Title: Only Until Dreams

Rating: M

Summary: Cloud has been in love with a dream for quite a while. What happens when he meets the real thing? LC side-RS

This is my first (yaoi)KH fic posted here, and this is also my first stab at the LC fandom. I don't know if this is good enough...hopefully it is. I've read plenty of 'dream-fics,' but most of them were RikuSora, not LeonCloud. Oh well...the story isn't quite as repetitive as it mightseem...at least, I think it isn't.

On with the fic!


Chapter One: The Tempest


"So…" Cloud stared at his two friends and the giant mess in his room. "What are you guys doing here again?"

Zack sighed patiently. "We, your lovable friends, have condescendingly decided to help you in your choice of clothing for tonight!"

"That doesn't explain the mountain of clothes lying in my bed," Cloud said, pointing. "I didn't ask you to ransack my closet—and my house! It's a mess, and I just got this place cleaned."

"Yeah, even your underwear is color-coded," Sephiroth's muffled voice said from the closet where the silver-haired man was throwing shirts out left and right, saying 'no, no, no' every two seconds. "I thought you were a slob, Cloud."

Cloud glared. "I'm not a slob. I'm just not very tidy. It takes too much time. And I think Namine got to my closet in her cleaning frenzy yesterday."

"Cloud, don't you have anything halfway acceptable in your closet?" Zack asked, poking his head out of the closet. "Seriously, man."

The blonde folded his arms. "You guys never have a problem with my clothing before."

Zack and Sephiroth exchanged uneasy glances.

"Well," Sephiroth began casually. "We've never needed to comment on your fashion sense before."

"Or lack of thereof," Zack added. "It's not you don't have an eye for color combination—"

"But as a gay man, you have no idea on how to flaunt yourself properly," Sephiroth continued.

"And most of your clothes are old or ripped," Zack said, holding up a red cape. "What the hell happened to this, Cloud? Did the washing machine eat this up when you weren't looking for did you burn it while ironing?"

Cloud snatched up the cape, holding it close to himself defensively. "Hey! I happen to like this cape," he said pointedly.

Sephiroth nodded sagely. "That's exactly the problem."

Cloud groaned, and tossed the cape onto the gigantic pile in his bed that was steadily growing by the second. "Whatever, guys. I don't care what I wear, as long as it's comfortable."

Zack sighed dramatically. "Oh Cloud," he murmured, throwing his arms around the blonde. "Don't worry. Maybe it's just a phase."

"It must be a disease," his boyfriend said sympathetically, patting his shoulder. "One that can be healed by a good shopping trip."

Zack perked up. "To the mall!" he said enthusiastically, jumping up.

"No way." Cloud shook his head. "I just went there. Besides, I have to go to the library today."

"But isn't it Aerith's shift?"

The blonde chortled. "Suspension, remember?"

"Oh yeah." Zack smirked at that. "Imagine, a librarian getting banned from the library." He and Sephiroth chuckled heartily at their friend's expense. "What a laugh."

"You two are horrible," Cloud told them, though there was a hint of a smile on his face. "Anyway, I got stuck working as her substitute. So I have to get going."

"But what about dinner? You said you were coming with us!" Zack protested, throwing a panicked look at his boyfriend. What about their plan?

Fortunately, Cloud missed the look. "Don't worry, it's only until five. I'll be back by then. Enough time for that dinner date with Aerith's cousin, right?"

The two nodded, inwardly breathing sighs of relief.

"Anyway, can I trust you two in my house…alone?" Cloud folded his arms. "No sex, no cooking, no touching anything in the kitchen, especially the microwave—"

Zack pretended to be hurt. "You wound us with those words, Cloud."

"And I want this mess cleaned up when I get here," the blonde finished, pointing darkly at the clothes in his room. "All right?"

"Yes sir!" The two mock saluted. Cloud gave them one final glare before leaving the apartment.

Sephiroth and Zack exchanged wicked grins. Time to put their plan into action…


"We should close up early, you know," Yuffie chirped. She was at the counter and Leon looked up from where he was sitting.

The dark-haired man blinked. "Why should we?"

"Well, we've got a dinner date! Plus, it's not like our business is bustling with people," she said sarcastically. Riku poked his head from the storage room.

"She's got a point you know," he added. Sora mumbled an affirmative from the back.

Leon rolled his eyes. "Whatever." His coworkers were strangely more productive today. Maybe they could afford the bonus of closing up early. Besides, what they said true, but he didn't want them to start asking for bonuses like this often. "You guys went overtime with your lunch break yesterday. It's just proper for you to pay it back today. In fact, we should even close up later…"

"Leon!" all three whined, with shocks of both horror and annoyance.

He folded his arms. "Any complaints?"

"Slave driver," Riku murmured, glaring.

"Meanie," Sora said, pouting.

But as usual, Yuffie's remark took the cake. "Sexually-deprived ass," she drawled, tapping her nails against the counter.

Leon rolled his eyes. "One more of those comments, and we'll be here all night," he threatened.

Surprisingly, they all shut up.

The dark-haired man blinked. This dinner date must be really important to them…

"You're still coming, are you, Leon?" Sora asked later on.

Leon frowned. "I don't know."

"But you said you would!" Yuffie reminded him.

"Yeah!" Riku chimed in.

"Well, I—" Leon cut himself off when he found himself subjected to three pairs of puppy dog eyes. "Whatever. But we're still not closing early."

"Okay!" When he wasn't looking, all three exchanged winks. The plan was going great.


Cloud was sitting in the librarian's seat, idly doodling. No one was even bothering to go inside the library at an hour like this. No doubt they were at home, getting ready for a date or something.

He sighed. A date…his thoughts returned to Squall.

Maybe I was just hallucinating, he thought. They were probably looked alike, but they're not the same. I just jumped to conclusions. Maybe that's what Namine was trying to say…

He bit his lip. Squall was on his mind too much for it to be healthy. And it was so—


He looked up to see Tifa Lockhart, one of his coworkers, standing before him. "Do you have a minute?"

"Sure." He stood up. "What's the problem?"

Tifa gave him a dry smile. "Well, Reno misplaced a few of the books ShinRa company donated to us last week, and Tseng wants them taken into inventory by tomorrow. I can't find them anywhere, and I wanted to ask for help…" she bit her lip. "Is it okay?"

Cloud nodded. "Sure, why not. No one's probably going to come in anymore, anyway. Why don't you put up the closed sign and I'll go head to the back and get started?"

Tifa heaved a sigh of relief. "Oh thank you, Cloud. I wouldn't know what to do without you. Aerith just got suspended," she made a face, "and you can never trust Reno with anything important. Rude's got the flu, and Elena is too eager—" her voice faded into a murmur as she walked away from Cloud. The blonde gathered his things and headed for the backroom. Inside, the books were everywhere.

Cloud inhaled the scent of books, slightly dusty and somewhat intimidating, but his sanctuary still. He had always loved books, even when he was a kid. He smiled fondly as he ran down memory lane; the fairytales and the mystery books, science fiction and romantic comedies. There was always comfort in fantasy.

Squall… unbidden, memories of his dream boy came spilling into his brain again. He bit his lip and shook his head. Now was not the time.


"Where's Cloud?" Aerith asked once Sephiroth and Zack came in view. She was a little nervous. After all, Cloud would murder them if he found out what they were planning. Besides, she wanted everything to be perfect. And she also wanted Cloud to be happy.

Sephiroth shrugged. "He said he'd be back by five."

Aerith looked at her watch. "It's five-thirty."

"Yeah well, he wasn't back," Zack said nonchalantly, sliding into a seat and pulling Sephiroth next to him. "So we cleaned up his apartment, left the clothes we prepared for him at his bed." He winked. "Really nice clothing. Not like the ones he usually wears."

"Oh, thank God." Aerith gave a sigh of relief. "I just hope he'll actually wear them if the two of you aren't there to force him. I don't want him to come off as a slob."

"It's the lack of fashion sense, Aerith," Sephiroth said wisely.

Zack nodded. "Don't worry about it. I'm sure Cloud wants to make a good impression…deep, deep down."

Sephiroth snorted. Aerith rolled her eyes. "Let's hope."

A few minutes later, Yuffie appeared, Riku and Sora in tow, and a tall dark-haired man along with them. "Aeri! Hey!" The girl greeted excitedly.

"Hi, Yuffie," Aerith returned distractedly, staring at the man before her. Her throat felt dry. Damn, he was hot. He looked scary and intimidating and completely unapproachable, but he was really, really hot.

"He's hot," Zack murmured to Aerith, sharing a smirk with his boyfriend.

Aerith nodded slightly. "Hi, I'm Aerith." The man gave her a cool glance.

"This is Leon," Yuffie introduced, winking. She had a mischievous smirk on her face. "Doesn't talk much. Doesn't get out much. But he does find time to work out." Leon shot a glare in Yuffie's general direction.

"So I see," Sephiroth said, eyes roving appreciatively. "Sephiroth." He extended his hand, and Leon shook it.

"And I'm Zack!" Zack added, wrapping his arms around Sephiroth. "Nice to meet ya!"

"Right." Leon's tone indicated that all niceties were officially over and he was no longer going to speak.

Aerith fought a sigh. Very good-looking, but just the rock Yuffie had described. Well, you win some, you lose some.

"So, uh, Aerith…" Riku looked around as they all settled down in the restaurant table. "I thought you said you were bringing a friend." His tone was casual, so it wouldn't alarm Leon.

"Yeah, Aerith!" Sora said cheerfully. He was more at ease. "So where is he?"

"Cloud? He said he was going to be a little late," She said with a smile, but inwardly she was panicking. Where are you, Cloud?


"Oh man oh man oh man…" Cloud muttered as he dashed out of the library. He had completely forgotten the time. Aerith was going to kill him. That woman was anal about the time. Shit.

He decided not to bother going back to his apartment anymore. He would be really late if he did that, and then he would be signing his death sentence that way. He managed to flag down a taxi and quickly murmured his destination.

During the ride, Cloud tried in vain to tame his wild spikes and to brush away the dirt he had accumulated in the library. He stared at his clothing and winced. Shit. If Aerith killed him for being late, Sephiroth and Zack were going to kill him for looking like a total slob.

He bit his lip nervously once they reached the mall. He quickly paid the taxi driver and then entered the mall. Now, which restaurant did Aerith say they were eating…Seventh Heaven, wasn't it? Right.

Eventually, he managed to spot Aerith and the others sitting in a table outside the restaurant. He took a deep breath, dreading the coming strangulation he would have to endure.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late—" the words died on his mouth the moment he saw who they were with.



"Cloud!" Aerith breathed a sigh of relief that quickly turned into horror. What the hell was Cloud wearing? She shot a dark look at Sephiroth and Zack, who were also gaping at Cloud.

The blonde, however, had frozen up right there. His eyes were wide, and he looked dumbstruck.

"Uh, Cloud?"


Leon blinked as a blonde male came skidding in front of them, panting. "Hey guys, sorry I'm late—" their eyes met and suddenly he froze up.

Now where had he seen this before?

"Uh, Cloud?" Sephiroth coughed.

"So he's Cloud?" Leon heard Riku murmur to Sora. "Eyes like yours, Sora."


And suddenly it hit him. It was that guy in the Laundromat a couple of days ago! And suddenly Leon felt like smacking himself in the forehead and then murdering Riku and Sora. The guy was probably scarred for life after what he saw. Of course, Riku and Sora probably didn't know that they had caused such a trauma. He opened his mouth to apologize once more when Zack spoke up.

"Hello? Earth to Cloud!"

The blonde started and blinked. "Huh? I—" he looked away from Leon's gaze, blushing. "What?"

"Are you okay, Cloud?" Aerith asked.

"I'm fine…" he murmured, sliding into a seat opposite of Leon's. It was the only seat left. "I'm sorry I'm late. There was an emergency in the library. Tifa needed some help, and then I totally lost track of time. I'm really sorry…"

"I see," Sephiroth said, surveying Cloud with distaste. "No time to go back to the apartment?" There was a slight undercurrent of something that Leon couldn't exactly pinpoint.

Cloud sunk in his seat. "No time. Didn't want to be late."

Zack sighed loudly. "You were going to be late anyway, Spiky."

Yuffie suddenly stood up. "Uh, Aerith?" she said abruptly. "I need to go to the bathroom. To, uh, powder my nose. Come with me."

Aerith blinked, but the other girl was already heading straight for the bathroom, and she had no choice to follow. She quickly excused herself, and then ran after her cousin.

There was a small pause as Aerith and Yuffie disappeared into the bathroom. Zack and Sephiroth seemed displeased with Cloud for some reason and ignored him. The blonde was resigned to this, and began fiddling with the utensils.

"So…" Riku eyed Sephiroth's hair curiously, breaking the silence. "What brand of shampoo do you use?"

The taller silver-haired male pushed his locks proudly. "Herbal Essence Straight and Shiny, of course."

"Ah…" Riku nodded with respect. "I use Herbal Essence Shampoo with Conditioner. It takes care of the split ends."

"Yes, but it can't make your hair shine," Sephiroth said empathically. "And that is the most important thing."

While Riku and Sephiroth continued their extremely interesting conversation concerning their hair, Zack and Sora were poring over the dessert menu.

"Mmm, strawberry shortcake," Zack murmured, drooling. "And then maybe banana split sundae?"

"Marjolain is good too," Sora added, showing the photo to the dark-haired man. "Oh, and this pie! And—"

"We ordered already," Leon pointed out, slightly annoyed.

"Yeah, but there's always room for more dessert later," Sora said, smirking.

Leon rolled his eyes. Sora and his sweet tooth…and by the looks of it, he had found a kindred soul in Zack.

His eye fell upon Cloud again. He was wholly occupied with staring at the napkins as if they were the most interesting things in the world.

He sighed. This was going to be a long evening.


Yuffie pulled Aerith frantically into the bathroom. "Aeri! You said he was single!" she said anxiously, waving her hands around.

"He is!" Aerith put her hands in her hips. "What are you talking about?"

"Are you insane? He came by the laundry store we were working at and brought clothes!" Yuffie was now flailing in half-embarrassment, half-disbelief. "And they were, you know—"

Aerith blinked. Clothes? "Wait a minute. This happened…when?"

"A few days ago, I think. Anyway, Spiky came by, and he gave proof that he's definitely getting some, and he's definitely not single—"

Aerith shook her head. "Yuffie, those were Seph and Zack's clothes. They coerced Cloud into bringing them there."

"He's probably—what?" Yuffie blinked, stopping her rant. "Those weren't Spiky's clothes?"

"No." She shook her head again. "Sephiroth and Zack."

The brunette stared at her, slowly processing the words. "Oh." Then it hit her. "Oh. Oh no. Oh shit. Oh fuck!" She smacked her forehead. "Oh man!"

Aerith watched her cousin go through the motions, somewhat amused but also a little concerned. "Uh, Yuff? Done with your little revelation?"

"We are so screwed!" Yuffie moaned, hitting her head against the wall. "Stupid stupid stupid…"

"What are you talking about?"

"Those clothes? I got Leon to take care of them," Yuffie said miserably. "I thought Spiky was active, you know, and I was using it as bait. So Leon probably thinks that Cloud isn't single, and all our hard work is going to go down the drain." She waited as her cousin let the words sink in.

Aerith groaned. "Oh no. Oh shit. Oh man."

The two started hitting their heads on the wall.


When the two females returned, the food had already been served. Sora and Zack were enthusiastically eating, Riku and Sephiroth were slightly more dignified as they continued their conversation on hair-care products in-between bites, and Cloud and Leon were in their own separate worlds.

Aerith and Yuffie exchanged looks. This was going to need some work.

"So, do you like the food, Cloud?" Aerith asked brightly.

"It's okay," Cloud said. "Did you order for me, Aerith?"

She nodded. "I hope you don't mind."

"So, Cloudster," Yuffie began cheerfully. "It seems like we meet again!"

Cloud blushed. "Right. You must be Yuffie, Aerith's cousin."

The girl grinned. "Yup. So did idiots over here introduce themselves already? Sora and Riku?"

Sora made a noise of protest, and Riku gave her a glare. Leon didn't even react.

Cloud smiled shyly. "He's Riku, and that's Sora. I picked up that much."

"What about this one?" Yuffie pointed at Leon, grinning wickedly. Cloud blushed and looked away.

Yuffie's grin grew wider. "He's—"

"I'm Leon," Leon interrupted, a little annoyed with Yuffie speaking for him as if he were a little child.

"Cloud," he murmured back. "Nice to meet you."


"Don't mind him," Yuffie assured Cloud. "He doesn't like to talk much, but he doesn't bite." Cloud involuntarily smiled at this, and he looked down to avoid Aerith's slightly confused gaze. Only the two females were paying attention to him; Sephiroth, Riku, Sora and Zack were immersed in their own conversations. As for Leon…

He stole a glance at the dark-haired man. Squall…

But he's not Squall, his mind told him. He said so himself. He's Leon.

He sighed, feeling like an idiot. Why had he been hoping? They just looked alike, that's all. And if he went home right now and went to sleep, he'd be back to his dreams and to his dream boy, who was just as beautiful but more warm than the ice sculpture sitting across him.

It was as if a freezing chill had come upon him, and suddenly Cloud wanted nothing more but to get away. This was too much! He wasn't Squall, and he never would be, and Cloud had been completely mistaken.

"Cloud?" Aerith tugged on him. "You okay?"

Cloud nodded, forcing a smile for Aerith's sake.

"After we're done eating, we could check out the skating rink!" Yuffie proposed gleefully.

Leon raised an eyebrow. "The skating rink?"

"Yeah! It'll be fun! We all know how to skate, right?" Yuffie said, smiling.

Leon hned and looked away, his face as expressionless as ever. "You said only dinner."

"What? Aww, Leon, you're no fun!" Yuffie pouted. "Besides, it won't be that long! We're all done eating, anyway!"

Riku broke away from his conversation with Sephiroth to grin. "Actually, we might be here for awhile, Yuffie." He gestured to Zack and Sora, who were beginning on their desserts.

"Zack, don't eat so fast," Sephiroth cautioned fondly, cleaning Zack's face with a napkin. Zack smiled. "Thanks, Seph."

"How sweet," Yuffie said sarcastically, winking at Aerith. The girl smiled.

Everyone seemed to be having fun but him. Cloud bit his lip, now feeling a little sick. "Guys? I think I'll pass on skating," he said weakly.

They all turned to look at him, surprised. "Huh?"

"I don't feel so good," Cloud explained, slightly surprised that he had taken all the attention. "I think I'll just go home."

"But Cloud!" Zack exclaimed. "You have to come! You love skating!"

"Maybe some other time," Cloud said softly. He really wanted to get away right now.

Aerith looked concerned. "Are you sure you're okay, Cloud?"

"Positive. But I really need to go home now."

Aerith and the others exchanged helpless glances. Well, they didn't count on this to happen. There was hardly any interaction between Leon and Cloud yet. The plan wasn't working properly.

"Well, I guess if you feel that way…" Sephiroth sighed. Maybe they could set up another date some other time. There were hopeful looks; they were all thinking the same thing. Besides, there was no reason not to. Sephiroth himself was forging a good relationship with Riku, and Sora was like a mini-Zack. They were hitting it off well. "We can all just go out another time, right?"

Sora nodded. "Yeah. When Cloud's feeling better." He offered a small smile at the blonde.

"Right. So I should get going—" Cloud made a move to stand up, but Yuffie suddenly put her hand on Leon's shoulder.

"Hey. Leon, give Cloud a ride home."

What? The look of disbelief on Cloud's face was only matched by Leon's slightly surprised look. "What?" Leon said, voicing Cloud's inner tone exactly.

Yuffie rolled her eyes. "You don't want to go to the skating rink, right? So you might as well give Cloud a ride home and be useful. You'll just be a grouch, anyway."

"You're the one who forced me to come," Leon pointed out, a little annoyed.

"Yeah well, you could have at least pretended to be human," Yuffie snapped, her tone angry. "You have been such a rock this entire evening. Now do us all a favor and bring Cloud home."

"Um, it's not really necessary…" Cloud broke in, not knowing if he was excited or afraid of spending time alone with his dream boy lookalike.

Yuffie waved it off. "Don't be silly, Cloud. You're not feeling well. And Leon doesn't mind." Her eyes narrowed. "Does he?"

Leon grunted, and then stood up. "Come on." And Cloud had no choice but to follow.

Once the two were out of sight, the five others broke into applause for Yuffie.

"You are one great actress," Zack said admiringly. "And that was an amazing plan. When did you have time to come up with that?"

Yuffie shrugged, smirking. "Oh, it was a spur of the moment thing. Plus, Leon's a total softie. He probably would offer Cloud a ride if he acted sick enough. He just needed the right push."

"Stroke of genius, Yuffie, stroke of genius," Riku said, patting her on the back. "I'm really impressed."

Aerith smiled as they all praised Yuffie some more. Then she looked at the direction the two men had disappeared to. "Well, we can just hope everything will go well…" she murmured.


Cloud followed Leon to the open parking lot, the wind playing with his hair. Leon was taking long, fast strides, and Cloud moved quickly to catch up with him. The silence was deafening, yet not oppressive. There were nocturnal sounds everywhere, contrasting the stillness they shared.

He was strangely calm, to add to the eeriness of the evening. A while ago, the chill in his heart was too much to bear, and his heartbeat had been erratic, but now it was nothing mattered anymore.

It was the peace he only felt when he was with Squall.

But he's not…


Cloud quickly looked up at the sound of jingling keys. "Uh…Leon?"

"Hm?" Leon stopped walking and turned to look at him.

"Do you…do you have a car or something?" Cloud asked shyly, hoping that the aloof man would at least acknowledge his question. It was no secret that Leon made him feel slightly uncomfortable, and he was on his way to being afraid of him.

"No." Leon raised his keys. "My ride is right here." He gestured to his right. Cloud followed his arm and he caught his breath.


A motorcycle.

Instantly, Cloud found himself falling in love with the motorcycle. It was sleek and shiny, and painted black. He had always wanted a motorcycle of his own—in fact, he had already seen his perfect bike and he had begged Cid not to sell it to anyone until he got the money. He had been working hard to save every cent. And the machine in front of him was almost as beautiful as his Fenrir.

"Griever," Leon said unexpectedly.

"Huh?" Cloud was interrupted from his blissful reverie. "What?"

"It's name." Leon patted it fondly, almost as if it were his child. "Griever." His eyes met Cloud's, and he gave him a smile.

"I see…" Cloud smiled back, unconsciously knowing that Leon's smile was a rare occurrence, and this might be the last time he would see it. He suddenly felt so lucky, so blessed, all of the sudden. He turned away to hide his growing smile, not wanting for Leon to think he was making fun of him.

"You like motorcycles?"

He laughed, a little embarrassed. "Is it that obvious? And Griever…he's beautiful. Where did you get him?"

"Put him together myself. I got some help from some mechanic friends, got a few deals here and there with the parts, and did the paint job." Leon was obviously very proud of his machine.

"You're amazing," he found the words slipping out of his mouth. Then he clapped his hand over his mouth. "Oh…I-I'm sorry."

Leon stared at him, unblinking, almost unsure why the blonde was apologizing. "We should go." He said eventually, when the Cloud refused to speak anymore and the silence had become unbearable.

And that was how Cloud ended up with his arms wrapped around Leon's abdomen, leaning close to him. His heart was beating twice as fast, but it felt strangely comfortable to place his head against Leon's muscled back. He felt so safe yet so confused.

He's not…he's not…

The ride home was relatively quiet. After Cloud told Leon the street of his apartment, the taller man nodded and sped off. He must be familiar with the neighborhood, Cloud decided. The two of them didn't talk anymore until they reached his apartment.

But it's okay.

"Uh, thanks," he said awkwardly, getting off the motorcycle and ruffling his unruly spikes. "And sorry. You were kinda forced to give me a ride home and all…"

"I don't mind," Leon said. Cloud blushed and averted his eyes. "And I should be the one apologizing."

The blonde's head snapped up. "What for?"

"For what happened at the Laundromat before," Leon continued. "You know."

Actually, Cloud didn't exactly know. He pretty much remembered freezing at seeing Leon's eyes. Maybe he was talking about the clothes? He blushed deeper at that. "Uh…let's just forget about it," he muttered.

Leon shrugged. "If you say so." With a nonchalant wave, he revved up the engine and went away.

Cloud watched as the faint light of the motorcycle disappeared into the night.

And then he looked up to see storm clouds on their way.


Namine looked out of the window as lightning flashed in the sky. The clouds were gathering; rain was starting to patter down the windowpane.

She smiled softly. "They always looked good together," she murmured.

Roxas, who was lounging by the fire, looked up. "Huh?"

His twin shook her head. "The clouds and the rain." Her eyes glittered. "A storm is coming."


Life is not waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain. But what happens when you're caught in a whirlwind of a thunderstorm, and the chill freezes you to your veins? What if you can't survive the raindrops falling down your cheek?

Careful there…not everyone survives a storm they didn't prepare for.