{Sometimes We Smile}

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"Jerry, to lane six. Jerry, to lane six."

This guy was lucky it was a Monday night. This wouldn't make the first time one of the local grocery store's employees filched a can of this or a box of that to feed a needy stomach. One needy stomach in particular.

The jumpy young clerk maneuvered his way through the last vanishing throng of customers, all appearing either too exhausted from the demands of the day or agitated that, at the moment, the only person available to take care of them was outside taking a personal phone call. He could only hope no one had noticed the questionable bulge of his pockets as he chattered mindlessly to a nonexistent lover on his cell phone.

Before he had a chance to confirm his concealment from prodding eyes, a hand with all the force of a vice gripped his shoulder.

"Jesus Christ, man! What the hell's your problem?" the fellow hissed, fighting off his initial urge to run. He shot a nervous glance back at the store, his heart sinking fast as several shoppers were heading to their cars, fuming and empty-handed.

A coarse little chuckle broke the silence as its owner stepped out from the shadows, his hand outstretched and expectant.

"I'm not doing this again, got it? If my ass gets fired, you're finding me another job."

The clerk emptied his pockets of their contents and shoved them forcefully into the scrawny, waiting hands. Tonight was the first time he had been able to get a good look at the guy, since he apparently preferred clinging to the dark and making his requests only when the moon was up.

An expression that melted from eager delight to blatant disappointment washed over the man's dark, emaciated features.

"I'm halfway to my deathbed from starvin' and all you could manage was a couple bags of chips and a sports drink?"

Amazed at such audacity, the employee promptly sent the bum on his merry way to hell and strode angrily back to the supermarket, certain he was without a job as of tomorrow.

With only the thought of surviving another muggy summer night to console him, the vagrant who had been the haunt of the town's Save-a-Lot blended back into the night's beloved shade. Dinner was always his favorite meal.