A/N: I started this story for my friend and i'll try to update it as often as possible, but i'm writing another story -.-

' Blah' thought

Black Tears

A pure note rang though out the apartment, coming from inside a room with a midnight blue door. Next to this door is a green door and across are two more doors. One is silver and the other is black. Walking into the room with the blue door you'd find yourself in a room decorated in midnight blue and black only. Posters and pictures covered the walls and sitting on the bed was a boy. He played his guitar without respite. Not even a seconds pause to flip his hair back. As the last note of the song died he set his guitar on his bed and stood up. Emerald eyes vivid against his black hair and pale skin. The eyeliner he wore just made his eyes sparkle. He wore tight jeans with converse and a Silverstein t-shirt. He stretched and revealed a studded belt. This man's name is Harry Potter and he's the lead singer and rhythm guitarist of the band Black Tears. Like the rest of the band Harry is a wizard and recently graduated from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry left his room and went to the kitchen were the rest of the band was already eating. Harry sat down next to Cho Chang, the drummer. Draco Malfoy the lead guitarist was across from Harry. And to Harry's other side sat Blaise Zabini, the bassist. Harry stole a piece of toast, ignoring her protests. As Harry slowly ate his toast he thought back to the day he had found Draco beat up, robes destroyed in the pouring rain. It was then that Draco had joined the Light Side. He had saved Harry's life many times since then. Draco was also one of the few that survived the Final War. All but Remus, Hermione, Ron, and the band had died. Ron's legs were paralyzed and Hermione rarely talked. They had gotten married before the war and had two kids. Though they called Harry every once in a while, they were no long friends. They didn't support Harry and his ways. Harry was snapped out of his trip down memory lane when Cho stood up and said " Blaise and I are going to talk with that producer, we'll meet you two at the club at 6." She smiled and apparated, Blaise only a second behind. Harry stared at his fellow guitarist and Draco stared back before asking, " So can you teach me to play that muggle game..um.. paystention?" Harry chuckled before saying, " It's called playstation and yes, lets go up to my room." Draco got up and led the way to Harry's room. Harry eyed Draco's skintight leather pants and fishnet top. Harry's eyes lingered on Draco's ass before he looked up to see they were at his room already. Harry entered his room smiling evily, ' This is gonna be fun.'


Harry and Draco wrestled, the controllers lay forgotten. Draco managed to pin Harry's arms above his head and was straddling Harry. Harry stuck out his tongue and said " Meanie." Draco laughed before replying "I wonder what else you can do with that tongue or yours." Harry blused, he knew Draco was gay and Harry had recently discovered that he was bisexual. Harry took a look at Draco's pale pink lips and couldn't control himself. Harry leaned up and kissed Draco on the lips. Draco was shocked but got over it quickly and started kissing back. Draco let go of Harry's arms to be able to touch the man he had fantasized about. He felt Harry's hands exploring his body. They continued their frantic, lust filled kisses, breaking apart only to breath. Draco slipped his tongue into Harry's mouth, shocking him. Draco ran his tongue along the roof of Harry's mouth making him shiver before he starting kissing him with more energy. Their tongues battled for dominance. Harry slid his hand up Draco's thigh, coming to a rest on his hard on. Draco moaned and Harry's tongue won the battle. Harry explored Draco's mouth, running his tongue along Draco's teeth, savoring the taste of peppermint tea that is Draco. Harry flipped over, putting Draco on the bottom. Just as Draco was about to remove Harry's shirt an alarm ran through out the house, startling Draco and Harry. They realized that the alarm had been set up by Cho to make sure they would get to the club on time. They quickly fixed their clothes, ahir and makeup. They unconsciously grabbed hands before apparating to the club. Cho and Blaise stared at their interlaced fingers before asking, " Did we miss something? Are you two dating?" Draco felt Harry release his hand and had just started to feel his happiness ebb away when Harry slipped his arm around Draco's waist. " If Draco will take me," He said turning to look at Draco with hope in his eyes. Draco smiled and gave him a quick kiss before replying, "Of course." Blaise cough and said " It's nice that you two finally got together but we have a concert to play." They laughed and walked on to the stage. They tooke their places, picked up their instruments and began to play as the curtains opened.