Here you guys go. An actual story line for this fic. Hope you enjoy.

In this fic, you could say, Kikyo's a whore trying to get every guy in the school to sleep with her, Inuyasha is her boyfriend that's only there for a good lay. Kagome is Kikyo's rival in class and well they fight. Both girls have their Miko powers. Sango and Miroku are Kagome's best friends. Well that sums up all the characters in this fic. Everybody goes to a school that helps them become stronger in their powers, or abilities. The school is inhabited by humans (demon slayers), holy people (Kagome, Miroku, and sadly Kikyo who shouldn't be placed here), and half demons (Inuyasha). Sadly, there will be no demons in the school because of so many conflicts with the humans. Imagine Sesshoumaru at school with them, well there would be NO SCHOOL THEN.

So now on with the story

Kagome's POV

"Ohhhhhhhhhh Inuyasha, let's ditch school and make love," I heard as I walked into the gymnasium, clad in black shorts, and a white tank top.

"But babe, it's almost time for me to go up," replied who I guessed was Inuyasha. I turned my head to the left and almost killed my eyes at the sight of Kikyo, in shorts that didn't even go and inch down to the knee, and spaghetti strapped tank top that cut off above the waist, showing the bottom of her bright pink bra. What killed them even more was to see her on Inuyasha's lap, clutching his dick.

Shuddering I turned away to look for Sango and Miroku.


Ok now I just have to figure out where to find out where that slap came from. To my right, I heard someone screech out Miroku's name, and a small thunk. I slowly walked toward the screech, knowing that I was treading in dangerous water, you could say. A circle of people stood before me. I shoved my way through, to find Sango, red faced, with her Hirikoutsu in the air. As I looked toward the ground, I noticed an unconscious Miroku with a bump the size of a goose egg on his head, and a large red handprint marking the side of his face.

"Hey Sango, get Miroku and come over to the bench," I yelled hoping that Sango had heard me.

"Yah alright I'm coming," she yelled back, lifting Miroku, and dragging him by the hands to the row of benches by the change rooms. As soon as she got there we started talking about how annoying Miroku was, well that was until he woke up.

"So Kagome, when are we going to start the plan?" Miroku asked in a groggy voice.

"Tonight at the Raven, Kikyo and Inuyasha always go there, but I've told you this many times. Why do you always forget? Wait never mind I don't want an answer," I replied in a hushed voice so that no one would over hear.

"Looks like you looked into this a lot," Sango said as she put her hair in a ponytail, because her combat session would start soon.

"I have, Miroku have you handed out the fliers yet?" I questioned

"Yes I have, people will start sneaking in around 10:00ish," he replied as I heard his name get yelled for his turn in combat.

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Well that's all for now. I bet you can't just wait to hear what their plan is.