I promise

By: A rose by any other name71591

Kaoru POV:

Soap, arms deep in soap and he still looks handsome, even in the hottest day in Tokyo and yet he is a breath of fresh air. He has been here for almost one whole year and so much has happened. I mean the first week was crazy and then his past, and so much more and then Enshi. You would think that I would kick him out for bringing so much trouble and yet I would feel bored without all the commotion around. And if I did tell him to go it would break my heart, because I love him.

Regular POV:

"Ugly! Stop daydreaming and teach me! I am done with those chores you asked me to do so stop staring at Kenshin!"

"I was not staring at Kenshin, Yahiko-chan!"

"I am not a child, Ugly!"

"Come back here Yahiko and say that to my face!"

Yahiko runs while Kaoru chases him

Kenshin POV:

She is so beautiful, even chasing Yahiko. I think she is far from ugly, maybe I need to tell Yahiko to stop calling her that. She is so wonderful to house me here, but I bring so much of my awful past here to the dojo and I never wanted to hurt her, and when Enshi made a doll of her, my heart stopped beating knowing that I had failed her. But it was my entire fault that he even tricked us because of Tomoe, the fact that I had killed her. I swore that I would never kill again and I will never break that promise as long as I am on this world I will protect the ones I love and no one will keep me away from this promise. I swear from today that Kaoru will never be hurt as long as I love her and am alive and even in death.

Regular POV:

"Yo Kenshin!"

"Sano how are you?"

"Kenshin we know what he wants and lunch will be ready in 10 minutes."

"Kaoru, you're cooking? Maybe I'll go to the fox's she won't poison me or at least I hope she doesn't."

"You rooster! My cooking is okay, right Kenshin?"

"Oro, um Ms. Kaoru your cooking is very good."

"Kenshin stop lying you know Kaoru's food is poison!"

"Oro, no Yahiko Ms. Kaoru's cooking is very good."

"Compared to dirt maybe!"

"Yahiko come say that to my face!"

"Yikes, Kenshin protect me with your Hiten Mitsurugi Style!"

"Yahiko I would never use my sword on Ms. Kaoru that I would."

"But she's going to kill me!"

"Move aside Kenshin, Yahiko-chan needs a lesson in manners! Have you ever head don't bite the hand that feeds you!"

"Why would I want to bite you, you might infect me with your ugliness!"

"Calm down Ms. Kaoru, Yahiko that wasn't very nice, you should apologize to Ms. Kaoru, she gives us a place to stay and feeds us, and we should forever be in her debt."

"But I don't wanna."

"Fine, I am sorry for calling you ugly and a butt faced girl."

"Yahiko, you didn't call me a butt faced girl."

"Oh I guess I was thinking it, sorry ugly!"

"Oooo! Yahiko you make me so mad!"

"And sweaty! Little raccoon do you plan to eat and smell the way you do?"

"Oh, Megumi when did you get here?"

"At the part where Ken-san had to break up the two children, really Kenshin why do you put up with her, she is just a child, a stinky raccoon girl."

"O fox stop picking on Missy and come fix us some real food!"

"I guess someone has to feed you all, since Kaoru can't cook! Ooohooo!"

Kaoru POV:

Oh she makes me so mad, oh but she is right, I am a girl that Kenshin has to take care of, I am a failure to all women kind. Why can't I be more like Megumi, so refined and stunning. And not a sweaty raccoon like me. Kenshin would never love a "girl" like me when has a women like Megumi and also a women like Tomoe I can't compare at all.

Kenshin POV:

She seems so hurt, I think the words she hears hurt her more than any sword wound. I do think Ms. Megumi goes to extreme sometimes. I wish I could just console her and embrace her and tell her it's alright, but I could never be the man she would want, I can't compare at all.

Regular POV:

"So, Ken-san did you here about those burglaries in the town next to us? They ransacked the whole place and killed the people living in there, the police are still looking, and they have stolen over 20,000 yen! (I don't know Japanese money so this looks like a lot so run with me here)

"That is a horrible thing that it is, but hopefully the police will settle it."

"Yeah, I mean with the wolf running things they should find them in a jiff."

"And if not then the Tokyo Swordsman will find and defeat them!"

"Yeah, but find them before your bedtime Yahiko-chan!"

"Stupid rooster! Take that, and that!"

"Yahiko refrain from hitting Sano at the table!"

"What do you know ugly?"

"Ugly, why you little brat!

"Ooohooo look there, she has started fighting again!"

"Fox, leave Missy out, okay so lay off!"

"Stupid rooster, you wont tell me what to do!"

"Oro, everyone calm down!"

"Oro, what am I gonna do?"


"Oh, Chief Uramura what can we do for you?"

"I came to talk to Mr. Himura, ma'am is that alright?"

"Yes come on in, would you like some tea?"

"If it's no trouble then yes please."

"Here come in. What did you want to talk about with this unworthy one?"

"Kenshin, I suppose you have heard about the break-ins in the next town correct?"

"Yes I have heard, but what does this have to do with me?"

"We have found out that they are not just criminals there swordsman, ninjas to be exact. The Blood Dragons, they call themselves."

Tray crashes outside of door

"Ms. Kaoru?"

"I am sorry that I eased drop but did you say the Blood Dragons?"

"Yes, you have heard of them?"

"No, it just sounded familiar. I leave you alone."

"I wanted you to know that we may be needing your help, they kill anyone and everyone in there path, and we have thoughts to believe that there coming here to this town. They have been leaving clues at every house. Here is the most recent."

Black and Blue

Blood and steel

The Winged Raven is wanted,

Come to us where you belong with thine clan and kill again like before. Winged Raven come out wherever you are

Little ones will hide when they see your face again

Pure and evil and yet so mixed

Come out and play again

Winged Raven

Or continue to let us kill ones that stand in our way

Come out; come out wherever you are little one.

-Blood Dragons

"Who is the Winged Raven?"

"That name sounds familiar."

"It should, the Winged Raven was a hitokiri in the Meiji Era."

"He murdered hundreds. No one ever saw him but they saw what he left behind. The Winged Raven was an underground killer, a hired killer for political people, no one saw him but they knew he was there when the saw the bodies. He was good, almost as good as you Kenshin."

"What happened to him?"

"Who said it was a him?"

"Ms. Kaoru? What do you mean?"

"The Winged Raven you both speak of, he is a she."

"How do you know?"

"I saw her. She has cold silver eyes and black hair."

"When did you see her?"

"I saw her maybe 10 years ago, I was walking back here and there she was just standing there. She drew her sword and she just kept looking at me. She never said a word, but the next thing I knew I was back at home laying in my bed like nothing had ever happened."

"Thank you Kamiya-san this is very helpful, we'll post it at every station."
"You won't find her, she' dead, she dies 10 years ago, the Blood Dragons are just killing for fun and without a purpose. There is no Winged Raven, not any more."

"Oh, well we will just have to find them and lock them up."

"Thank you for you hospitality Kamiya-san and for your time Himura."

"Of course Chief, I hope those men are found."

"As do I, thank you again for the tea."

"Missy since when did you know so much about this Winged Raven?"

"I'm tired, I'm going to go to bed. Please stay the night, its late and I want all of you to be safe. Goodnight."

"Are you ill Ms. Kaoru?"
"No Kenshin I am fine I am just tired from today, thank you for you concern."

"Goodnight Kenshin."


Kaoru POV:

Those fools! I told them never to call me out! I was supposed to be in secret! And now there all on my trail trying to find me. What if they find me, I will have to come out, or they will keep killing till they find me. What will Kenshin think, knowing that I have lied about everything, my age, my past, myself. But I must or the Blood Dragons will continue killing. I promised I wouldn't kill after that day, but it seems I am breaking the most important one. Kenshin what will you think of me when I tell you that not only am I

Not seventeen but that I was a killer and that my past is catching up to me just as your did. Kenshin, I am not worthy to love you, not with what I have done, you would never forgive me. I promise I will protect you from my past no matter what, because I love you so much Kenshin, I love you so much that I have to kill once again, and I don't think I will return.

Till next time:

How do you guys like it so far?

Please review I love them, not flames but go ahead with them too.

Next Chapter:

If you are reading this, than that means that I am gone, don't cry for I knew what I was doing. I can almost feel Kenshin there, don't blame yourself. I just want it let you know that I love you and I always will and I am sorry never told you sooner, I always wanted to know what it was like to be in your arms. Kenshin I love you…