soda... What's going to happen to us?" I wanted to know what will be going on. I didn't want to leave my brothers. Darry had wanted to go to collage really bad...if he takes us care of us then he can't go.

"I-I don't know, Pony... I really don't know." Soda said looking down at his lap.

A few minutes later Darry came back. He was quite and he looked kinda shocked about something."Dar... What's going to happen to us now?"

"They were going to take you two and put you in a boys home.."Darry started then Soda cut him off.

"They can't do that! Are parents just d-di-ed and they want to spite us up! No way!" Soda began crying agian.

"Soda... They aren't splitting us up. We are going to have to move to Nana's." Darry finshed looking at us.

"No... I don't want to move..."My stomach tighten when he said move.

"I don't either Pony. I told them I could take care of you two. But they said that are Nana as already done the paper work. They where done when mom and dad where still with us." Darry said starting the truck up.

"Is it dad's mom or mom's mom?" I asked hopping it was dad's mom. Mom's mom is to strict on somethings she would make us get are hair cut witch I did not want.

"Dad's." Darry said concentrating(I hope that's right...)on the road.

For the first time that week I smiled. We where only going a few towns away. I may not have wanted to move but Nana, has a big house, and she is really nice. The gang likes her too, she even keeps track of the score when we play football when shes over. But I was still upset that we had to move a few towns over.

How was it? Someone else wort one were Darry had went to collage and Pony and Soda where spilt up. Someone else wort one when they have to move really far away that I can't remember the name of the place. Now here's my story! They have to go and move in with their grandmother. Review please!