Disclaimer: Do I really need to say it again? I know you know that I know, shouldn't that be enough?

A/N: It's been said before, but in case you missed it: yes, this is slash; yes, it is unbeta'd; yes, I desperately want reviews, so please do; and yes, you have my thanks for reading my little story and for leaving reviews on the last chapter, I do so appreciate them. I'm not too sure about this chapter, I was surprised at the direction it took, I like knowing how Draco has impacted his friends' lives though, so I'm glad it took the turns it did. Oh, and there's pointless smutty stuff at the end. I am resolved to becoming a better smut writer, unfortunately that means you must suffer through my practice runs and early attempts!


They were late. Snape was snarling, Remus was trying to get him to behave and failing. Cele wasn't about to be intimidated, so she was snapping back; Callie was shooting sympathetic looks at Remus while attempting to calm her girlfriend. Ron was laughing it up with Bree. Paul and Jonathan were making goo-goo eyes which was nothing new, but somewhat annoying, and they were playing it up since their game of kissy-face seemed to bait Snape. Pansy was deep in conversation with Michael about something. All in all things were going well Draco thought as they arrived at the table.

"You're late. Are you alright? Where were you?" Hermione launched before any of the others could get in their hellos.

Callie took a quick look at Draco and rolled her eyes--someone had a serious case of mother-hen-itis, with a bit of nosy goose besides. "Never mind guys it doesn't matter. We don't really want to know." She cast a hard look around the table daring anyone to challenge her, it landed firmly on Hermione with a clear warning.

Affronted, Hermione was about to say something, but she noticed Callie was again looking over the late arrivals. It was then she noticed the kiss swollen lips, the slightly rumpled clothes, and the bright passion mark on Draco's neck that couldn't be anything but fresh. She decided discretion was perhaps the best course of action after all, and sent a sheepish apologetic look to Callie across the table.

Callie nodded, then shifted her attention to pat the chair beside her. "C'mere and siddown Harry," she drawled, "I need blackmail material and you have Draco stories."

Draco stuck out his tongue at them as he locked his chair in place at the head of the table. "So have you ordered?"

Bree swallowed and set down her water glass, "Just mojitos for everyone and appetizers. We wanted to wait the dinner order on you two, but it's good you're here 'cause damn I'm hungry!"

Cele laughed, "A hungry Bree is to be avoided at all costs. Things get ugly when she's hungry."

Draco nodded chuckling, "It's true! She's nearly as bad as Harry and Ron. I have to apologise though, the worst is 'morning Bree' which you were all subjected to this morning. I didn't hear the door, or I would have spared you."

Remus goggled, "That was you this morning?"

Bree blushed, and like the Weasleys it clashed horribly with her hair, "Umm-yeah I'm pretty bad in the morning. Pretty much everybody knows not to bug me before 10. My bedroom is closest to the door though so sometimes…well I know I'm about as friendly as a hissing cat when I'm up before 9, and Draco is the fucking super-early bird. I don't know how we've managed all these years."

"Simple," Michael jumped in, "We keep Draco and his way too efficient morning self under wraps until you've had at least 2 cups of coffee."

Jonathan giggled, "It's 3 cups of coffee Mike. She's worth shit until she's got enough caffeine to power a small city pumping."

"Okay, okay-enough picking on the non-morning person," Bree groused with a smile, "What we need to do is to pick on our super organised anal-retentive person. You all know Draco from school right? And you were his teachers?" She directed her comments to Snape and Lupin.

Snape frowned, "I am his godfather actually, if you must know, but yes we were both his teachers."

Bree sat back dramatically, "Oooooooooooookay not meddling with the man in black with the icy death rays. Mr. Freeze has nothing on you-whoa!"

Draco bit back a chuckle and waved away the questioning looks he received from some of his guests, "I'll explain later." He looked to his housemate, "Severus doesn't know much about Batman, Bree, so you'll have to forgive that he didn't get the reference."

"I may not be familiar with the reference, but I am well aware of an ins-"

Remus clamped a hand over his lover's mouth, "So…Bree, right? Is there anything in particular you wanted to know about Draco?"

Blue eyes lit up. "Yeah. Tell us about Mojo's--"

Draco was relieved that their waitress came to take their orders then. There was some shuffling and delays, as his Muggle friends tried to explain the different foods. They convinced Pansy, Lupin, Snape, and Harry to be a little daring and placed orders for Ropa Vieja, Congri and Tostones Rellenos, Lechon Asado, Langosta al Ajillo and Masitas de Puerco.

Ron wasn't convinced and ordered a simple dish of Spanish sausage with saffron rice, while Hermione decided to have grilled garlic chicken with plantains, rice and black beans. They'd just ordered another round of mojitos when Pansy asked Bree why she was only having water.

The housemates went silent, and Draco cursed Pansy's big mouth. Bree flushed, and picked at her plate of Sabor Havanero. She took a shaky breath, and smiled fondly, if sadly, at Draco, "I am an alcoholic. So I uh-don't drink anymore."

Pansy paled. "Oh. Oh sorry, I shouldn't have said anything. I didn't mean to upset you!"

Bree shrugged, "It's okay, you didn't know. It's not like you were out to be mean about it. And I'm getting better about admitting it in public. Besides, I've been sober for almost two years now."

Draco leaned over and took her hand. "And we're all very proud of you," he said gently, without condescension.

Bree smiled at her family, and nodded, "I know." She looked around the table at Draco's guests and realised they were his family too. So they were her family now, and she could tell them the truth. "I might as well tell you the whole thing because I'd rather you know the truth than start wondering about me and making assumptions."

She felt encouraged as Ron nodded at her. "I started drinking when I was 8. My father was an alcoholic and my mother was too, and at first I just followed their example. But by the time I got to high school I knew I was a mess and that it was really the booze that was bringing me down. My viola teacher caught me drinking before a lesson once and told my parents. They were pissed, but didn't do much. I toned it down a lot, anyway though. Then I came to Claremont and met Mojo in the freshman Strings workshop, and we became friends. I was-ashamed, I guess, so I hid it from him and everyone else, and then we found the house and started living together, and even though the hiding was easier and harder at the same time, I got back into the habit of drinking really heavily."

"What got you to stop?" Ron asked kindly.

Bree cocked her head and smiled at his genuine interest, and the honest concern she sensed from him, "I nearly died."

She frowned at the gasps from Pansy and Hermione, and shrugged again, "I'd had a really bad week. I'd been passed over for first chair for the orchestra that semester. And I should have been, I was playing poorly, but I didn't see that then. And I found out my dad had been driving drunk and died in a car crash that killed a little boy. I was feeling overwhelmed and depressed, and I thought the alcohol would make it better, so I drank all day. I drank so much I have no idea what I was drinking, or how much. I'm sure it was pretty bad."

She looked off into the middle distance remembering, "Mojo came home and I guess I was alone in the house. I don't usually keep my bedroom door closed so he came by to check on me and say hello. He found me passed out in a pool of vomit instead. I wasn't breathing. From what they said at the hospital Mojo must have thrown himself out of his chair, cleared my mouth, and performed rescue breathing. He didn't stop until I started breathing on my own again, and then he called for an ambulance."

She nodded at the solemn faces around the table. "When I woke up he was right there looking a mess. His hair was shorter then, so it was limp and hanging over his eyes which were all bloodshot, and his face was splotchy, and his clothes were a mess. I didn't realise what happened, but I thought he looked like I felt so I asked him if he was hung-over too." Bree chuckled, "That was the wrong thing to say. Really wrong. The next thing I know he's screaming at me, and crying, and calling me all sorts of names, and then he said the strangest thing I have ever heard. 'If you ever do such a supremely stupid and inane thing ever again I will hex you until you wish you were sober enough to beg me to stop.' Which is why I call him my Mojo Man or Mojo for short."

"Mojo?" Ron was confused

Remus chuckled, "It means Magic." He winked at Draco who blushed.

Bree grinned, "Yeah, he's magic alright." She turned back to her story, "Anyway…I had a pretty severe case of alcohol poisoning and I'd been out for 3 days which is why Mojo looked so bad. He'd stayed with me pretty much the whole time. And for the first time I learned what it meant to have a real friend. I actually learned I have 6 best friends 'coz when everyone else heard what happened the whole house came to visit me. Which was really nice, except Cele yelled at me even more than Mojo, and she's louder too." She smiled as they laughed, and winked at her friend.

"When I was well enough to leave the hospital, I packed up all the stuff people had brought for me and told myself I was going to stop drinking. Mojo was there when I was signing the discharge papers and I promised him that I'd never drink again. And he just looked at me."

Bree wiped away a tear, "some people can see right into you. Mojo's like that. He just stared at me with those freaky silver eyes, and told me I was lying. I was so shocked and hurt I almost stormed out of there, but he grabbed my hand and said it wasn't my fault I was lying, but that addiction was a disease, just deciding I was cured wasn't really going to fix me. He didn't let go of my hand, he just pulled me along as he wheeled out of the hospital. And once we were outside he asked me if I was serious about wanting to keep my promise. I said yeah, and he pointed to these two nurses waiting beside a van. Mojo said if I was serious to go with the nurses. That he'd see me in a month, and that as soon as I was allowed phone calls, he'd call every day."

"He arranged for you to go to a rehabilitation centre," Hermione nodded.

Bree smiled, "Yeah. He arranged the rehab, made sure that the school put me on medical leave without leaking the story to every gossip on campus, and after the first week which was pure hell by the way, he called me twice every single day." She grinned broadly at her friend, "So I came home a month later, and I've kept my promise ever since. Mojo's my very own hero."

Ron was solemn, "He's a hero to a lot of people, even if he doesn't think so."

Draco turned away, "That's not true Weasley."

"It is true! You never even let me say thank you!" Ron shouted, overcome by the unspoken. He'd waited so long for this chance.

Draco glared into the silence that fell over the table. "Shut it, Ron. Now, is not the time," he snarled.

"If it was left up to you the right time would never come! I don't understand why you won't just let me say--"

Cele put her hands up, "Okay, this is getting a little heavy. And some of us have no idea what's going on. So Ron, before you say anything else, why don't you tell us what this is about, and then we'll twist Draco's arm to get him to listen to the rest of what you want to say."

Ron dashed away angry tears as Hermione gently squeezed his free hand, "Draco saved my life. He doesn't want to admit it. I bet he never talks about it, but the uh--car that hit him was going to hit me, he pushed me out of the way and got blasted instead."

The housemates looked at each other in shock. Draco never talked about how he'd come to be paralysed. He'd brush off every inquiry with a curt "car accident" and didn't say anything else about it. It seemed everyone was learning something new about their friend tonight.

When the food arrived the tension was so thick even a slashing spell would've had no effect. Draco was scowling and refusing to make eye contact with anyone. He'd pulled his hand away from Harry, and was generally looking miserable. Callie sighed, for now Draco was right, now was not the time. He and Ron obviously needed to talk, but there'd been enough emotional bloodletting for one evening. She cleared her throat.

"Ron, Draco will call you next week and you can talk then, okay? I think for tonight we're all pretty wrung out, and this should really be a private thing between the two of you." She waited for the redhead to nod, then turned to her friend, "And you will call him Draco, or I will sic Cele on you, and then tell everyone about the banana pudding incident."

He gaped at her evil smirk, "You wouldn't!"

Her dark eyes twinkled as her smug grin grew, "I would. So you're going to call Ron next week right?"

Draco shook his head and sighed, Callie was evil, he decided. "Yes. Ron, I'll…speak to you next week about this."

"Good, now that that's settled, let's eat!" Callie raised her fork in salute to the table.

Harry took back Draco's hand, leaned over and nuzzled his ear with his lips, "She's right you know. He's needed to talk this out with you. It's been eating him up that he couldn't." He felt more than heard Draco's sigh, and brushed his lips over the delicate shell of his ear, "I know it's hard Dragon, but I'm here for you. I love you." He felt Draco choke on a sob and pulled back, knowing he'd be embarrassed by an emotional display in such a public place.

The rest of the meal passed slowly, but well. It took a while to bring back the easy atmosphere of before, but they managed admirably and all were pleased by the camaraderie that seemed to grow between them.

The housemates headed home in the Expedition while a grumbling Harry was pushed into the rental. As Jonathan pulled into traffic Draco heard Cele take a deep breath, and raised his hand forestalling any talk. "Do not ask about Ron. I am not going to talk about it."

"Good--because what we really want to know is what's the story with Har-ry?" Cele shot back smiling at the chorus of chuckles and giggles.

Draco rolled his eyes. He should have known this was coming. "Harry," he sighed, "Harry and I--"

"We've all seen the marks Dray, and you might as well be wearing a sign that says 'I have been well fucked today.'"

Draco snorted, "And you would know wouldn't you Paul seeing as that sign has become a permanent accessory of yours."

Jonathan chuckled, "If you've got it, flaunt it. Now what about Harry? How long have you been carrying a torch for this guy, Draco?"

"We want the whole story from the beginning Mojo!"

"From the beginning? Alright." He closed his eyes and leaned back into his seat. "We've known each other since we were 11. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Pansy, and I all went to the same boarding school. We hated each other at first." Draco smiled, "Well, he hated me. I was just jealous of him and acted like a prat. I teased his friends. I used to say all sorts of cruel things to Ron and Hermione, and then I grew up.

"I figured out I had a crush on him when we were about 14, but I still acted like a royal arse. I--uh--got in with a bad crowd when I was 16, and did some pretty horrible things. I—uh--ended up running away from school and did some more horrible things, then I wised up. My godfather, Severus, helped me break away from the people I'd fallen in with, and that summer I stayed at Harry's house, and we finally became friends, and we fell in love. The--ac-accident happened about a year and half later. I knew I couldn't stay after that, so after I left hospital, I came to the States, and you all know the rest."

It was quiet, then Paul spoke into the contemplative hush, "Why didn't they stay with you at the hospital Dray?"

He shook his head, and blinked back tears, "I-I didn't want to see them. I didn't want them to know where I was, so I had myself transferred to another hospital. A private hospital, out of the country."

Cele gasped, "Oh my God. Draco. No wonder they were so happy to see you. No wonder you passed out. Honey!"

"It's okay Cele. We're all working it out now, I guess. I missed them, so I'm glad it's happening. Glad they found me."

Callie brushed away the tears brought on by her friend's pain, determined to lift the pall in the air. "So you haven't had sex since you were 18? Draco that is pathetic. You've got to be backed up something awful."

Paul, easily distracted by all things sexual, giggled, "Oh my God--we are so leaving you alone tomorrow!"

Draco shook his head, "You are all terrible."

"No, what's terrible is not getting any for five years. That's terrible!" Michael laughed at the blush warming Draco's cheeks.

Bree cleared her throat, "Okay, okay, enough embarrassment….for now…'coz this is the best material we have ever had on Mojo here. But seriously, what are you going to do now, Mojo? It's obvious that he's still hung up on you. I mean--he's been waiting for you too right? He's not seeing anybody back home is he?"

"No. He wouldn't do that. Harry's…really very old-fashioned that way, and I guess I am too. There was never any question that we wouldn't be faithful to each other. And he's--he's the kind of man who will only have one love in his life. I'm just fortunate that it's me."

"That sounds so nice, Mojo," Bree sighed wistfully, "that's the kind of love I want to have."

Draco glanced at Michael then looked back at his friend, "It'll happen for you, Bree. You just have to open your eyes and see what's there"

Michael shifted in his seat, "So how are you two going to make this work. He lives in London right?"

"No, actually he's teaching at our old school in Scotland. But I think he'll probably visit every couple of weeks. His family is rather well off so he can afford it. And we'll talk every day, and write. We're not letting go again."

From the backseat Cele harrumphed, "Well it's about time you grew some sense, sweetie. If I'd know you'd been leaving that fine man hanging all this time I would'a--"

Draco smirked, "Yes sunshine, we all know what you would'a, which is why I didn't say anything. I don't think I was ready before. I'm ready now." Draco took a deep breath as they pulled into the driveway. He was definitely ready now. He was settling in his chair when Hermione pulled up behind the Expedition, and before he knew it Harry was beside him.

"Missed you," he leaned over and brushed a kiss across Draco's lips.

"We were apart for half an hour, Harry," the blond chuckled.

"I still missed you."

Draco laughed, "Well c'mon then." He wheeled over to his guests, and made arrangements for breakfast the next morning while firming their plans for the trip to Santa Inés Market. He waved to his laughing housemates as Harry sped him up the porch and into the house. "They're going to think you're in a rush to shag me."

Harry slammed Draco's bedroom door closed, and ripped at his shirt, "I am in a rush to shag you." He pulled Draco into his arms and fell backwards onto the bed. "Merlin's beard, Dragon, I want you so much. I am on fire for you." He took his lover's mouth in a ferocious kiss, happily ceding his position as Draco took control.

He groaned as Draco pulled back, "What do you want Harry? Tell me."

He didn't know what he wanted exactly; just being here in bed with Draco, in bed with his lover was more than he'd hoped for just a day ago. And as always it was perfect between them, but there was always more. He calmed himself a bit, spelling their clothes away, and considered, watching the progression of his hand as it trailed down Draco's stomach. Beautiful. When he'd reached his lover's navel he leaned closer substituting his lips for his fingers, and then his tongue for his lips, savouring the feel and taste of the small aperture, the mark of Draco's connection to life. He licked every inch of skin he could reach, then trailed down further playfully nipping along the way and smiling at the shivery flutters that coursed through Draco's abdomen causing the hard muscle and silk soft skin to ripple deliciously. Draco's body was flushed and glistened with a light sheen of sweat.

"You are so beautiful," he murmured, his own body taut with anticipation.

What did he want? This. His heart beat faster, as his lips first touched the throbbing column of flesh.

"Dragon…I want to taste you, feel you, love you," he whispered then swallowed down Draco's length.

Draco tossed his head back and groaned, delighting in the sensations wrought from his body by Harry's sensuous mouth.

"Ah, Harry, so good," he praised and lifted up on one elbow to watch him. The miracle of Harry's mouth surrounding him, warming him with wet heat as his tongue bathed him, shooting his desire higher. Harry hummed and Draco fell back, eyes closed content just to feel.

"So…good," he gasped. "Too good…Harry!" He cried as he reached the pinnacle of arousal, spending himself down Harry's throat.

With a grin Harry settled beside him, nearly purring as he stroked idly over Draco's glowing satiated body. "You are exquisite," he said, wrapping himself closer to his lover.

"Mmm…I think that's supposed to be my line," Draco slurred tiredly. "Haveta take care of you though."

Harry blushed a little and guided Draco's hand down to feel the wet stickiness between his legs. "I was so caught up in you…I--just being with you, watching you, feeling you…it was enough," he said finally.

Draco kissed him sweetly, and with a touch of wandless magic Harry spelled them clean. He draped an arm around his lover's waist, pulling him back as close as possible, nestling his nose against Draco's long pale neck. "Love you Dragon."

"I love you too Harry," Draco mumbled, already slipping into sleep.


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