Well this sucks. You know, being different is one thing. But having your parents forcibility send you away to go on a spiritual mission in Jerusalem, and miss your entire summer vacation, is another thing. But oh no, the madness doesn't stop there. After I complete my "Mission" I have to come home and study my ass off on more religious scriptures so I can help out the local synagogue for the rest of my life.

God strike me down now.

I don't even know why I have to do this. All I want to do is sit in my room, watch reruns of "Project Runway" and listen to Elliott Smith. But I guess being Jewish and EMO is frowned upon in my household.

To make matters worse: My plane leaves in two days. It's one way. There are about 15 million stops (Cheaper, I think?). I'll be alone. And my best friend since kindergarten will be away in Florida the day I leave, partying with Fall Out Boy and The All-American Rejects.

God being 16 is hard.


Well, dad's packed my one huge gray suitcase in the van. Time for me to die.

"Ready?" He asks. I don't answer. I just pop my iPod headphones in and listen to Motion City Soundtrack. I tug at my blue Panic! At The Disco t-shirt, and scuff my black, worn out low-tops. I pile into the back of the van, with my little brother, while my parents take the two front seats.

We later arrive at the Lambert Airport in St.Louis. It's about 30 minutes away from my house in St. Peters, MO. I had 30 minutes till my plane left. Luckily, there wasn't that long of a wait through security checks. When we reached my gate I turn to my family with a look of pure displeasure.

"Well, I guess this is good-bye." My dad said

"So long" I said sarcastically

"Now, sweetie, don't do this-" My mother started

"Do what? Go away? Cause you're making me do that." I said angrily

"Now, Megan, don't act like this. You know we all love you very much and we only have your best interests at heart." My mother said, tears forming in her purple eyes. They were the same as mine, shaped like a walnut with long eyelashes. She pulled me into a hug, and tucked my long chestnut hair behind my ears. I hugged back. I don't hate my mom, and I'm not mad at her. She fought on my side in the beginning. But dad won because well, it's dad.

"Will you write to me, Megan?" My little brother asks. He's only ten years old and he happens to be the coolest ten year old ever. Him and me hang out all the time. I took him to his first punk rock show when he was 8. My parents didn't know though. They got suspicious though when he came home with scars from a mosh pit. We told them he fell off the swing set at school.

"Of course I'll write Budman." I said rubbing his head one last time.

"British Airways Flight number 5090 is now boarding."

"I guess that's my cue." I said, "Well, see you in September." and I headed towards my plane.

I walked onto the big blue jet plane to find that the interior was all beige leather. I found my seat. Row 4 seat 3. Great a window seat. I hate the window; it freaks the crap out of me.

"Hello Passengers, this is your captain speaking. Thank you for flying British Airways, we know that you have many choices in airlines and were glad you chose ours. Today we are flying Flight 5090 from St. Louis. Our first stop will be Boston, MA. And then To London. Then our final stop will be Tel Aviv Yafo, Israel. Again, thank you for flying British Airways, and enjoy your flight."

Needless to say, I slept through Boston and almost all of the way to London. When I woke up, it was six in the morning and there were two new people next to me. Two old women playing scrabble and drinking Decaf coffee.

I looked out my window; the sun was slowly rising on the horizon. And I had slept for almost 7 hours. What else was there to do besides sleep? Play scrabble with the two old ladies next to me?

So I got bored and I turned to the two old women next to me.

"So, what do you two young ladies plan on doing in London?" I asked. I think it might have came off as a smart-ass comment. But I wasn't trying to be a smart ass; I was trying to make them laugh. Which thankfully they both did. The one closest to me talked first.

"Oh girly, if were young, then your still the thought of God himself!" she cried. She looked very sweet. She wore coke bottle glasses and had bright white hair. Her small frame looked as if she were a baby sitting in her father's chair.

"Actually, were going back to where we last stationed at in Britain." The other woman said. She was a big sized woman. She had gray hair and rather large birthmark on her right hand in the shape of Texas.

"Oh you served in the war?" I asked. I knew she meant WWII, because they looked old enough to be in it. History was one of my strong subjects in school; ahem I took 3 honors history classes this year alone.

"Yep. Both Nurses and the same group of girls too. I'm Doreen, by the way. Doreen Guyatt." The big woman said

"And I'm Marge Berch." The smaller one said

"I'm Megan Adams."

"So what are you doing in London?" Marge asked

"Waiting for my other flight. My parents are sending me on a spiritual mission to Jerusalem."

"Oh that's nice." Doreen said.

"Good morning passengers, this is your captain speaking. We will be arriving in London in about 5 minutes or so. So I am turning on the seat belt sign. And I'd like for you all to close your folding trays in the upright position. Thank you."

We arrived in London at 6:30 and I had to go to the bathroom like no one has ever had to before. I got up out of my seat, dancing, trying to hold my bladder in place.

"Wow, you sure want to get of this plane don't you?" Marge laughed

After I got off the plane and went to the bathroom, Doreen and Marge were waiting at the baggage claim station. I thought they were pretty cool people, so I went to stand with them. Hey, I had 2 ½ hours till my flight left again. I was tired of sitting.

"Hey strangers." I said behind them.

"Oh, I thought you weren't going to London?" Marge asked

"Well, who said I couldn't look around the airport a bit?" I asked

"Good you're here, you can help Marge with her bags. I swear, the woman packs her suitcases heavier than herself." Doreen laughed

"But, I had to bring all of Ted's things. He would have loved to come back to London, one last time." Marge said

"Who's Ted?" I asked

"Her Husband. He died last year, he was 88." Doreen said

"Oh, I'm sorry Marge."

"It's alright. We all have to go sometime don't we?" Marge said

After I helped the girls with their bags I helped them into their Taxi and made sure they weren't being doped by some local D-bags.

"Now how much is it from London to…. Where ever they're going?" I asked

"Um. From London to Aldbourne. That's about am 1 ½ away….Around £300. "The drive purred.

"300 pounds? Are you mad!" Doreen cried, "I remember getting a ride from Paris to Aldbourne for only £200!"

"Take it or leave it lady." The drive said.

"Take it girls, that's probably as cheap as you'll get it." I advised. Doreen looked apprehensive, and Marge fell asleep.

"Oh, all right. Well, good-bye Megan Adams. You're a good girl." And with that, they both went on.

I stood there for a moment, and watched the bustling streets. It was only 6:30 in the morning and the streets were already packed with people. It was amazing. I've been to a big city before, but nothing with this rich of history, influence and just all around rad-ness.

You know what? To hell with my father and his "Spiritual Journey" crap. I don't have to do a damn thing he says. He's back in Missouri, while I'm half way across the world. He can't call every ten seconds if my phone is turned off. He can't just casually drive over to one of my friend's houses' to see if I'm not up to mischief.

And to hell with Jerusalem. I'm going to stay in London. And there's nothing a damn person can do about it.

Wow, that was angsty….and it felt great!


Now, what to do as my first act of defiance? Go to an underground punk show? Naw, they're probably all still sleeping from their heroin binges…Kate Moss.

Vandalize a park bench? Naw, too…Missouri.



I'd never thought I would ask that question ever.

I looked at my watch; I had 15 minutes till my flight left. 15 minutes to decided the fate of my summer. 15 minutes to my planned, safe Jerusalem. Or 15 minutes to my unsafe, unplanned London.


London it is.

I took a running start for the main road, just to get closer to down town. Which wasn't a very good idea, since the main road was very very busy. I almost got hit about 15 times. But that's ok, at least I didn't.

When I arrived downtown, it was the most exhilarating thing ever. I looked all around at the bright lights. Billboard here, hotel there. It was absolutely beautiful.

I walked down the sidewalk past several questionable buildings and two construction sites. I stopped on the sidewalk in front of a construction site, looking over to the building across the street. It was huge. It was bright. It was a record store. It was heaven.

"Look out!" someone yelled. But I didn't notice, I was too busy daydreaming about my heaven. But my daydream stopped when I looked up to see a large chunk of scaffolding falling right towards me.

I heard a loud clunk, but I couldn't see anything. All I saw was darkness.

"Will she be fine, Doc?" A woman asked

"I don't know, that was quite a blow she took there." A French, but not so French, accented man said

I slowly opened my eyes. There were bright lights all around, and many red crosses.

"Where am I?" I asked drowsily. I guess I caught the two people off guard.

"Oh Megan! Your alive!" The woman screeched, as she pulled me into a hug. She had short blonde hair, and she was wearing a very vintage dress.

"Where am I?" I asked again. The woman looked very startled.

"Don't you know honey? You're in Aldbourne."

"Aldbourne? How'd I get here?" I asked disbelieved

"Well, Hitler started this whole war thing and our boys need good nurses like me and you."

"Excuse me, um, Hitler? He's dead. Shot him self. You know back in the day." I said

"Oh no, you're delirious. I'd better get Doc Roe in here to check you out." She said, as she walked out of the room.

Hey where'd my t-shirt go? Where'd my jeans go? And where'd my chucks go?

Instead of my clothes, I was in a light blue, white polka dotted dress with a black ribbon tied around the waist. And I was wearing black heels.



I looked around the room, underneath one of the red crosses on the wall, there was a calendar. It was on the wrong month, November, and day, 27th. But the year…the year was way off. It said 1943.



Oh my god.
