Blast from the Past

Hey guys! I hope you like this story!

Mandarin: I turn GOOD in this story!

Me: So.

Mandarin: I'm EVIL! E-V-I-L!

Me: Well in this story you are GOOD! G-O-O-D! Live with it!

Mandarin: Grrrr…

Me: Any way! On with the story!

Blast from the Past

Chapter 1:

After Mandarin was taken awayhe escaped and he stole a ship from S.K, but it ran out of gas and crashed into Earth. Then a sugar pink monkey found him and took him home. Then that's where the story starts...

Mandarin starts opening eyes "What? Where am I?" he wondered out loud. Then he heard the door open.

"Oh your awake." the sugar pink monkey said.

Mandarin then saw a sugar pink monkey with yellow eyes, she wore a black choker with a pink heart choker, and she looked alot like...Nova?

She looked at him and asked "May I ask why your staring at me?"

Mandarin blushed then turned away "Uh sorry. It's look like someone I know"

"Oh and who's that?"

"Her names: Nova"

Then she giggled

"Why are you laughing?"

"Sorry it's just that I think I know who you are."

"Oh and who's that?"

"Your names Mandarin, right?"

"Yeah and who are you?"

"Oh silly me! My name is Shia."

"And how do you know me?"

"My sister told me."

"Who's your sister?"

"You know when you said I looked like Nova?"


"Nova's my twin sister."


Then Shia giggled again then heard a door open.

"I'm back, Shia" someone yelled

"Who's that." Mandarin asked

"You'll see. I'm in here Meeca!" she yelled back

Then a 12 year old girl that had dark brown pulled back into a low ponytail, she wore a dark green sleeveless top, blue jeans, white shoes, a belt that hooks on her waist and hanging down, brown gloves, and a white backwards cap. (Yes,that's M.Meeca in human form, but not me)

"Oh hello." she said cheerfully

"Meeca this Mandarin you know the one Nova told us about." Shai said

"Oh yeah!" Meeca said and then walked over to Mandarin andexamined him closely

"Um yes?" he said

"That's odd Nova told Shia that you were evil?"

"I was. But now I know what I did was wrong, but the team probly wouldn't except me after what I did."

"You still have a chance!"

"I do?"

"Yeah just tell them your sorry!"

"It's not that easy"


"I can go with Mandarin, Meeca-Chan!" said Shia


"The hyper force mite listen to me!"

"Good point. Then it's setled you will go with Mandarin!"

"Is that O.K?"

"That's fine with me." Mandarin said

"Then let's go!"

End of Chapter!

Now this is my first fanfic so don't hurt me! Oh and no flames! They hurt...

Shia: It was a good story to me.

Me: Thanks!

Nova: And I'll agree with my sis!

Me: Thanks, again!

Mandarin: It was horrible.

Me: Than...Nice try.

Mandarin: ((Pouts))

Well please R&R!