I revised this chapter since everyone kept pointing out the Alice thing. I meant to say she stopped talking, but I accidentally put she was eating. Sorry!

We were sitting down, eating dinner at Edward's house, well more I was eating they were talking, when all of a sudden, Alice stopped talking. We

knew what this meant. She was having a vision. She blinked. He eyes widen. She looked horrified. Jasper was at her side in an instant. She fainted. I

looked at Edward, worried clearly visible in his eyes.

"Take her upstairs, Jasper." Esme said. "I will go get her something to drink."

"I stopped eating and started to clear off the table. I lost my appetite, to worried about Alice to care about food. Edward looked at me.

"You should eat."

"I am not hungry anymore. I am too worried about Alice to eat."

He nodded accepting my explanation.

I went upstairs to check on Alice. She was up, but still had the horrified expression. Jasper left to give us some privacy.

"Alice," I said softly, "what did you see?"

"You, Edward."

I instantly became alarmed.

"Is he going to be hurt? Is something going to happen? Alice what's going on?" I started to get hysterical.

Edward and Jasper came into the room. Jasper pulled me away from Alice. Edward went over to his sister and started to rub her back. He talked so

fast I couldn't understand him. She talked back to him. I started to get mad from not being able to understand them. I stormed out of the room,

slamming the door behind me. I raced downstairs and out the door. I got into my car and was about to close the door when Edward kept it open.

"What do you want Edward. I can see you want to talk to your sister without me hearing so I will just do you a favor and leave!"

"Bella," he said in a sexual voice.

I grew even angrier. I knew what he was trying to do to me. He was trying to make my mind go blank.

"Don't Bella me Edward. I am leaving. Goodbye."

I tried to slam the door, but once again he stopped me. I lost it.

"EDWARD! Leave me the FUCK alone!"

Edward stepped back in surprise. I took the opportunity and closed the door. I locked it and started the car. I backed it out of the driveway. I didn't

go fast for I knew no matter what speed I went at he could catch me.

When I got home I went straight to my room. Charlie said hi to me, but I paid no heed. I threw myself onto my bed and started to cry. After about

fifteen minutes I already started to feel guilty and miss Edward.

"Edward," I said softly. Hoping he would be there. I got no response. I started to cry again.

-At Edward's house-

"Alice, you have to tell me what you saw!" Edward shook her by the shoulders.

Jasper started to growl.

"That's enough Edward. When she is ready to talk, she will."



"Boys relax!" Carlisle said.

An anger mood set through the room.

They glared at each other.

"I saw you and Bella. You were…" She blushed and turned away.

"What, what did you see Alice." Edward pleaded with her again.

Alice looked at him. She saw that he really wanted to know. She took a deep breath and began.

"You and Bella were on a bed, having sex."

Everyone in the room besides Alice and Edward gasped.

Edward had never guessed it to be something like that. He had tried to read Alice's mind, but she blocked him out. All eyes were on Edward. He

walked out of the room. He needed to think. He walked out of the house and broke into a run. Before he knew it he was at Bella's house. Figures his

body would take him to the one place he didn't want to be. He went into her room through the window. She was asleep, her eyes red and puffy. His

heart broke at the thought of her crying. He pulled off his shoes and climbed in next to her. Bella snuggled up to him and mumbled to words that broke

Edward's heart all over again. "Edward, why?"

I woke up in the morning feeling very warm. I tried to snuggle closer to the warmth. I wrapped my arms around something hard yet soft. I opened her

eyes to see Edward staring down at me. I closed my eyes then opened them again remembering I was mad at him. I let go of him and went as far over

to the edge of the bed as I possibly could before falling off.

"Bella, please don't be like this!"

"Why not Edward. I was worried about Alice. I think I ought to know everything you guys talk about."

Edward sighed.

"Do you really want to know what Alice saw?" He asked.

"Yes," I said, getting slightly excited.

"She saw us, on a bed, having se…sex."

My mouth fell open.


I jumped out of bed felling slightly uncomfortable, but weirdly very excited about that. I felt a pool of liquid between my legs.

"You know Bella… I can smell you arousal."

I blushed. I turned around to glare at him, only to find him already behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist bringing me closer. I melted in

his embrace. He slowly, tortuously, kissed my neck. He picked me up and placed me on my bed.

"What about Charlie?" I asked.

"He left already."

Va-la! Is that how you spell that? LOL! Yeah I know I am weird!