
Zoro teaches Luffy about mistletoe.

"Oi, Zoro, what's that stuff Sanji's hanging up?"



"No, mistletoe."

"What's mistletoe for?"

"Here comes Nami. You'll see."

Luffy turned to watch. Sanji was leaning against the doorframe and putting out a cigarette as Nami drew closer. As she passed through the doorway, he pinned her to the wall and kissed her. Nami gasped, pushed him away, and kicked him so hard in the painful place the he hit the floor.

"Sanji! Yarou! Chikusho! How dare you! Baka!"

Sanji crawled off whimpering, while Nami followed, throwing insults at his back.

Luffy gasped and turned to Zoro. "Why would Sanji hang up something that makes Nami hurt him?"

"Ah..." Zoro blinked. "That usually doesn't happen."


"Yes. Oh, here come Usopp and Chopper. Watch."

Luffy and Zoro watched as Usopp and Chopper paused in the doorway. Grinning, Usopp picked up Chopper and planted a kiss on the tiny reindeer's blue nose. Chopper's left eye twitched.

"Baka yaroooou!" Chopper grew into his large, muscular form. Usopp ran screaming from the scene, and Chopper tore after him, swearing like a drunken sailor.

Luffy looked back up at Zoro. "Zoro, mistletoe is evil."

Zoro sighed. "That usually doesn't happen either, Luffy."

Luffy huffed. "Then what usually happens, Zoro?"


Luffy took Zoro by the hand and dragged him under the mistletoe.

"Zoro, show me."

Zoro blinked. "Show...?"

"Yes! Show me what usually happens with mistletoe."

"But...I don't think you wa--"

"Show me."

Zoro sighed. "Okay. Well... two people stand under the mistletoe. And then... well..."

"Come oooonn, Zoro!"

"Fine! They stand together. And then this..." He wrapped his arms around the young captain's waist and pulled him close. "Something like this." One arm still around the boy's waist, he reached up and tilted Luffy's chin up a bit. "And this..." Zoro took a deep breath, and trying not to think, leaned down and pressed his lips to Luffy's.

The younger boy gasped, and almost pulled away in surprise. But then, though it was awkward... he thought he rather liked this, being held so close against Zoro... feeling the swordsman's arms around him and his lips pressed to his own...

Zoro was about to pull away, feeling that his demonstration had been adequate, but he was pleasantly surprised when Luffy's arms snaked up around his shoulders. The swordsman hugged his captain tighter, and Luffy shyly returned the kiss.

Eventually they had to break for air. Luffy took in a deep breath and rested his head on Zoro's shoulder. "Zoro?"

Zoro rested his chin on Luffy's head. "Yeah?"

"I changed my mind."

"About what?"

"Mistletoe. It's not evil. It's very, very good." He nuzzled into the spot where Zoro's neck and shoulder met. "I think Sanji should hang it up everywhere."


(Thanks to my friend Em for the dramatic impact/spelling/grammar/logic suggestions; she made this one a lot better ;3)