Disclaimer: psst...this is a fanfiction site, of course I don't own anything!

(ps. I hope you enjoy the story, I will be updating frequently as I have half the story written already, and the other half written in my head!...if that counts...)

May 28th

I'm 16 today, in my sixth year at Hogwarts. I'm perfect. Well….not really but nobody suspects sweet Hermione to get anything but the best grades and the most NEWTS or OWLS or whatever.

I spent my last summer talking to a therapist on hot days after my folks found my scars. Now don't get me wrong I'm not some pitiful suicidal teen….well I was but I was passed that at this point in time. I won't deny for a while..maybe since I was fourteen to when I was 15 that I was a statistic, another face in the masses of really sad kids.

I've been researching my genealogy since the summer and discovered some interesting things. First off, surprise surprise, I'm not a Granger. Apparently I'm a Nott….not my first choice in relatives. Now what I've figured out so far using my well practiced research abilities is that When I was born one of the nurses knew the family or rather knew who they were allied with: Voldemort. So she had it arranged so my family thought I was stillborn and she sent me to live with the Grangers, squib friends of hers.

Now I love them like they were my actual family. And I completely decided to keep all this secret from the Notts, and Harry and Ron.

Here's the part where I concur with the sorting hat when it told me that like some other students of noble birth 'I could do well in Slytherin'. I'm discretly setting myself up for a comfortable life. Such as going into the Nott vault and taking controlled sums and putting them into my own newly opened vault. When I say controlled sums that means enough each time so I make a profit and they don't notice. I've already purchased a nice flat in London. I figure I deserve the cash with all the missed birthday gifts and whatnot..also the fact that they are loyal deatheaters. J

I've decided to stay this summer, at my new flat instead of going back to the Grangers. I'll send them a card or something explaining that I'm going to some kind of summer program at Hogwarts and not going home. This summer is going to be great, I'm going to contact the nurse that sent me away from the Nott's. I'm eternally grateful to her, I don't think I would have enjoyed growing up in a house of death eaters. Before I forget to mention, the nurses name was Narcissa Malfoy. My surrogate mother is Jane Granger, a squib cousin of the Zabini's. I also discovered that Lucius Malfoy is really a spy for the light. Draco has an unwavering and clever façade that he 'agrees' with Voldemorts teachings. Same with Blaise Zabini his best friend. When I was left with the Grangers, Narcissa left a note with them. I found it in our attic. With other baby things. It read:

Hermione, May, 28th

If you turn out to be as clever and intuitive as your biological parents then you will know that you are indeed not a Granger but rather a Nott, not that it's a good thing to be a Nott. They are strong supporters of the now dubbed 'You-Know-Who' I have it on good authority that he's not really dead and in all likely hood will come back.

I can't live with myself to see a beautiful baby girl get corrupted by them. My sister being Ms. Nott I know what I'm talking about when I say that family corrupts. I told the Grangers to give you this letter when they think you're ready. I hope they decide to tell you about your heritage, at least for safety reasons and to be fair to you.

I want you to know that you are forever welcome in the Malfoy home. Hope to see you on my doorstep someday soon, announced or not.

-Narcissa Malfoy


Hermione snuck up to the astronomy tower on one of her last sixth years days, a hot night in June. It was surprisingly dark, no moon to be seen. I flash in the dark and then the low glow of a cigarette. A deep sigh soon after.

Hermione Nott slowly exhaled revising her plan calmly in her head. Off the express she was going to slip on Harry's stolen invisibility cloak. Slip out to the streets of London and work her way to the Malfoy Manor, sneaking a ride with Draco.

Hermione brushed a hand through her windswept hair. Still moderately unruly but she could tell her curls were evening out. She was growing into her once awkward body. She even developing a bit of a fashion sense.

This summer that just passed insured that her muggle wardrobe had a certain sophistication that even Draco would be proud of. She had all her exercise wear such as jogging pants and shorts and old t-shirts and some tang tops. Also summer dresses in bright colors, but also black, burgundy, and earthy colors were on some of her more classy cocktail dresses and gowns. Finally she had her everyday attire. Some bight lovely colors that complemented her features. Though she mainly wore olive, beige and black cargos with various vintage t-shirts and tang-tops. Yes book worm Hermione had grown up whatever her last name may be.

The sandy haired girl took one last drag on her cigarette. Threw it to the ground stepped on it and left. She didn't allow herself to smoke often, but her anxious thoughts just would not settle.

She was meeting Narcissa Malfoy in a matter of days. Maybe even get that real wizard pureblood family feeling that she was sure existed. There was always something lacking in her Granger home life. She wondered if Narcissa could fill that void. Wizards need that magical connection. A group of people related or not to call home, to call family.


AN: This is not an evil Hermione fic, she's gained some class but she's still good at heart. You'll see in the next couple chapters her views on the upcoming war. It's going to be a Blaise/Hermione fic no arguments I can't have her with Draco because she's his cousin! (if you missed it re-read the letter!)

I plan to update frequently, if you have ANY suggestions…I mean ANY at all I am completely willing to listen. I'm new to writing fics…I write a lot of poetry generally but I am so open to ideas and suggestions, all credit would go to you if I used one of your ideas. I am also looking for a beta, just leave me you e-mail in a review or something if you'd be up to it. Hope everyone who reads this fic likes it! I'm posting it on Forever Fandom too which will have the un-edited versions of some chapters.