Last chapter because I can't really drag my stories out; I get tired of doing them. Thank you for all the reviews and hits, I have over 1500! It's awesome that people are enjoying my work, it makes me happy. Anyways wrap up time.

As the sun rose that morning the attitude inside the train was somber as news quickly spread that a young girl had died during the night. The train came to a halt in small town as the small group quickly exited with the blanket covered body. Sympathetic glances were cast their way as they made their way away from the station and down the streets quietly walking to the small cemetery. Al carried Sierra in his arms tightly not knowing how to let her go when the time came. The spot that they found was far from the other graves and was decided it would do fine. Ed and Wrath began to dig in the grass with just their bare hands before Izumi produced shovels for them both. Al stared at them trembling as tears cascaded down his cheeks.

"Alphonse why don't you find some stones to make her a grave." Izumi stated taking the body from him. Al stared at her silently before nodding his head once and slowly walking away. Izumi removed the blanket from Sierra and brushed her hair out some fixing her bangs so they laid lightly against her forehead. She sighed her fingers lightly touching the deep purple marks that looked suspiciously like fingers but she said nothing.

"Alright it's finished." Ed said climbing out of the hole and helping Wrath out. Izumi looked up at them just as Al came back with some stones. He placed them down on the ground as Ed knelt down next to Sierra and took her into his arms. He sat with her like that for some time whispering apologies that she would never hear. Slowly he stood up and gently placed her into the grave. Wrath fell to the ground in a heap sobbing so hard his body convulsed. Ed and Al stared at Sierra as she laid in the ground until they couldn't bare it a moment longer and began shoveling the earth back into place. The clouds gathered above them rumbling ferociously as rain began to trickle down mixing with the tears that fell onto the ground. After the grave was covered back over Al placed the stones on top of it and clapped his hands together placing them on top of the stones. After the transmutation a small headstone marked her resting spot.

"Sierra Elric, beloved sister. Nineteen ten to nineteen twenty-five." Izumi read walking over to Wrath and picking him up off the ground.

"We'll wait for you two at the gates." She said helping her son walk away. Ed and Al stood side by side as the rain soaked them both but neither cared.

"We've stood in front of graves too many times Al." Ed said suddenly. Al nodded in agreement.

"I haven't felt like this since mom died." Al said. Ed wrapped a comforting arm around his younger brother and sighed.

"Yeah." He replied. "The hardest part is going to be walking away." Ed said after some silence had passed between them. Al nodded.

"I don't think we should waste another minute here brother." Al said turning to leave.

"I agree. No looking back either, we just have to do what we always do and keep moving forward." Ed said. Al nodded.

"That's right. Sister's gone but we'll always remember her and that's what important." Al stated. Ed nodded in agreement and they left the cemetery leaving behind Sierra's body but not her memory.