Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha

Special Thanks: To my editor ReviewerWriter! Thanks to all who reviewed!


"Kagome…" it whispered out between staggered breaths. "You worthless little bitch…just like your damn mother…" those being his final word, his breathing evened out into unconsciousness.

InuYasha walked over to the bleeding form.

"He isn't dead," he told Kagome. "But now I can carry him outta here so he can go to jail to rot for the rest of his life," InuYasha stated blandly.

Chapter 20 (Final):


It had been four days since the incident and everything seemed normal at last…well, as normal as it can be for a woman and her hanyou.

Kagome had returned to her classes and was doing a lot of make-up work.

InuYasha was able to get the teachers to give him make-up work, too…much to his dismay…

Kagome hadn't spent one night out of InuYasha's embrace; due to the fear that her father would escape form jail and go after them. The hanyou was a great comfort to her, as always.

She didn't have to worry about her father being released anytime soon, though; it seemed that he was charged with quite a few crimes, including possession of drugs, rape reports, murders, the whole shebang!

InuYasha and Kagome had caught up with their school work and now she was sitting lazily on InuYasha's bed…well, it became her bed, too, considering the amount of time she spent in it with him.

InuYasha had decided to finally get her a cell phone; when she was not in his sight, she received about a dozen text-messages from him making sure he knew exactly where she was every second of the day. She didn't mind…she kind of enjoyed having the extra attention from her boyfriend.

She replied to all his little text-messages; even if they were silly ones asking about what she was going to wear for their nightly dates…each night became their special night.

Her phone rang out and the IM read: "meet me under the big tree in the forest"…a little heart icon and his name were the last things on the phone screen of the message.

Kagome smiled at this and put on her coat.

She walked out to the edge of the forest by herself. Suddenly, two strong arms wrapped around her and she was caught off guard.

InuYasha inhaled her mesmerizing scent deeply and rubbed his hands against her arms.

"Did you know that I love you?" came InuYasha's soothing voice.

"How much do you love me?" Kagome asked teasingly as she turned around to look into his eyes. He pushed his lips against hers, entering her mouth without a struggle; both exploring the others mouth in luscious pleasure.

"More then life itself," he responded as they broke apart. She looked intensely into his eyes to find that wonderful sincerity that she loved about him. She smiled up at him and they walked deeper into the forest, hand in hand.

He smiled to himself; InuYasha had something very special planned for them. They approached the biggest tree in the forest, which held a lot of their past memories. A troubling memory came into her mind as she recalled the incident of her kidnapping.

"I love you InuYasha…you know that. You make me feel so safe," she continued as they walked closer to the tree. "You solved the problem with my dad, the jewel is still safe with me…but…" she paused as some fear inched into her voice.

"What is it?" InuYasha asked with deep concern, holding onto her hand tightly to let her know she was safe.

"Kikyo is still alive…she might come after us again and I don't…" she was stopped by a deep kiss from InuYasha. Her worries easily melted away. She felt the strong protection that InuYasha always seemed to give just wash over her like waves.

When the kiss broke, she noticed that InuYasha was smiling rather widely. He nudged his head over to the tree, hinting to Kagome.

She looked by the tree and saw that a whole romantic picnic had been set up. Candles had already been lit, food was placed out and a tall bottle of some very good wine stood in wait upon a fluffy blanket.

"Oh, InuYasha! Did you do all this?" she asked in amazement. He smirked, very delighted with her reaction.

"Well, since I didn't get to have my romantic night out with you on our anniversary, I thought I would make up for lost time with something extra special," he explained, wrapping his arms around her body tightly.

They sat down and InuYasha pored the wine out into two tall crystal glasses.

"Kagome, do…do you want to be with me for the rest of your life?" InuYasha asked as he broke their blissful silence. Kagome looked at him with some shock; she turned her shock into overwhelming happiness.

"InuYasha…are you asking me what I think you're asking me?" she questioned, her eyes glazing over in readied tears.

"I'm asking you if you would become mate," he said as he pulled out the little black box concealed in his pocket. He slowly opened it up to reveal a lovely golden ring with a sparkling sapphire on top.

It was adorned with small diamonds around the perfect circle of gold.

InuYasha took the glorious ring out of its case and took Kagome's hand. He placed it on her ring finger of the traditional left hand.

"Kagome, will you marry me? I will love you with all my heart and I want to spend all eternity with you…even longer if you want. So, would you please accept my offer to change your name from Kagome Higurashi to Kagome Takashi?" InuYasha asked.

Kagome bit her lip to keep herself from crying. She nodded her head with much approval.

"I love you too…I just hope I can live up to your standards. I would love to wake up every morning and know that I married the hanyou of my dreams," she stated with joyful tears escaping her eyes.

"You already have lived up to my every standard. You're the most perfect woman on the face of this earth," he honestly complimented. Kagome looked up at him, the last of her tears shedding. She wiped them away.

There was some silence between them as the joy of the event took its place. InuYasha took a moment, collecting his thoughts before he spoke. He remembered that she didn't know what a mate is to a demon, so he selected his words and spoke.

"And I know I haven't explained what a mate is. So, this is my best explanation of it… it's like this little ritual that you and I would go through. I will mark you and that means that we are married by demon standards." He didn't want this to frighten her off; all she did was look at him with an adoring smile.

"That sounds absolutely wonderful; I'm up for anything as long as I can be with you for the rest of my life. I love you," she said while embracing him with great satisfaction.

He captured her lips again. She moaned heavenly as he entered her mouth. The kiss lasted a long while, but when they stopped, it felt like no time had passed. He released her lips and began to trail a line of kisses down her neck.

"I will need to mark you; that way, no one else can claim you," he stated. "It's going to hurt though, I won't lie," he stated. An intoxication of passion was already working its way throughout his body.

"Okay," Kagome complied easily. She let her hands wander up his shirt, feeling the skin beneath. InuYasha kissed her a few more times upon her supple neck. She withheld her breath momentarily, knowing that this was the time.

Kagome's breath hitched momentarily as his fangs sunk gently into her flesh. It didn't hurt as much as she expected, but the blood coming down her neck was a bit discomforting. She felt his warm tongue lap away the little blood that sprouted out from the marking wound. The sting of the bite quickly relapsed and she felt a warm tingling sensation in the mark. She moaned in delight as the new sensation swiftly set within her.

InuYasha moved his hands up her dress and rubbed his hand against her thigh. He moved his mouth to hers in another passionate kiss. After they had broken apart, they took their romances, and the big bottle of wine, up to his dorm room.

The passions that ensued there had taken them above and beyond. It was the most romantic night of their lives. By the end of the night, they had finished the entire bottle of fine wine and fell asleep fervently kissing each other.

When the sun rose and cast its light upon their intertwined forms, Kagome was the first to wake up. She saw the golden ring on her finger glisten in the sun; the feeling of being engaged swept so much joy over her.

She smiled at the ring, adrenalin pumping through her veins. Kagome felt that she could not wait to walk down the aisle and say 'I do' with the one she loved. Aside from the finished demon marking ritual, they agreed to have a traditional wedding–human style.

Kagome suddenly felt a pair of warm arms wrap around her tightly. She remembered these familiar feelings of waking up in his embrace. This was how it was almost every morning. But now, something felt very different…she felt his bare chest on her back.

She jumped off the bed they shared; her quick actions startling a waking InuYasha. Then, coming to the realization, she noticed that she was completely naked. The blanket covered up InuYasha partly, but she knew he had to be nude, too.

Her faced seemed very solemn but her mind was racing. She felt a slight buzzing in her head as she sat back down upon the bed again, her mind trying to process many things.

'I love him and all but I'm just not ready to have his kids just yet…I'm only 19!' She yelled in her head, not knowing what to do if she got pregnant once more. Kagome knew she had said she wanted kids that night the wolves had gotten her drunk…but she was very drunk that night and you can't believe everything that comes out of an un-sober mouth! She wasn't even out of college for Pete's sake!

InuYasha looked up at her with hazy eyes from his lying position on the bed. She turned her head around; she couldn't bear to see him naked. She didn't know why she suddenly felt so embarrassed about seeing him nude now…she had slept with him this way after all…didn't she?

She subconsciously stiffened when she felt his soft torso against hers. She felt him kiss her neck up and down by the mark that was left as she fiddled with her index fingers.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the empty wine bottle; she had a lot of that drink last night…

"Um…InuYasha? Did we…you know…um…well, what I mean to say," she couldn't bring herself to say it. InuYasha rolled his eyes and stopped the playful nipping at her neck.

"We didn't have sex or nothin'," he said with a smile. He knew that she wasn't quite ready to have his kids just yet. Even under the influence of the wine, he had treated her like a lady…even though it was very tempting...

"B-but you don't have any cloths on," she said, trying to keep her eyes from staring down at him. "And I don't either…" she gasped out.

"Wow…you must have really enjoyed that wine…you took your clothes off and cuddled with me…I still have my boxers on…see?" he said as he snapped the stretchy part of the rim of his shorts. She didn't dare look down there to see if it was true, but sighed in great relief when she heard the elastic snap back into place.

"Thanks InuYasha…for being so kind," she said as she fell into a loving embrace.

Now that Kagome's father was in custody, InuYasha didn't have to worry when Sango and Kagome went out for girls' time alone. He and Miroku went out to hockey games while the girls went and did…well, whatever girls actually do.

Kagome and Sango sat down in a small café drinking coffee. Kagome sipped at the dark liquid, the fluid warming her up as it went down her throat.

"Wow Kagome! That's a really nice ring…InuYasha gave it to you, right?…uh, it was him that proposed right?" Sango asked as she held Kagome's hand out to take a better look at the ring in question.

"No, Miroku gave this to me," she teased with a blush. Sango gave a quick and very stern look at her friend before realizing it was a joke. "Yes, InuYasha gave it to me," Kagome elaborated as she laughed out loud with a blush.

"So, he finally proposed…you're so lucky," Sango said with a happy smile.

"Yes…and I hear that Miroku and you have been seeing quite a bit of each other…are you two dating?" Kagome asked, thinking that would get the emotional pressure off her.

"Well…um…we just hang out together, you know…nothing serious is going on," Sango mentioned while taking a big chug of her coffee to stop her babbling, hoping that it would cover up how flushed she was. The drink was very hot and she ended up spitting it out quickly. Her tongue lolled out to cool itself as she heaved heavily.

"Uh-huh," Kagome mentioned. "So, nothing's going on between you two and you're blushing that much? You're completely head over heels for Miroku, aren't you!" Kagome exclaimed as if it wasn't a question.

"Well, you don't have to tell the whole world," Sango blushed, and held her face with her one free hand. "Oh! And when are you two getting married?" she asked cheerfully.

"We were talking about that before I left…we decided that we want to get married at the beginning of December. I'd kinda like to get married when the snow falls and it matches his hair," she blushed out. "Only a few more months before I become Kagome Takashi," she sighed while hearing her new name out loud.

Sango rolled her eyes playfully, noticing that her friend was now in her own world; a dazed expression was glued on Kagome's face while she imagined her new name.

As with many things in life, the time for the wedding had come faster than anyone could have imagined.

InuYasha paced around in front of a large mirror. He kept fiddling with his tie, making sure he was perfect to see his soon-to-be-wed wife. He walked out into the church, while he sweat nervously.

Miroku watched as his friend circled in ardent worry.

"InuYasha, what are you so worried about?" Miroku asked as the hanyou paced again.

"What? I'm not nervous…why? Do I look nervous? It's not that I'm not nervous that I'm getting married…But I kinda am, ya know? I mean Kagome is everything I could have ever asked for! Why would I be nervous? I mean you only get married once, right? Oh! I hope I marked the right woman…what if I can't…ah! What if she is…" Miroku held onto his babbling friend's shoulders, trying to calm him down.

InuYasha continued babbling on nonsensically. He looked at his watch for the millionth time that hour as he felt a hand tap his shoulder.

"It's time," Miroku reminded him and led his friend to the front of the altar, where he was to await the coming on his new bride.

InuYasha looked down the long hallway and at the stands of people sitting on the pews of the church. He saw that family from both his parent's sides had come. Many were demons and there were even a few humans mixed in the bunch.

In the front row, InuYasha saw his proud father, his smiling stepmother, and even his arrogant brother, Sesshomaru, had come…if it were possible, the pure-bred demon held a bigger smirk on him than ever before.

InuYasha had bought an expensive bottle of wine for Sesshomaru; compliments of him helping Kagome when the wolves got her plastered. When the pure-bred got the gift, he didn't stop his heckling at his half-brother.

The hanyou looked over at the other side of pews to see that Kagome had gotten into contact with a few of her relatives; he smiled at that, glad that she wasn't completely alone family-wise.

His breath caught in his throat as the ceremonial music started. He noticed that the flower girls pranced out; none other than Sango leading the line. Miroku, standing by Inu's side, watched on breathlessly as Sango practically floated down the aisle.

"She looks like a goddess," Miroku breathed out.

InuYasha nudged him, snapping his friend's trance. They turned to see Kagome walking out from behind the flower girls, wearing a beautiful white dress. She held white roses delicately in her gentle hands, looking like a peaceful angel as she walked up to her soon-to-be husband.

Once she reached the altar, the veil was removed and she smiled the brightest beam she could have ever had at InuYasha. The priest raised his hands in a traditional blessing to begin the ceremony. Kagome and InuYasha exchanged their vows and the classic vows were read out from the priest.

"If there is any reason that these two should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace…"

InuYasha glared out to Sesshomaru in the audience, praying that he would resist the urge to say something. Luckily their father kept a steady hand on Sesshomaru, making sure he didn't speak.

After pausing for a second, the priest concluded with; "I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Kagome looked at InuYasha, her eyes glistening with utter adoration and pure happiness. He bent his head down and captured her lips within his own, completing their joining.

Everyone was met as InuYasha introduced Kagome to all of his relatives. His father came over with his stepmother in hand.

"So then, when are you going to get me some grandkids?" he asked his son. InuYasha glared at him, heat rising to his cheeks. He looked at Kagome from the corner of his eye; she was giggling at the comment.

"Dad!" InuYasha snapped. His father shrugged his shoulders in confusion.

"What? I think I deserve some grandkids after raising you. I mean, Sesshomaru won't give me any," he looked over at his stubborn son, who was busy drinking a glass of wine, not wanting to socialize with anyone other than their demon family members. "So, you two are my only hope to make me a grandparent," he announced while looking at Kagome for emphasis. His wife was laughing by his side; her son's bride could not have been prettier.

Kagome also introduced InuYasha to some of her relatives. Most of them liked InuYasha from the start...but some others…

"Err…Half-demon? Huh? That's…interesting. I wouldn't have expected Kagome to choose anyone that had demon blood running in them," said Nenene, one of Kagome's cousins.

"Why not?" Kagome asked her. "He rescued me from my evil father and helped me through all those horrible times." She was a little annoyed that her cousin didn't find InuYasha appealing because of his blood line.

Feeling the pressure on her, Nenene tried to get away from the unwanted spotlight.

"Right, right, right…I um…hear my mother calling me," she said as she walked away quickly and faded into the crowd of chattering people.

"She didn't like me?" InuYasha asked blandly. He shrugged lightly as if it hadn't fazed him.

"I'm sorry InuYasha; she grew up in a family where demons are frowned upon…it must be why she never liked my father…" she realized. Kagome grew up without knowing the fact about her demon father. "I know that she does like you, but she is just not used to you, ya know?" she looked at the floor, not wanting anyone to oppose her love for him.

"Hey, don't worry Kags; I got married today to the love of my life. My life couldn't be better! It's our wedding day, after all." She stared up at him with thankful eyes; once again they beamed with happiness.

Kagome had danced with InuYasha's dad; she learned that his name was InuTaisho, a full-demon with a very respectable title. He was more graceful than Kagome would have ever expected. He swung her to the beat of the music in a very smooth dance.

While they danced, SesshoMaru came over to talk to his brother; he just wanted to tease him.

After the song had finished, InuTaisho brought Kagome back to her mate.

As the party finished, everyone said their goodbyes to the bride and groom. They walked down the aisle once more to exit the room.

"I'm serious about those grandkids!" InuYasha's father hollered out. InuYasha just blushed at his comment and continued down the aisle. They couldn't wait for their honeymoon.

-----------------------------------------------The End--------------------------------------------------

I hope you enjoyed my fic! Please, R&R…this is the final time I can ask for that lol. I'll be making another story, so be sure to look for it. And tell me if ya'll would read a sequel to this if I wrote one. Bye!