"I-I… I… You have got to be joking!"

"Thus I am not Miss Granger, it is of most importance that you wed immediately or I am afraid Voldemort will kill you"

It was the start of the holidays between the 6th year and 7th. Dumbledore was sitting in the Granger's living room drinking his tea very slowly, while explaining the whole situation. All of a sudden the front door clicked open and in walked a very modern day housewife.

"Mrs Granger, a pleasure again to see you" Professor Dumbledore stood up and slowly took Mrs Granger hand in his. "Please sit. Hermione, Mr Granger and Myself where just discussing a very important situation indeed"

"Why… what's wrong? What have you done now Hermione? Snuck off somewhere again?" Hermione's mum said sitting next to her husband on the couch and eyeing Hermione in her chair in the corner of the lounge room.

"Ahh Mrs Granger it is none of the above and so much more, I am here to discuss Hermione's future. As you know Voldemort a very powerful wizard, perhaps the most just after myself, is in recruit of death eaters, once this is complete they will be more powerful than anyone would have ever imagined- "

"So what does this have to do with my Hermione" Mrs Granger interrupted.

"She is in grave danger Mrs Granger, once the death eaters have successfully joined they are immediately going to kill every muggle born witch or wizard, We need to protect Hermione, Someone who can save her and she can save him if needed; So I have in the state of things picked the perfect person for Hermione to wed" Professor Dumbledore finished talking and took a sip of his already cold tea.

"WHAT, Hermione is only 17 she is to young!"

"She is of age in the wizarding world. I see my tea has gone cold I shall leave you to talk while I refill it" Dumbledore stood up and slowly walked into the kitchen and began pondering around; Hermione on the other hand looked uncomfortably at her parents.

"Hermione is this true? Are you really in that big of danger that you need to marry someone? Because if that is the case we can pull you out of Hogwarts without delay I-" Hermione cut in before she could finish

"MUM hogwarts is my home, you can't take that away from me… not after everything I've seen, witnessed and been apart of… I am going to marry who ever Professor Dumbledore wishes me to marry because if you pull me out of hogwarts I will have absolutely no protection at all and I would be free for them to kill" Mrs granger looked at her husband and gave him a stern look before looking away to Hermione.

"Fine if you're old enough then go and do what you wish, but just remember you're father and I are always here for you" Hermione stood up and ran over to her mum before leaping onto her and hugging her as tight as possible. Professor Dumbledore walked back in with his steaming hot tea in his hands.

"Thank-you mum and don't worry once this whole ordeal is over I will not stay married to whoever it is"

"Well I must be off there is just a few more things. You will be married later on this month to a pureblood of course… You must get everybody to believe you two are in love no matter what and, you cannot under any circumstances tell anybody besides you're parents. Last but not least congratulations on becoming Head girl, you will share your common room with Head boy I will be at your house in the next few weeks to wed you and you're fiancé" Professor Dumbledore Stood in the door way and walked into the court yard before turning back, waving and dis-apperating.

Later that night Hermione got ready for bed it had been a hot day and it was still humid so she hoped into bed with a sports bra and boy-leg underwear. She pulled a thin sheet halfway up her body and lay on her stomach ready to fall asleep but she was far from it. 'Im so stupid I forgot to ask who I was marrying… Ohwell it will probably be Ron he is a pureblood or Neville… EW me married to Neville NO WAY no one else could be worse' Hermione finally feel asleep around midnight with thoughts of her wedding day on her mind. Around three a.m. there was a distinct sound of a pop in Hermione's room but she was in an extremely deep sleep she didn't wake.

The boy got off of the ground from where he landed and examined the room. There was a bit of light coming in from the bathroom so he walked over and closed the door slightly he looked around the room again there was a chest of draws with a huge mirror and makeup and perfume on it. And an enormous in the corner of the room, he stalked over to the bed and saw Hermione lying there. He was shocked. There was Hermione lying there in her undies and sports bra on her stomach. He looked at her back and noticed that it was quite tanned in this light; he all of a sudden reminded himself who she was and stepped back quickly.

"Granger" Malfoy said firmly while jabbing her with his wand before quickly wiping her mudblood germs off of it "Get up" he said even louder than before, Malfoy realised that her parents might wake up so he began waving his wand and muttering to himself. "Get the fuck up Granger!" Malfoy yelled once the charms where put on the room. Hermione jumped in shock and fell off of the bed she quickly stood up and turned around to face the one person she loathed more than anything in the world.

"What in the bloody hell are you doing here ferret!" Hermione screamed while running over to the chest of drawers and grabbing her wand. Malfoy who was still laughing from when she fell off of the bed tried to regain himself and stood up to look her directly in the eyes, even though he was taller than her. "What are you doing here Malfoy?" Hermione once again screamed but this time while pointing her wand at him. Malfoy's eyes widened as he looked down at her body. This time the light was behind her so he had a perfect vision of her front. He smirked a little and it was then that Hermione realised what he was looking at. "You're so perverted Malfoy stop looking at me you're never aloud to look at me!" Hermione flung her hand towards the bathroom door and grabbed her dressing gown.

"Hey im aloud to look but others can't" Hermione pushed past him and turned the bedside lap on, then walked straight over to the door and tried to open it but the door handle was jammed.

"Excuse me!" Hermione yelled once Malfoy had finished talking "You're aloud to look! I don't think so you're the last person on the earth who is aloud to look! I would even let… Crab and Goyle see me rather than you… you pervert!"

"Nah… they wouldn't want to… I don't think they like the idea of seeing someone else's fiancé especially when its me where talking about" Malfoy said calmly while taking a seat on Hermione's bed and bouncing up and down to see if it was squashy or not.

Hermione froze "You're my fiancé" she managed to spit out after a moment or two.

"Yep you're my fiancé" Malfoy said while lying down on the bed and flicking through one of her magazines that was on the bedside table.

"No im not you're anything. There must be a mix up you must have the wrong person I- I can't… im not going to be a… a… Malfoy I mean c'mon how stupid do you think I am!" Hermione managed to convince herself that she was indeed not going to marry Malfoy. Malfoy on the other hand lay the mag down and sat up; he slowly took his shoes and socks off and put them next to the door. Hermione stood there in shock watching Draco make himself at home. After he took his socks off he lay down on the side of the bed next to the window. "Malfoy piss off you're only shitting with me so go the hell away. Anyways I thought I was a dirty, bitchy, stupid, whore of a mudblood"

"You are, it's just now you're my dirty, bitchy, stupid, whore of a mudblood" Draco smiled a big cheesy fake smile and stretched out even more. "Granger get over it… I have… oh by the way im staying with you until school gets back my father wouldn't like to know about us…"

"Yeah bloody right…"Draco looked at her and Hermione sat on the chair on the far side of the room. "Ok tell me why I have to do this?"

"You save my life and I save your's" Malfoy said walking over to the chest of drawers and investigating her perfume occasionally spraying it and sniffing it before putting it back down and coughing quite loudly.

"Why on earth would you want to save my life?" Hermione asked as she walked over to the window sill and sat down. The further away from Malfoy, the better.

"I don't, I want to save my own life and if that involve using you the so be it" Hermione gave him a demanding look so he continued. "Since my father is becoming stronger and stronger being with Voldemort, soon enough I will have but no choice but to join the 'Dark side'. But after the baby is born then I am untouchable thanks to Dumbledore's protection thing" Hermione was completely utterly traumatized.

"Baby…" She muttered before her head went dizzy and the world went blank.

Hermione awoke the next morning with an enormous head ace, she slowly sat up and half expected to see Malfoy lying next to her but he wasn't it was all just a dream. Hermione burst into chuckles and stood up, when she stood up she noticed something strange… she was wearing her dressing gown, Hermione immediately searched the room for some idea that Malfoy might have been there. Hermione was on her hands and knees when her mum came in the room.

"He's a lovely boy isn't he Hermione?" Hermione looked up just a bit puzzled by what her mother had just said. Hermione mum took another bite of the toast and walked in and kissed Hermione on the cheek. "Ok darling im off to work I'll be back later tonight… 8:30 to be precise and you're father is leaving soon he will be back later" Hermione's mum winked and had a big grin on her face. Hermione stood there in shock. 'What the fuck is going on' She thought

She quickly threw some short shorts and a black singlet on. Put a tinge of make up on and straightened her hair. Even though she was of age to use magic some things she preferred to do the muggle way. She put black thongs on and headed down to breakfast without so much of a thought about what happened this morning.

Hermione walked into the kitchen and froze. There sitting at the kitchen bench was Malfoy smiling and laughing with her dad. Hermione walked over furiously, grabbed Malfoy by the collar of his shirt and ripped him into the lounge room.

"What are you doing!" Hermione said in a fuming whisper.

"I told you…" Hermione's eyes widened

"That wasn't a dream?" she asked. Hermione leaned back on the couch backing and flopped into the couch. "What am I going to do" She said while biting her nails.

"Geese save some for later granger you still might be hungry" Hermione looked over her hand to see Malfoy staring at her. She slowly pulled her hand away down to her side and contemplated what to do.

"Lets get one thing straight Malfoy" Hermione said standing up to look at him in the eyes. "You do not own me… you do not tell me what to do… and if you get in my way then there will be hell to pay… got it?" Draco smirked and sat down. No way in hell was she in control of this conversation.

"Granger, when we wed I do own you. I tell you what to do and you do it…" He leaned up in the chair and slid off his body almost grinding against hers as he went. "And if you get in my way I will send you to hell… got it?" Hermione looked up into his grey blue eyes. What on earth was she going to do… then out of the blue a thought came to her mind.

"Ok" She said casually. Draco looked down at her he expected her to scream her lungs off or disagree in some way or another, but instead she agreed. "Ok but I have one rule of my own, if we want to make people believe we are really in love then you cannot have girls over" Draco's mouth dropped open

"What the fuck no way! I am not going for an entire year without sex" Draco said while taking the tiniest step forwards. Hermione backed away and began walking in the opposite direction

"You have a hand… it not very hard to move it up and down" and before Hermione could think about what she was saying the words kinds of slipped out of her mouth. "Trust me I'd no…" Hermione froze on the spot, her hand slapped to her mouth. She slowly turned around to see Draco with his mouth plastered open.

"Hermione… Draco" Hermione's father said with a devilish grin on his face "Have fun today I'm off to work" Hermione dad came in the room and walked out of the front door.

Draco gloated all the way over to Hermione his mouth still open.

"You'd no would you" He said after a long while of silence a smirk still plastered to his lips. "I don't believe you…" Draco pushed past her and walked up the stairs before turning into the bedroom on the right. Hermione followed him

"GET OUT OF MY ROOM" She screamed while walking up the stairs, her feet stomping as loud as possible. She walked into the bedroom and found Malfoy once again looking at the magazines.

"Calm down it isn't just you're room either"


"You're dad was saying in the kitchen before you interrupted that the spare room is for friends, and im no friend I am you're fiancé so he said he would freely let me sleep in you're room" Draco decided to emphasise his point. "In you're room… in you're bed… under the covers… where all this so called hand gestures are meant to happ-" He was cut off by a pillow smacking him square in the face. He threw it down on the ground angrily and sat on the window ledge.

"Do you think im a bookworm who never gets any?" Draco laughed and tried to say yes but his lungs hurt him to much to do so.

"Omg you're a mind reader" He said after a while when his giggles had died down

"Well im not someone who never get any!" Hermione snapped. "Just because I read doesn't mean that I don't like things everybody else does!" Draco's mouth fell open once again and Hermione slapped her hand to her mouth again. "I…"

"Are you a virgin granger? And no lying" Hermione looked at Malfoy in shock.

"There are some things I can keep from you Malfoy and if that involves my entire life then so be it" Hermione said calmly before going into the bathroom and closing the door with a loud thump.

Hermione emerged an hour later from the bathroom. She peaked around her bedroom and couldn't find Malfoy so she slowly closed the door and changed into her all black bikinis intending to get a good tan before heading back to school. She slowly slipped out of the room to the towel cupboard down the hall and began searching through all of the towels. Hermione found her favourite towel and threw it on the ground and began shoving the rest back in, making no effort to keep it clean. She closed the cupboard door and leant down to get her towel, she kept her legs straight all the time and slowly bent her back up.

She turned around really fast and unexpectedly went banging into Malfoy she quickly took a step away. Malfoy once again for the fourth or fifth time in the last 12 hours had his mouth hanging open staring at Hermione's breasts.

"Ahh you pervert!" Hermione said in frustration. She pushed past Draco and with consciously thinking her hips were swaying. Draco followed her all the way out to the pool out the back.

"What in the bloody hell are you wearing?" Draco said after he watched her lie the towel down and she lied down on it.

"Bathers..." Draco gave her a puzzled look so Hermione sat up on her elbows. "What do you wear when you go swimming?" Hermione asked.

"Swimming… I ahh wear boxers what normal people wear" Draco said sitting down next to Hermione.

"What do girls wear then?" Draco gave her another puzzled look

"They don't wear what you're wearing that's for sure… They wear actually I don't really know I've never been swimming with a girl before…" Hermione sighed and stood up she noticed Draco was watching her so she decided to put sunscreen. Hermione grabbed the bottle and put it on her legs, arms stomach and breasts. She tried to put it on her back but she couldn't reach so she lay down on her stomach and handed Draco the sunscreen.

"Can you put this on my back please?" Draco looked at Hermione with wide eyes.

"What is it? And I don't want to touch you I might get mudblood germs" Hermione grunted and leaned upwards.

"Its sunscreen it stops me from burning and if I burn you're going to burn too…" Draco whacked Hermione on the back with a closed fist and she fell down. "You have to unhook the thing to put it on" Draco's eyes widened even more and he slowly tried to unhook the bather top, his fingers were hot and sweating.

"If I get germs on my fingers I'm throwing you in that water whole and drowning you until there all gone!" Draco snapped, he slowly began rubbing the sunscreen into her back, his face went hot and he felt it getting redder and redder.

He finished a couple of second later and began wiping his hands on the towel until he noticed something about Hermione's back. It had a long white scar going from the top left corner of her shoulder to her bottom left hip.

"Where'd you get the scar, scar back? Omg you and potter can be scar fuck buddies!" Hermione slapped him and forgot about her bathers she quickly covered herself up and jumped in the pool.

"You coming in?" Hermione asked after she emerged from underwater. "The water is warm" Hermione dove back under and began swimming the length of the pool. Draco quickly began undressing. He bombed into the pool and began swimming laps.

"Get the fuck outta my way Granger" Draco said as he swerved to one side because Hermione was in his way.

"You know if you keep calling me Granger my parents are going to think you crazy"

"I don't give a flying fuck what you're parents think" Draco snapped at her as he stopped swimming and stood up in the shallow end. He slowly walked and stood in front of Hermione. "So this is what a Mudbloods life is really like… swimming and sunbaking…"

"You're a prick!" Hermione yelled at him as she dove under the water. Draco instinctively dove under as well and went to grab her back until her missed and accidentally grabbed her bather top. They both emerged to the surface with Hermione's hands cupped over her breasts. Draco looked at the Bather top in his hands, he quickly threw in Hermione's direction and bolted out of the pool to dry off.

Hermione got out of the pool and wrapped her towel around herself. She walked into the house muttering 'Dickhead, stinks, and pureblood' For the rest of the week… Hermione died.