Sins are addictive

Author's note: Right well this is alittle darker than your normal high school fic and hoprfully there will be alot of character development, but remember although Richard is abit of a player this is a Kori and Robin fanfic. enjoy.


The sun had already crept over jump city on this monday morning and Kori sighed as she stretched over her bed. She was unaware of what time it was or how long she had been laying down. It didn't matter because she didn't care, something that has been constantly disturbing her. This emotionless plunge she had unexpectedly and unwillingly fallen into was driving her mad.

Kori gripped the light blue sheets under her body before sitting up on the bed, her long scarlet locks sweeping her face, sending stray strands to fall over eyes that expertly tinted her confused state of being.she then plopped herself back to the bed in tiredness, causing it to momentarily distort her vision with its vibration.

All of a sudden kori's bedroom door slammed open with a loud thud, Standing in the doorway was Kori's sister Karen.

Karen leaned aganist the doorway and glared down at her younger sister before curling her lips in to a smirk "oh sister you do look like shit this morning".

Kori returned her sisters glare with less intensity then turned her head into her pillow and mumbled a few words. Karen then with a air of arrogance may her way over to the half sleeping kori, she then paused in a moment of thought before swiftly ripping the pillow from underneath her head.

Kori's eyes widen in shock but as she heard her sisters laughter and frown appeared upon her face as she glanced upwards.

"oh will always be my little court jester"she spoke as she looked at herself in the mirror and picked up a hairbrush running it through her soft ebony hair.

Kori's frown soften as she let her head drop onto the bed "what do you want now sister.." she mumbled.

Karen's violet eyes brighten at the sound of her sister's tired voice and she slowly placed down the brush and sat upon Kori's dressing table while speaking "well my dear is your first day at that shit hole school that father chose for you".

Kori turned her head to the side to look at her sister who was grinning like a chester cat "...i already know that" Kori replied with a hint of anger.

In return Karen let out a short laugh sliding herself off the dressing table and started to walk towards the door but stop to look over her shoulder at Kori "...well sister dear ill tell you something you dont know.." She paused and laughed again before continuing "your..45mins late" she then dissappeared into the hallway still laughing.

Kori eyes widen as she shot up from the bed tangling herself in sheets then falling backwards onto the floor "hmp..oh Xhal.."She then crawled across the floor untangling herself before leaping up and sprinting to the bathroom.

10mins later...

Kori ran down the stairs wearing a white button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows and a short demin skirt and a pair of white trainers, to find her mother in the kitchen brushing Karens hair while Karen herself nibbled on a piece of toast.

Kori's mouth opened with shock at the peaceful scene but before she could say a word her mother spoke.

Tilting her head to the side Mrs Anders looked at Kori strangely "oh sweety why havent you left yet..Karen told me that she woke you up over an hour ago" She then casted her greens eyes down at Karen's hair and contined to brush while karen herself shot a mocking gaze at Kori.

Kori frowned and decided not to say anything, but looking at her mother being so loving to her sister made her heart tighten for she was never like that with her. She watched the scene for a brief moment, her mother and her sister had the same jet black hair the only similarity between Kori and her mother were her eyes, her mother then laughed at a comment made by Karen, the joy lighting her eyes. Kori felt like she didnt exist, it was if she was an outsider looking in to this loving scene.

She then torn her eyes away and made a run for the door fighting back the hot tears that threatened to spill. Her visions blured as she reached the door way and she accidently bumped into her father, who tried to grab her before she fell but didnt get to her in time.

He looked down at her with pool of purple filled with concern "sorry princess..are you ok?". Kori looked up at her father, his firey red hair flopped forward over his voilet eyes silghtly and his glasses slide down the bridge of his nose as he smile down at her.

She blinked back the tears and looked up at him trying to smile " am fine..father" she choked out. Her father took little notice of her upset and shrugged his shoulders at her reply and made his way into the house.

Kori blew a few scarlet strands from her face and slowly got up and grabbed her red backpack and made her way out of door and into the bright morning sun.

Robin pov

I slowly opened my eyes, i tried to get up but a thumping headache attacked my head and lied back down again and told myself that i would never go out with flash ever again.I wondered where we went last night and then it hit me, we had gone to some kind of shitty bar just outside jump city and he found a pair of girls,talked to them,drank,went to a hotel, and had sex with them.

The fucker was a great talker.Not that he had anything great to say,but girls would get carried away listening to him,they'd drink too much and end up sleeping with him. And the most amazing thing was that i didnt do shit..i was never too crazy about sleeping with the kind of dumb bitches he found.

Just then i felt someone shift in the bed with me, oh crap. To be honest i would rather not have slept with this girl and most of the others.. i mean it was an easy way to take care of my sex drive and of course i enjoyed all the touching and shit but i always hated the morning after.

Id wake up and find this strange girl sleeping next to me , and the room would reek of alcohol,and the bed lighting and curtains had that special "love hotel" garishness,and my head would be in a hungover fog.

The girl would wake up and start groping around for her kinckers and while she was putting them on she would say something like "i hope you used one last night". Then she'd sit in font of the mirror and start grumbling about her aching head or her uncooperative make-up while she redid her lipstick or attached her false eyelashes. i would have preferred not to have spent the night with them, but mostly am too drunk to leave.

The blonde started to stir next to me fluttering her eyelashes and mumbling my name "morning". I rolled my eyes and sat up in bed grabbing a few items of clothing and began to get dress, but she couldnt take the hint "richard?...".

I looked over my shoulder at her in disgust and answered her back "i got other things to do". I then got up ignoring her pleas and grabbed my backpack and started to walk out of the room leaving her lying naked under the bed sheets, i just couldnt stand that room anymore..well and her too.

I walked towards school filled with self-loathing and disillusionment, sunlight stabbing my eyes, my mouth coated with sand, head belonging to someone else.

On the road down to school i caught sight of my cousin Raven leaning aganist a wall with her arms folded looking pretty pissed off, i could always tell when she got pissed off cause her cheeks went tainted red with rage,but what the fucks her problem...oh shit...i bet she pissed at me for going out with flash.

I lifted my hand to reach into my pocket and took out a single ciggarette out of a packet and placed it inbetween my lips before lighting it and taking a long drag, today was gonna be along day.

end of pov

Kori anders arrived at school barely on time but still took time to paused for a moment to catch her breath and tuck the stay strands of scarlet behind her ear, but once she walked through the doors the bell rang and students cluttered into their classroom, leaving her standing in corridor by herself.

She sighed and glanced from side to side looking for any direction to the principles office, finding none she began to walk forward to look around when a boy around her age with brown hair pushed passed her as he ran down the corridor and off to a lesson.

Kori lost her balance from the push and began falling towards the ground when a pair of strong muscular arms grabbed her at her elbows, stopping her from falling to the floor. She blinked or twice before looking up at her saviour, a boy her age with spiked black hair, deep dark blue eyes and a ringed ear, he was also wearing a dark brown leather jacket with a black shirt underneath and some lose fitting baggy blue jeans.

Kori's jaw dropped silghtly and a blush crept upon her cheeks as their eyes locked as sapphire seems to blend in with emerald, they stayed like that for a moment before the boy shook his head as if to get rid himself of some thought and then pulled her the rest of the way up.

His body then went frigid and dropped her hands coldly which cause Kori's blush to instantly dissappear. He then spoke in a gruff voice "watch where your going next time"

Kori's instant reaction was to say something rude to him but she bit her tongue and plastered on one of her fake smiles "thank you very much."she said politely. The boy in response rolled his eyes and walked off muttering something under his breath.

She balled her fists and let out a huff and was about to give up all hope when a guy tapped her shoulder. She arched her brow questioningly at boy with green hair and eyes, which he replied with a grin. "heya, dont mind him he always a dick in the morning". The boy then stuck out his hand to her "by the way am Gar" he said smoothly

Kori nodded in response then introduced herself "am Kori" she then paused for a moment then decided to ask him " you know where the principes office is?"

"oh new girl..thought as much, well its left on the second turning" he repiled. "thanks".Kori then smiled as she thought that perhaps this school wasnt going to be as bad as she thought it would be.

Gar looked down at his wrist watch and sweatdropped "sorry but i gotta go..good luck and everything" .He then quickly ran off down the corridor leaving Kori alone yet again.

10mins later in the principle's office...

A balding man sat confortably leaning back into his black leather chair "soo Miss Anders welcome to jump city high..i dont know if youve noticed but.."The Principle was suddenly interupted by the secretary's voice on the income "Sir, vandles are spray painting your statue..again".

The Principles seemingly incraved frown deepen as he pressed the incom to with his boney finger"Ah defacing school property again. Right...send in the school sercurity..." He then coughed and returned his attenion to Kori.

"where was i...ahh yes, if you havent noticed this school isnt quite the creme de la creme..but am sure you will do well" He then slid her a piece of paper with her classes on it which Kori cautiously took.

"you may leave now...have a nice day" He said idley then twirled around on his chair so the back was facing Kori.

Kori arched a brow as she left his office and mumbled under her breath "Karen wasnt kidden when she said this place was bad".

Autour's note:hey sorry for any spelling or grammer errors but i do this on word pad so i dont have spell check :s . Anyway once i get 3 reviews i promise ill update!