All usual disclaimers apply, I don't own the rights, I don't get money and this is for entertainment only. Please excuse any errors; they are entirely mine.

Ever hear a song and think it's about one thing, only to find that it's about something else entirely? This is story is the result of one of those songs.

Wishing Well
By Starsky's Strut

It was the last time that slimy creep would ever try doing that to someone. The night-cloaked figure poked the prone body with an outstretched foot. The garbage was quite dead. Nobody would ever miss him. The figure inhaled deeply and allowed a grim smile to make a momentary appearance. The silencer was unscrewed from the gun barrel and put away. Things hadn't gone quite the way they were supposed to go, but then practice makes perfect. And there was plenty to practice to be had and plenty of garbage to practice on. The figure checked the area for witnesses before slipping quietly away through the darkened alleyways of Bay City's seamier side.


5 years later

"Jury, have you reached your verdict?"

"Yes your honor, we have."

"What say you?"

"We, the jury, find the defendant, David Michael Starsky, guilty of all charges."

Starsky's head shot up at the verdict.

"Thank you jury. The sentencing phase will begin in two days. Mr. Starsky, before I dismiss the jury, do you have anything you wish to say in your defense?"

He tried to speak. Nothing came out. He tried again, still nothing; it was as if his mouth was stuffed with cotton and it was sucking every bit of moisture from it. The room began a slow spin; it was warm and getting warmer. The lights seemed to get brighter and brighter. This was a nightmare… it couldn't be happening. He shook his head in denial. It wasn't true. None of it was.

"Note that the defendant declines to speak."

The gavel fell with a heavy bang.

Starsky began to struggle.

"Order in the court! Bailiff, please remove the prisoner from the courtroom."


Sorry about the short chapter, if anyone is interested, I'll continue.