Deceptive Appearances:

Fandoms: SG-1 Harry Potter, and maybe if I'm crazy enough SGA

Disclaimer: It should be obvious to everyone that I own niether Harry Potter or Stargate, SG-1 or SGA. Face it if I did, You would have to pay to read this, so unless you see a slot asking for your credit card information, I don't own it. Too bad that, Michal Shanks is really really my type.

Summary: When Harry left that world behind he swore he would never be manipulated by the magical community again. What happens when a manipulative headmaster and power hungry friends turn up looking for Harry Potter? How will the members of SG-1 react to learning Daniel/Harry's colorful history? Will Daniel be thrown to the wolves or will the members of SG-1 teach the members of the magical community that no one ever mess's with 'Their' Archeologist?

Lil' Note: Errrm... yeah this is the second positng of this chapter I had to fix a mistiake that was pointed out to me by my new beta Torina, go to my authors bio to find a link to her works.


Harry stepped away from the ashes littered on the grounds of Hogwarts, ashes that had once been one of the most feared men alive, Voldemort, born Tom Marvallo Riddle. It was done, the war was over.

"It's done Moony, It's finally over," Harry whispered to his friend as he looked down at the dead body of one of his last remaining family members. Remus Lupins' body was a bloody mess. There were long gashes all over his body, but the worst affected area was the werewolf's stomach. It hadn't been a killing curse that had killed Remus Lupin. In fact Remus hadn't been killed by any means magical at all.

Towards the end of the war there were many negative feelings toward the magical creatures. Most of them had decided to stay out of the war. Most magical creatures figured that if they didn't take sides they wouldn't be too affected by the outcome of the war. This attitude affected both the Werewolf and the Vampire populations and the public opinion grew so bad that the once enemies had put down their ages old grudge to band together to protect themselves from the revenge of the wizards both 'light' and 'dark'. Only a select few magical creatures had decided to help out in the war and Remus Lupin had been one of them. Needless to say the Dark Lord had put a high bounty on his head.

Harry looked over to where Remus' killer lay. Macnair, Ex-disposal-of-dangerous-creatures ministry worker lay nearly torn in halve by the brutal fight. Unfortunately for him he was still alive...barley.

Harry's focus was torn away from examining the ex-ministry employee by the sound of leaves being crushed underfoot as his only remaining family member approached. She might not be related to him by blood but Harry still considered her to be his sister. Besides, they were tied together by something other than blood, but no less binding. They were tied together by magic.

Selien approached Harry with a mournful expression on her face. She stopped over the body of Remus and gave him the Vampires sign of death, normally only given to master Vampires who had sacrificed themselves for their clan. To Selien that's exactly what Remus had done. He had protected his clan, even though it had led to his death. Once she finished chanting the last word Selien made her way over to where Harry was standing.

"He died a hero," she whispered.

"He died a hero," Harry answered.

They were silent foe a moment but the sounds of Macnairs' labored breathing interrupted their moment of silence for their dear departed friend.

"What should we do with him, Selien?"

"In my culture, it was always considered the greatest insult to 'not' grant the mercy of a quick death to the mortally wounded," Selien observed. "Do you think we should continue with the tradition?"

"Yes." Harry didn't even have to think about it.

As one Harry and Selien turned their backs on Macnair and strode toward the forbidden forest. They could hear the beginnings of a ragged cheer coming from the direction of Voldemort's ashes but they ignored it as they stepped into the darkness of the forest.

Ten minutes of quiet walking later and the both of them were at a stone fountain in the middle of a grove of trees. A single ray of early morning sunlight illuminated the otherwise dark forest. It was in this ray of light that Selien, once-Vampire, basked in the simple long forgotten feeling of the sun.

Harry watched his friend as she enjoyed a simple pleasure that had been long denied the both of them. The both of them had been 'guests' of Voldemort only a month ago; only a month ago Selien had been a Vampire, now she was human. Now she was his sister, by magic no less, why did all the strange crap happen to him, luckily this was a good thing though unlike so much of the bad that he usually encountered. Harry had been captured just as the Christmas break began. That had been five months ago. Now while five months may seem to be a long time to be held captive it was nothing on how long Selien had been held for. She had been captured three years ago, just after Voldemort's vile re-birthing ceremony.

As the daughter of one of the most influential master vampires in a hundred years Selien was a valuable political hostage. She had been but a bargaining chip in the war. The plan was simple Voldemort would keep Selien alive as long as he had the full support of the Vampires in his mad dash for conquest. It had almost worked too but Tom didn't exactly realize that no matter how Slytherin he was or acted, he had nothing on the Vampires, the most devious people to have ever walked the earth. They were the reason that Selien and yes Harry too, had been liberated from their only involvement in the war because no matter how much Voldemort threatened the Vampires with Selien's death both he and they knew he would never go through with it, he could ill afford to have the Vampires ally against him. The Vampires for their part didn't ally themselves with the 'light' only for the fear that they would provoke Voldemort's wrath upon Selien. All in all it was a fine mess that both parties found themselves in. Add that to the fact that Voldemort was not known for his patience in anything, plus his ineffectual attempts to gain the werewolves favor and you have a recipe for disaster, or well Selien did. Being undead, thus immune to the killing curse, Selien bore the brunt of Toms' formidable and sometimes creative temper. By the time Harry joined her in prison Selien was an emancipated wreak of a person, but she had still possessed the spirit Harry loved about her. That formidable, stubborn, and down right infuriating don't-piss-me-off-or-get-in-my-way spirit, Harry loved it because it reminded him of himself.

Harry was brought back to the land of here and now by a gentle nudge of his arm. He looked up to see his sister mage looking at him with a sorrowful yet determined gaze. "They are coming, are you sure you want to do this?"

'Did he really want to do this?' Harry thought about all he had been through in the Wizarding world and decided that yes he really did want to disappear, and if the others didn't approve then that was just too damn bad. Besides Selien was leaving the Wizarding world too and with Remus' recent demise she was the only one who could keep him here, but she was getting out too. Even though they wouldn't see each other after today they would still have a better chance at a full life, they would finally be able to live.

Decision made Harry nodded at his sister mage and they both began to chant the spell that would give them a different appearance.

'a capite ad calcem

posse as esse

a pedibus usque ad caput

est modus in rebus

mundus vult decipi

a fortiori

coniuctus vibus

emmite lucem et veritatem

exnilhilonihi fit

eram quod es, eris quad sum

falleces sunt rerum species


mutato nomine

fiat, mote it be.'

As they finished chanting Harry felt the ripple of magic from their joined hands spread out to encompass both of them in a silver shield. The shield brightened for a moment then it quickly contracted. Harry shut his eyes at the bright flare of light that signified that the spell was working. When he opened his eyes it was to see a changed person across from him. 'Well looks like the spell worked', he mused.

The spell had indeed worked. Where before Selien sported light strawberry blond hair it had darkened to a mouse brown and her ice blue eyes had turned to Harry's green. The spell had said that they would retain at least one of the others specific characteristics, 'Must have been the eyes then'. It was a good thing that it had been their eyes too; Harry was too recognizable with his natural eye color.

Only one thing was on his mind now.

It had worked.

They had merged their appearances together, and baring any unforeseen consequences it had been permanent too.

Selien took a deep breath and smiled albeit a little Tumoltusly. "So I guess before we work the final spell I should tell you your new name and we can get the goodbyes over with."

"I guess so little sister," Harry smirked as her expression turned to mock outrage.

"I'll have you know that I'm a good two hundred years older than you!"

Harry bit back a laugh, ' god I'm really gonna miss this.' "Selien you know I'm going to miss you so much Harry said gruffly, not daring to look at his sister mage. He felt a light touch on his arm.

"And I will miss you." She cleared her throat and looked away blinking rapidly to hold back the tears. "Okay enough of this mushy stuff we should exchange names before the last spell. So before I tell you what your new name is going to be why don't you tell me mine?"

'Oh boy here we go'. Harry instinctively gulped before replying, "Antigone, it's after one of the leading parts in the play by the same name. She's Oedipus' daughter, she was very stubborn, kind of reminded me of you. As for the last name, at first I thought that you were too good for a last name, I couldn't think of one that would fit you, but then I thought of Sirus and how much he would have liked you. I'm sure that you two would have gotten in endless fights about everything that just illustrate how stubborn you both are, that I can see you getting into so many fights and you two haven't even met." Harry gave a shaky laugh. "But anyways I wondered if you would take the name of Black. Sirius did give me control of the family after he died, and even though you aren't a Black per say I think Sirius would have approved. So will you have it?" Harry knew he had been babbling but he had been giving Selien's new name quite a bit of thought and he hoped she liked it.

"Antigone," She said it slowly trying the name out for size and Harry could see her mentally breaking down the name into its Latin parts. "Against conflict." Selien gave a faint smile at that. "Thank you Harry, I really do like it." She suddenly looked a bit hesitant. "I hope you like your new name as well as I like mine. When I was mortal, for the first time, all those years ago my younger brothers' name was Daniel and my mothers' maiden name was Twylla Jackson. I hope you'll do me the honor of remembering them both, Daniel Jackson."

Harry felt his breath catch, it wasn't often that Selien spoke about her past but from what little he knew she had loved her mother and brother very much. "I would be honored Selien, or should I call you Antigone?" Selien looked relieved. "Thank you Harr…err…Daniel, you don't know how much this means to me."

Suddenly she looked back in the direction of the castle, "their coming we must hurry."

Harry nodded and gave his sister mage a quick hug. "I will miss you."

Then they both began to chant the words that would take them backwards in time and to a different place. Neither knew where the other was going so no one would ever find out what happened to Harry Potter 'The-Boy-Who-Lived, or Selien, Vampire princess turned mortal.

The last thing the members of the Order of the Phoenix saw and heard of the two as they stumbled into the clearing was a bright white flash of light and the whispered words, "Fugit Hora."

"Damn, we missed them," Someone was heard to shout.

Mad-Eye Moody turned around and asked the spiky haired Nymphadora Tonks, "What did they say?"

Tonks took a deep breath and said incredulously "Fugit Hora, it's used in some pretty advanced time spells, it means, the hour flies. Either they went backwards or forwards in time. I would bet that it would be backwards, I've never heard of time travel into the future before, actually I think its about impossible to do. Though we are dealing with Harry Potter here, I've come to expect the impossible from him."

Moody took a deep breath, "So what you're telling me is that either we've lost them to the future which isn't likely. Or, they've taken a little trip to the past, so it shouldn't be too hard to find them in our time, right?"

Wordlessly Tonks nodded, then she whispered in a voice too quiet for anyone else to hear, "Yes, but should we find them?"


July 5, 1991: Egypt

Daniel Jackson smiled as he opened his eyes to look upon the pyramids of Egypt. He had always been fascinated by this place, now he could study the culture and language to his hearts content. Hell, now he could study or do anything he wanted.

Now he was free.

Daniel strode toward the great pyramids wondering what secrets he could uncover…


Same time: Greece

Antigone Black adjusted the pack to fit more comfortably on her back. 'Time to explore', she thought. She strode down the road towards something interesting she was sure, humming the theme to MASH.

Time to explore, indeed.


Authors note: Hey I'm planning on writing this slowly over the course of the spring and summer, actually once this semester ends I'll probrably have quicker updates. School is really annoying but effective. If anyone has any ideas or any pairings that they would like to see in this story please let me know in your review, if you should decide to leave one. Heads up people this should probrably be more action - adventure - mysterie than anything other, also in that, there will be a pensive, scene that should probrably feature a couple of memories from books one through five, I have deciede to pretend that the sixth book hasn't happened. If you have any favorite scenes that you would like to see, plus SG-1's reactions to them, please let me know. Oh and that is for the Harry Potter Universe. Also I plan on having this be a compleate mesh of HP and Stargate, hopefully. Any ideas are welcome. Oh and you will find, shortly a time line set up on my yahoo group. I'll probrably put it up tomarrow, and update it as the story continues on its winding path.

Reviews are greatly apreciated.


Chapter one will be entitled: Mulit post annise, and will be posted soon. It's already writen and just needs a few final touches, like me figuring out why I'm so terrible a punctuation. lol.

Hummm... quick question, what's your favorite type of cookie? Me? I'm rather partial to peanut butter my self...