Piccolo the Pervert

Outside the Son residence, Piccolo is seen floating above a grassy patch staring into the 8 year old Gohan's house.

"I'll always watch after you kid." Piccolo thought as he watched Gohan get changed into his clothes and then jumping into his bed.

Piccolo quickly leaves for Kami's lookout where he'd plan staying for this night. Flying through the night Piccolo thinks of how nice and soft Gohan's tush looked tonight as he changed into his underpants.

Soon Piccolo stops at Kami's lookout and finds one of the empty houses in which to rest.

The Namek wakes up in his sleep, he can't get the thoughts out of how awesomely hot Gohan's butt looked.

"I need to go grab that thing." Piccolo thinks in his child molesting ways as he takes off for the son residence once again.

More images begin to surge the Namek's thought process as he forces his body to soar faster through the starlit sky. He now remembers when he was training Gohan of how he liked what he looked liked when he was naked and helpless.

Piccolo arrives only to see the final lights being put out, he waits for the moment and soon grasps it as he busts through Gohan's window, pulls down his pants and reaches for the nice fleshy buttocks.

Gohan stirs awake, only to see in horror his former mentor grabbing him on the rear end.

"Ah!" He shrieks as he feels the sharp nails dig in.

Quickly Goku rushes in and drop kicks Piccolo, Chi Chi can only look in horror as she sees what the Namek had planned to do. She reaches for the phone and calls the sheriff's office and tells them what has happened.

"Yes I would like to press charges, would you want some strange green grabbing molester allowed to fly around and grab other children's' butts?!" She yells into the phone.

Piccolo is now being held in a full nelson by his Saiyan rival and Gohan his crying through his traumatizing experiences.

Chi Chi gets off the phone, angry that the authorities say nothing can be done.

"I could always throw him in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and blast the door, he could never resurface after that." Goku replies to his heart broken wife.

"Then do it!" She screams as she now clutches Gohan in her arms.

Goku uses his instant transmission technique and delivers the Namek to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, afterwards he uses a ki blast and seals the door, leaving the perverted Namek to his thoughts and images for an enternity.