A/N:SORRRY! See..I had to think of way to follow up. Hah! Wish me luck! Nya!

Help me run!

"This is all your fault you know," muttered Uetmatsu.

She was NOT happy right now, and it was all Ten-chan's fault. That was just how she liked to look at this. And here she was. In Ten-chan's house, her arms crossed, and her face furiously pouty. But she had every right, no? The hours leading up to this moment seemed like a blur. When Ten-chan managed to drop it, everything just smelled horrible. Plain horrible. But what Ten-chan didn't know was this: Bugs. Were. Attracted. First it was only a couple coming out. Squished easy. But soon more and more came out until they had atleast 10 crawling around in the living room. And five in the bedroom that belonged to Koboshi's room. They had searched the house and they had found the one thing that made Koboshi scream until she was sore. A whole FAMILY of roaches behind walls, enough to come and just make people grow sick looking at them.

"Sheesh, I said sorry!" cried Ten-chan. Curse him and his innocent cute face.

Immediately, her mother and father had decided to smoke the house out with the bugs, but seeing as there were so many, this would take awhile. So while her parents went off to a hotel, she had exclaimed quite loudly she wanted revenge, and wanted to stay with Ten-chan. In his house. But everyone had to compromise. Koboshi couldn't stay without her 18 year old cousin to watch her. Mika. Mika only lived two apartments down from Ten-chan, so she had to have a daily report from the parents, making sure everything was "safe".

"Sorry doesn't cut it," she muttered. A nervous looking Kotarou was sitting by her, shaking his head slowly.

"This really sucks guys. But atleast you two have each other," sighed Kotarou. His feeble attempt to cheer up.

Sheesh! Don't girls understand sorry! Takashi was just having the time of life, feeling horrible for showing the truth of her house, and for making her have that look. But he sort of liked it too. It was so mad, so..expressive. And yet so cute...Cute? Yeah, he used to have feelings for her, but..that was then. He was sure he convinced himself that he was not in his place with her. Yet, this thought was pushed away as he scooted closer to Uematsu.

"Okay look. I'm sorry. Okay? S-O-R-R-Y! I know it sucks and all..but...lets just make the best of this okay?" he leaned in closer to her face, giving the most innocent look he could muster.

He was doing that on purpose. She knew he was. Koboshi wasn't dumb. But that didn't mean he didn't look adorable, and yet so innocent all at the same time. And he was so close..oh so close..She could just..lean in..and..ACK! What was she thinking? TEN-CHAN? Her BEST friend? It would all be so..weird! What about that one girl? Poo-er..Dai-chan's sister? Wouldn't he want her instead? Even if she was a year younger, she was prettier, atleast in Koboshi's mind. She stole a glance to see a very disturbed Kotarou-chan.

"Um..Kotarou-chan?" she asked silently.

"Ah..I think...um..nothing," replied Kotarou. Had he seen..no..Maybe?

A/N:Eeek! FINALLY updated! I was sorta discouraged from my..er..OTHER story. But hey, gotta try. 'Kay laterz mah coolio friendz!