Here is Chapter three of Only Time Will Tell the Truth. Thanks for the reviews. Usual disclaimers apply. Read and Review PLEASE! -

Kagome was holding a piece of paper and a small vial of a red liquid, blood.

"Huh? I thought that she was supposed to have a male with her!" shouted Koga, angrily.

"I thought so too, Koga. But let's read what this paper says first." said Kagome. She began to read. "It says that I am holding a vial of my husband-to-be's blood. I must find out whose it is and then I will be brought to him. Well, that sounds easy enough. I'll just go back home and do a DNA test in the laboratory. I'll read the results when I get back."

With that she ran off into the night. When she was gone, the demons all noticed that her scent was wiped out totally.

"That's weird. I can't even smell Kagome's scent anymore." said Hakkaku.

"I am inviting all of you, demons and humans included, to share my campsite tonight." said Sesshomaru. "Do not wake up the child, Rin. She was killed and then revived. She is extremely tired."

"Are you alright, Sesshoaru? There is no child among us other than Shippo, and I'm pretty sure that he's not a girl." said Inuyasha.

"What! Jaken, you were supposed to be watching her!" roared Sesshomaru, infuriated. "All of you stay here until I find Rin, got that?"

Then he was off. He soon caught her scent; she was going back to a village... another one that had been massacred... her real home. Sesshomaru fund her in a hut crying over two bodies: her parents' bodies it looked like.

"Can you bring them back alive like you realived me, Sesshomaru?" Rin asked sadly.

Sesshomaru noted that her voice was musical in its own way.

"How long have they been dead? If they have been dead for more than two days then I cannot bring them back." he told her softly.

"Then it's too late for them." said Rin, who started to cry onto Sesshomaru's shoulder.

Sesshomaru was surprised at first, then he started to pat her back. Rin continued to cry for awhile, and soon she stopped.

"Thank you for giving me life again. I must repay you in one way or another." said Rin. "So, who is supposed Kagome supposed to marry?"

"We don't know yet. She is doing something called a DNA test in something called a laboratory. Let's get back so the others can meet you, Rin." said Sesshomaru, picking up the small child.

When they got back, everyone was still up.

"So, a human child, brother? What happened to your 'kill all humans' policy?" smirked Inuyasha.

Sesshomaru just growled at his half-brother

Inuyasha laughed. "She's a little beauty, though. Is she a noble born child, or a peasant child?"

"I'm peasant born, but I was supposed to go to my Uncle Sano's house to become a lady, that's what my mother told me." said Rin.

"It looks like it's past midnight now, so Rin, I suggest that you go to sleep now. I suggest the same for the rest of us." said Sesshomaru. "Kagome should be back sometime tomorrow."

The group decided to follow Sesshomaru's advice and went to sleep.

In the morning, when most of the group had awoken, they noted that Inuyasha and Sesshomaru were gone.

The brothers returned shortly, having caught a deer for breakfast.

Koga, Ginta, and Hakkaku started to skin the deer. When it was ready, Sango and Miroku started to cook it. Then Jaken and Rin woke up, and they went to the forest to gather some fruits and roots that they had seen the other day.

Soon the meal was ready. Sango started to serve it when Kagome's bike was heard.

"Hi everyone! I've just got back the results!" said Kagome.

"So, who is it?" asked Ginta.

"I'm going to open it after we've all eaten." said Kagome.

Soon eeveryone was eating wirh gusto. When the deer was finished, everyone wanted to hear what was inside it.

"Alright alright, I'll open it now." said Kagome. "It says that my husband to be has demon blood in him."

She continued to stare at the paper for a while.

"My husband to be is Inuyasha." said Kagome.

"WHAT! Are you sure of that, Kagome?" asked Koga.

Sesshomaru took the paper from Kagome's hands and looked the paper over twice.

"What Kagome has said is true. Her husband is to Inuyasha." said Sesshomaru.

Well, readers, how did you like that chapter? I thought of making it turn into a joke, but decided not to.So here is a cliffy instead. Please R&R!