Some Other Time, Some Other Me

And now I have returned in all my former glory.

Just remember, I abuse everybody equally. Lu is just the first.



Some Other Time, Some Other Me


What happened to you
You've played the victim
For so long now in this game
What I thought was true
Is made of fiction
And I'm following the same
But if I try to make sense of this mess I'm in
I'm not sure where I should begin
I'm falling
I'm falling

Hunger gnawed at Lu Xun's innards. He wearily looked up at the sky overhead. The rain had ended, but the clouds lingered still. The boy let his head drop, feeling defeat overwhelm him. He was just little Lu Xun, the world's doormat. He sighed, staring at the muddy ground around him. No better than a dog. That's what he was. No better than a dog, complete with a master.

The woman-so named stepped out into the morning. She stretched, her red and gold cards swirling around her, independent of though. She looked over at the pitiful form of Lu Xun, almost worthy of death. Two cards settled at her feet, and she stepped onto them, levitating her over the mud. This was in itself, a show. She didn't want her feet to get dirty yet. She would undoubtedly have a job later in the day.

"Who is your master?" She asked, gently lifting Lu Xun's head to look at her.

There was no resistance. No defiance. Complete surrender.

Ghost cut Lu Xun's bonds and caught him as he fell. She carried him into the house, much to the joy of Ling Tong and Shai Van. She laid the frail boy on a straw mattress and brought him food.

"I'm going to go see if there's a mission for us." Shai Van said before she left.

"Alright. Try not to get one of the damn save the village ones. We've done too many of those for the month." Ling Tong added.

"A supply raid would be nice." Ghost said.

Shai Van rolled her eyes and left. Ghost switched chores with Ling Tong, she beginning to prep weapons and lunch. Ling Tong, on the other hand, was tending to his friend, who was sound asleep. He had eaten everything that Ghost had given to him, and was now curled up under a tattered woolen blanket.

"Do you think he'll be ready?" Ling Tong asked.

"Tell me about him." Ghost replied.

"Well, he's one hell of a genius, but is very shy around women. He' fast little bastard too. It's a pain in the ass trying to catch him. He can seem cold, and can be considered a slave to his work. He can be a bit of a smartass, but eventually makes up for it somehow."

Ghost nodded, pouring soup into bowls just as Van returned.

"I have one." She announced.

"I have food." Ghost replied.

"What are we doing?" A small voice asked.

Eyes fell on their newest edition. Lu Xun slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes and fixing them on Ghost. She looked over at Shai Van, who handed her a slip of paper. Ghost read it over, her Hex Deck swirling around her.

"Ready to save some women from bandits?" She asked.

Ling Tong grinned and nodded, rushing outside to prep the horses. Lu Xun wearily got to his feet, a little uncertain of his footing. Ghost rolled her eyes and handed the paper back to Van, who followed Ling Tong outside. Ghost walked over to Lu Xun, taking his hand and steadying him. He still looked weak and fragile, but there was something in his touch that stated otherwise. Ghost sighed.

"What's your killing tool?" She asked.

"Twin sabers." Lu Xun replied. Ghost sighed.

"Alright. Use these...not exactly sabers but we're a little low on cash and iron."

Ghost handed Lu Xun a matched pair of daggers. Perfectly balanced, much like his own sabers. A little short, but he could use them. He thanked her, bowing deep.

"Hey! Ghost! Come on!" Ling Tong shouted.

"Use my horse. If you need help, remember...I am your master, Shai Van is Lady Van to you, and Ling Tong is your friend."

With Lu Xun on Ghost's great black horse, Ling Tong on a bay, Shai Van riding on a pure white mare, and Ghost walking, they headed off. Only one more step. One more step into destiny and danger.

And only fate would laugh at what was in store for them.


Making his debut next chapter...
