Chapter 1: Welcome to Stars Hollow

A/N - I made Liz younger in this story than she would be. She's about 10 or 11. Sorry if that bothers anyone. Enjoy!

Let me know what you think. My first fic so I am open to suggestions!

Its was a warm sunny morning when a pregnant 16 year old Lorelai Gilmore stepped off the bus in Stars Hollow.

Stars Hollow. She thought as she read the sign.

She shrugged and looked around at the town that she had escaped to. She saw a hardware store, a few restaurants, and a grocery store. Since the hardware store was closest, she decided to check it out. As she was waddling over to the store a young man from inside looked at her. He immediately noticed that she was pregnant and how young she was. She looked like she was alone and he was worried about her. He found this odd considering he had never met her, but he was concerned.

"What cha starin' at?" Liz asked her brother

Luke was shaken from his thoughts and he turned around and started at his sister.

"Nothing." he replied

Liz walked over towards the window and saw a young pregnant girl heading for the store.

"Wow." She said "I wonder how old she is?"

Luke continued sweeping the floor and Liz went in the back to find her father. Luke couldn't help but wonder why he was so distracted by this girl. She was pretty. Very pretty. He didn't even really mind that she was pregnant and that kinda freaked him out. He shook his head and tried to forget about it. But he was soon going to be reminded as the bell over the door jingled and Lorelai walked in.

"Hi." she said as she wobbled in.

"Hey." Luke said , feeling a bit uncomfortable.

"I was wondering if you could tell me where there is a hotel."

"Well, we don't really have a hotel," Luke said , his hands becoming very sweaty so he put the broom down. "but there's an inn. The Independence Inn."

Lorelai nodded as she rubbed her belly and Luke's nervousness kept increasing. He wasn't sure why he was so nervous. Well, he was sure but he wasn't going to admit it to himself.

"I can uh.. show you where it if you want." Luke struggled to say

"Oh, thank you so much!" Lorelai said cheerfully. "By the way, I'm Lorelai. Lorelai Gilmore." She put out her hand.

"I'm Luke Danes." Luke put his hand out and they shook hands. Lorelai felt how warm and sweaty Lukes hands were. She softly giggled to herself.

"Dad, I'm going out for a little." Luke yelled back at his father.

Liz ran out from the back and saw the two of them leave. She grinned.

"Lukes got a girlfriend." she giggled to herself and ran back to her father.

Luke and Lorelai walked in silence for awhile until all of a sudden Lorelai broke the silence.

"This seems like a really nice town." She thought out loud.

"Yeah. It is." Luke said "Everybody knows each other. Since your new you better watch out for the towns people."

Lorelai laughed. "I'll have to fend for my life." she joked "They'll chase after me with torches and pitch forks."

Luke felt embarrassed. "Well, no, ...I'm just saying."

Lorelai noticed the redness in Luke's cheeks and she stopped laughing. Great start. She thought. She looked over at him and smiled. He's so cute.

"Lucas!" a voice yelled

Lorelai softly giggled at someone calling him Lucas but quickly stopped. They both turned around and saw a man of average height and a little chubby running towards them.

"I heard you're not going out for the baseball team this year." the man said

"Oh, yeah..." Luke said looking at the ground.

The man paused his rant for a moment and looked at Lorelai. His eyes widened.

"And may I ask who this is?"

"Oh, Taylor, this is Lorelai. She's new in town." Luke introduced.

"Hi." Lorelai said.

Taylor kept staring at Lorelai and her large belly. There was an awkward silence until Luke said

"Well we better get going."

"Oh, right yes." Taylor said "We'll talk about the team later." And with that he left to go tell everyone in the town about the new pregnant girl.

Luke sighed. "Sorry about that."

Lorelai shrugged. "I figured people would look at me weird. I'm used to it by now." She looked at the ground. "I was kinda relieved when you didn't give me a weird look or ask me about my uh..situation."

"I figured you probably didn't want to talk about it." Luke said

Lorelai shrugged. Luke decided to change the subject.

"Wait till you meet Mia at the inn." Luke said "She's one of the nicest people I know. She'll know just what to do."

Lorelai rubbed her belly. "Sounds great." she said trying to hide the fact that she had never been so scared in her life. But somehow when she looked at Luke she felt safe and secure. She had never felt this way about anyone before. Not even Christopher. This guy was different. Yeah right. She thought. I'm in love with some guy I've known for 10 minutes.

They walked in silence until they reached the inn and walked inside. Lorelai looked around. It looked very cozy and warm. It was nicely decorated and there were people bustling all around.

"Hello Lucas." a woman greeted.

Lorelai laughed again at someone calling him Lucas but she knew she would have to get over it because obviously everyone called him that.

"Hi Mia." Luke said

"Oh my hello." Mia said to Lorelai "Look at you! Such a big belly. How do you feel?"

Lorelai was surprised by the question, but she answered politely. "I'm fine, thanks."

"Oh I'm sorry." Mia said "You must think I'm crazy I didn't even introduce myself. I'm Mia."

"I'm Lorelai." she said as they shook hands.

"Well I guess I'd better go." Luke said "If you need anything I'll be at the store." Luke said to Lorelai.

Lorelai smiled "Thanks."

Luke left the inn and walked home. He couldn't stop thinking about her. The way her brown curly hair fell over her shoulders, her piercing blue eyes and her outgoing personality. Stop it. He said to himself. She obviously has bigger things to worry about than a boyfriend.

"So, when are you due?" Mia asked "If you don't mind me asking."

"Oh, no it's ok. I'm due in about 3 weeks." Lorelai answered

"Oh my that is quite soon." Mia said

"Yeah." Lorelai said , rubbing her belly nervously.

Mia put her arms around Lorelai. "Don't worry sweetie. Everything is going to be ok."

Lorelai smiled. She liked this place. Everyone was so kind and friendly. This woman who she had just met was putting her arms around her and comforting her. That was more than her parents had ever done. She let out a sigh and for that moment she believed Mia. Everything was going to be ok.

Lorelai's thoughts were interrupted by Mia's voice. "Let's get you a room ok?"

"Well I don't really think I have enough money for a room." Lorelai said

"Don't be silly!" Mia said "I have an old potting shed out back that you can stay in but it isn't in good shape now. I can get Lucas to fix it up for you. But until then you will stay in a room."

"Thank you so much Mia. I can't tell you how much this means to me."

Mia smiled. "I'm glad to help. Come on let's get you settled upstairs."

Lorelai got the best nights sleep she had gotten in awhile. She felt relaxed, safe and comfortable. She had defiantly picked the right town to run away to. It was perfect. Not to mention the cute boy who worked at the hardware store.