My Immortal

A/N: This story is going to be rated more than T so be prepared. This is going to be my first story that is more than T rated. Go easy on me. This is the only first chapter! I might've went fast heehee. please deal with it.

A pink-haired medic-nin sat on a grassy hill on the midnight hour. She brought her knees to her chest and cried silently. She's always done this ever since her team left on a mission five years ago. Sakura gotten over Sasuke three years ago. Accepting that he would never care for her. After that horrible day, no way she would love him again. That day, he called her a whore/slut. Saying she slept with every man in the village, when she never did. He also slapped her. She cried after he did that to her. He just left her, chuckling to himself. Hell in no way I would ever love him. Sakura got a closer relationship with her former sensei. They would write letters back and forth. Kakashi always found time to write to her. Sakura smiled as she read each letter. Of course, Naruto wrote too. Sasuke couldn't care less about her and she was glad. I can't even remember why I loved him in the first place. Sakura thought to herself. Each time she read Kakashi's letters, her stomach twisted. I must be feelings for him... Sakura laughed. Sakura looked up at the sky. She saw a shooting star. Sakura would come here every midnight and cry for her beloved friends to come home. Sakura sighed and tears covered her face as cherry blossoms blew all around her.

Soon, Sakura felt some chakra around her. Someone's watching me... Sakura just stood where she was.

A warmth feeling was placed on her shoulder. Sakura looked up and gasped in surprise.

"Yo, Sakura." Kakashi said in his usual lazy, boring tone of voice. But of Kakashi was so relivedto see her. It'd been five years since he seen her. He looked at her. She'd grown into a wonderful woman. So beautiful, just like a sakura. Kakashi smiled at her.

Sakura gazed at her former sensei. Her Inner Sakura gave her a thought. He looks DAMN SEXY!

"Yeah, Damn Sexy alright." Sakura whispered under her breath.

"I heard that." Kakashi laughed.

Every waking moment together their hearts beat faster than ever.

Kakashi smiled under his thin, black mask. "Oh so no 'welcome ba-" His sentence was cut off by Sakura. She was crying happy tears and hugged him.

"Thank god you're back. I couldn't take it no more. I hate being lonely." Sakura's tears seeped through Kakashi's shirt.

Kakashi's stomach twisted at the touch she gave him. "Yeah, being lonely can hurt you.Trust me, I've dealt with it." Kakashi held her shoulders so she was looking at him in his right onyx eye.

"Yeah, it must've been so empty..." Sakura looked down. Kakashi lifted her chin.

"Look at me." His voice soothed her eyes. Kakashi held her close. It's too bad he should would never know that she was HIS sakura. Kakashi's hands ran up and down her back.

Suddenly, Sakura felt calm. His warmth made her blush crimson red.

"Are you ok?" Kakashi looked down at his blushing former student.

She knew he meant about what happened between Sasuke and her. "Yes, I'm fine Kakashi. No need to worry about me. I've moved on 3 years ago." Sakura put on her sweetest smiles. "But..."

"But?" Kakashi rose his right eyebrow.

"I still haven't found someone to spend my spring break with..." Sakura smiled sweetly and still innocently.

"Maybe it could me." Kakashi had a grin.

"Only under one condition though..." Sakura laughed. This will be the time! Yes! I can't wait to see what his reaction would be. Heehee. Inner Sakura announced her thoughts.

"What's the condition?" Kakashi gave a stern look.

"NO MASK AT NIGHT!" Sakura gave in to a fit of giggles. She finally waited a lifetime to say that.

"Whoa, you're kidding right?"


"That's it. You've gone too far, young lady!" Kakashi tackled the young beautiful medic-nin and tickled her nearly to death.

"S-S-Stop it Kakashi!" Sakura was laughing to death and finally she couldn't take it no more. She reached for Kakashi's mask and pulled it down. She savored the sight of his soft lips and his wonderful, handsome face. Sakura touched his cheek as he closed his eyes. "Your face..."


Sakura wrapped her arms around his neck. She pulled him closer until their chests touched one another.

"Sakura..." His breath tinkled Sakura's lips. She couldn't take it, not when it's right in front of her. Sakura kissed his baby soft lips that were always covered by that drastic mask. So graceful Sakura thought. Sakura nibbled on Kakashi's bottom lip. She needed to feel his in hers. She NEEDED to. Sakura slowly opened her mouth wider and Kakashi's experienced tongue ever so swiftly plunged in her chasity mouth. The long, passionate, deep kiss seemed to last forever, it did last but until they no longer could hold their breath.

"Sakura..." Kakashi touched and caressed her cheek.

Sakura closed her eyes. "I'm sorry Kakashi, I didn't mean to...Ever since we've gotten closer I've fallen in love with you." Sakura felt like crying.

"Shhhh, Sakura." Kakashi debated inside his mind whether he should tell his feelings for her or not. In the end, NOT always won.

Kakashi hugged her close for some-who-cares-how-many-minutes.

After the some-who-cares-how-many-minutes passed, Sakura looked up and spoke to him. "You have a place to stay?"

"No. And Sakura, I'm sorry for what happened earlier. You're my former student and ...nothing more." Kakashi's voice was as lazy and calm as ever but Sakura could detect a little hurt in his voice.

"No, it's my fault. I just missed being surrounded by my favorite boys that I guess I was a little TOO excited." Sakura laughed nervously.

"Yeah." Kakashi left out a soft chuckle.

"Ok, well we should get going if we want to make breakfast." Sakura smiled. She started to walk to her house. Kakashi just jumped to her house. Sakura laughed. He just wants get there faster. Sakura shook her head. I wonder if it's better if we stay as friends... Sakura smiled sadly at the thought.

Kakashi opened Sakura's door and let himself in. It's going to be a while since she's walking. Kakashi went up the stairs and saw her room. He walked in and saw two piles of letters on her dresser. Kakashi smiled. He picked up one letter and it had Naruto's handwriting on it. Kakashi chuckled. She still kept in touch with weird. He picked up the other letter and it was his letters. He laughed. Remembering putting Icha Icha Paradise quotes in there. That must've made her blush at least. No matter what Kakashi felt sad, mad or a random feeling, Sakura always made him smile in his letters. Kakashi looked up and saw the old Team 7 picture. He traced Sakura's pose in the picture.

"So, I see you like that picture." Sakura giggled.

"Heh, yeah. Old days." Kakashi smiled.

"I was so childish then..."

"You still are." Kakashi teased her.

"How!" Sakura played along, knowing his goal was to tease her.

"You still call me 'Kakashi-sensei'." He grinned.

"So? I thought you liked being called that. You said, or more like written, yourself!" Sakura faked an outburst.

"Relax, I'm just kidding." Kakashi put his hand up in surrender.

"I know, I was just playing along." Sakura smiled sweetly.

"Well, I fixed breakfast, hope you're hungry." Sakura walked out of her room, down the stairs and sat at her dinner table. Kakashi followed her and sat across from her. In front of them was a healthy bowl of ...Ramen.

"Don't tell me Naruto got you hooked on it..." The Copy-Ninja asked.

"Nah, besides it cost less money. I'm saving money at least." Sakura stared to eat her food slowly.

"For what, a family?" Kakashi laughed. She always did think logically. He took down his mask and started to eat.

"No, besides how come every time you write it's always during 'Icha Icha Paradise time'?" Sakura rose her eyebrow at him, still eating.

"Eh, I don't know. I usually read it when I have no more letters to write but since I was writing to Sas-"

"You wrote to Sasuke?" Sakura's angered voice surprised Kakashi.

"What's wrong? Did I say something wrong? Or did I do something wrong?" Kakashi asked.

"You wrote to that fucking, emotionless, cold-hearted bastard who doesn't even give a shit about anyone unless it has to do with Itachi?"

"Yes, I did write to that fucking, emotionless, cold-hearted bastard who doesn't even give a shit about anyone unless it has to do with Itachi." Kakashi stated out of breath.

"Why?" Sakura asked.

"He wrote to me first about the little 'incident' he had with you. After that, we started writing but I never forgot to write to you."

"Thanks Kakashi-sensei, but I still can't believe that you still talk to him." Sakura smacked Kakashi's arm.

"He's my former student. I always keep in touch with my Team 7. Anway, how are you doing after 5 years?"

"I could've been better." Sakura flashed an innocent smile.

"Good, and don't smack me, it's not fair."

Sakura laughed. "Yeah, right. I get to smack you all I want since you're not going to take off your mask at night."

"Darn, Maybe by the end of your little spring break, I'll have bruises. Meaning I might have to stay and rest or I can just have you heal them." Kakashi laughed. That'd be a good break though..

"Maybe." Sakura shook her head. Inner Sakura thought. Yeah right, never going to happen.

"Say, shall we take a walk again?" Kakashi chuckled. He always loved taking walks. Whether it was by himself or not.

"I'd loved to but I have to fix the guest room for you." Sakura smiled at Kakashi.

"Why can't I 'sleep with you'?" Kakashi smirked.

"Haha, I would love that." Sakura smacked her lips.

Kakashi's chest tensed. His breathing became heavier. Does she really want that?

Sakura laughed at Kakashi's reaction. "I'm kidding Kakashi." Sakura smacked Kakashi's arm. But only this time Kakashi caught it.

"Don't. Ever. Do. That." Kakashi took his mask off and pulled her close. He couldn't resist the smell of strawberries or her lucious pink lips. He gave her a quick kiss. Then he pulled back and pulled his mask up. "Never tempt me like that, Sakura. You know very well how my mind works." Kakashi hissed at her and released her arm.

"I'm sorry Kakashi-sensei. I didn't mean to upset you, I was just playing." Sakura stood there with eyes wide open.

"Just continue to play and you'll find yourself in bed with me." Kakashi whispered under his mask.

"Hmm? You said something?" Sakura replied.

"Nothing Sakura. Just fix the bed." Kakashi huffed as he sat down on her couch.

"You could help you know..." Sakura touched Kakashi's hand.

"Sakura, I'm warning you. Stay away from me." Kakashi looked up into her sparkling virdian eyes.

"Kakashi please," Sakura laid in his lap. "I love you." Sakura laid her head against his Jounin vest.

"Shh Sakura, everything will be alright." He held Sakura close. He battled in his head, whether he should tell her his feelings and this time, Yes won.

Kakashi lifted her chin up. "I lo-"

"SAKURA-CHAN!" Naruto's voice echoed throughtout the whole house.

"Ahh! Sakura jupmed from Naruto's voice. She landed on the floor, her butt first.

"Hey." Sasuke nodded his head.

Kakashi nodded his head to Sasuke, meaning 'nice to see you again.'

"So Kakashi you made it before us."

"Yep, Naruto."

"As usual." Sasuke muttered.

"Naruto. Nice to see you again." Sakura sweetly smiled.

"Sasuke." She turned to see Sasuke and nodded her head.

"Sakura." He nodded back.

"Hey, I'm staying at Sakura's ok?" Kakashi decided to bring up the subject.

"Oh, I'm staying at Hinata's." Naruto smiled.

"I'm staying at my girlfriend's..." Sasuke looked down.

"Who would be?" Kakashi asked.

"Err, Ino." Sasuke turned around and left Sakura's house.

"Well, I bet Hinata is worried sick about me. I'll talk to you later Kakashi," He nodded to Kakashi, "Sakura-chan." He nodded to her too. Naruto fixed his headband and left onward to Hinata's house.

"Now Kakashi-sensei, what were you saying?" Sakura tunred to face Kakashi but she didn't see him at all. She felt her hair stand up as a breath tickled her neck.

"I was about to say," Kakashi whispered in her ear. "I love you too." Kakashi wrapped his arms around her waist and nuzzled his head in her neck. He started to lick her angel whiteskin. God, she tastes so good. Kakashi's breathing went heavier. He still couldn't believe this. Sakura's heart went faster and her breathing became more heavier. His soft lips were touching her skin.

"Kakashi..." Sakura gave a moan as Kakashi's skilled tongue trailed up her neck. He spun her around and kissed her deeply, but with a passion.

"I told you not to tempt me, my little cherry blossom." Kakashi lifted her chin. "Goodnight, my Sakura." With that, he kissed her forehead and POOFed to his room aka the guest room.

"Kakashi..." Sakura stood there with her eyes closed.

"Get to bed Sakura. We're finally here." We're refering to Sasuke, Naruto and himself. "You have a big day tomorrow." Kakashi shouted from his bedroom.

Sakura sighed and pushed her daydream away. "Fine." Sakura went up the stairs, to her room and locked the door. 'He can still get in.' Sakura forced a giggle.

The first man to say 'I love you', to hold her close, and to kiss her deeply. It was Kakashi.

Sakura smiled as she stripped to her nightgown. Yep, she'd have a big day tomorrow. Of course she did. Naruto, Sasuke and Kakashi.

Sakura smiled at the thought of Kakashi. She finally fell asleep with a smirk on her face. The first time in 5 years, she slept without tears pouring down.

Chapter one done!

A/N: Well, yes it's a new story. Muhahahaha but I'm planning to put all my other stories on hold, till I finish this one. This story, I'm making should be at least more than 10 chapters. Hopefully I can make it to 20! A story of a a long relatioship. SQUEE! Please read and review .

Love always,

Angel Wing Rinoa777