By Kurama Sweethart
Fullmetal Alchemist
Pairing: Riza Hawkeye x Maria Ross
Warning: These themes follow no chronological or specific timeline and are in now way related to each other. Each of the thirty drabbles may be very heavy with yuri themes, or some could be viewed as just a platonic relationship, depending on the point of view of the reader.

Just A Rambling Romantic: Well, here they are, just for you!I hope you enjoy them!


Theme #21: Seeking for You
Words: 126

Riza had been with few lovers; each more dull and uninteresting than the last. A man who had been charming in the beginning but became lackluster and just like all the rest, in time; a woman who had seemed more interested in what Riza could give her than what she could get; a man who's eyes gave away too little and his mouth too much.

What she was looking for, she wasn't sure.

Each one seemed to be missing something. Each just a hesitant touch, a knowing smile, an intelligent conversation less than what she wanted.

After a while, Riza began to realize that she needed to stop being so picky.

Because no matter how much she wanted them to be, none of them were Maria.

Theme #22: Love You Until the Very End
Words: 151

Dating in school held little interest for Riza Hawkeye; she much preferred the company of her textbooks or her father's rifle than some narrow-minded boy who's only idea of a good time was to suck out her tonsils with his tongue.

Likewise, Maria Ross wanted nothing more to do with the boys that glanced at her from the corners of their eyes than she did with the rattlesnakes she shot on her parent's farm.

But neither thought they'd fall for each other.

Dating in the military held little interest for Riza Hawkeye; she much preferred the company of Hayate to the one-sided banters of Havoc and Breda.

Likewise, Maria Ross thought the pathetic attempts at seduction Broche put on her were less than amusing, and kept out of the dating scene for that very reason.

But then again, neither thought they'd still be together.

Theme #23: Like An Art Piece
Words: 179

Riza Hawkeye was like a fortress; strong, protected and shielded from whatever came her way. Maria's subtlety went unnoticed, her advances unreturned and her lingering looks ignored. There was nothing that could break through the barrier that Riza kept up between herself and the people around her.

Riza Hawkeye was like a churning, tossing ocean; brutal in its strength, cruel in it's mercy and unyielding to the sands that confined it. She was loyal to the colonel, yet at the same time, controlled his every move with calculated and cunning precision. She was everything he could have asked for in a subordinate and everything he feared in an enemy.

Riza Hawkeye was like an art piece; painted with care to perfection, broad streaks of golden hair and flaming, determined eyes. She was flawless in her loyalty, blemishing in her honesty. She was vigilant with her words yet careless with her actions. She was the body of contradiction and the soul of compromise.

She was everything Maria ever dreamed of, and yet everything that haunted her.

Theme #24: My Heart Is Bleeding for You…
Words: 151

It was Maria who was bleeding, but Riza who felt the pain.

The bullet was made of lead, typical ammunition for the Creatans; the mineral was plentiful in their homeland. It was a sluggish and ineffective bullet, made more for wounding than killing. It succeeded in tearing out the flesh and muscle of Maria's shoulder, and now; that was all that mattered.

"She's going to die of lead poisoning if we don't get it out soon," said one of the doctors as Riza pressed a cold cloth to her lover's forehead. "And could someone please get on bandaging this? The woman is going to bleed to death!"

As she looked on at the survivors, at those who were shot multiple times and lived; she couldn't help but wonder why it was they fate had spared and not herself.

It was Maria who had bleed, but even now, Riza who felt the pain.

Theme #25: Release of the Evils
Words: 181

The feeling was nowhere and everywhere at once; concentrated far and wide and all over. Maria wanted and couldn't think all at once, needing and loving and knowing simultaneously.

Riza ran her fingertips along the side of her waist and Maria suddenly remembered to breathe again. She was sure the feeling hadn't even registered when her breasts ached in protest, the woman above her squeezing them almost painfully.

"Riza…" She whispered, and for a second she wasn't sure if she had said it at all. Her skin crawled where the touch had been, as if fire were ignited on her very skin. Sparks flew up and down her torso and her fingers twitched from the spot behind Riza's neck.

"And you said you wanted to go to sleep," Riza murmured, an echo amongst the rustling of sheets.

Maria was about to say something smart in retaliation; something about paperwork and five cases and taking Hayate out before dinner and just wanting a good nights rest and-

But suddenly those fingers were elsewhere and Maria dropped the thought of responding all together.

Theme #26: Frozen Moment at First Sight
Words: 179

There was a woman in the military for every two hundred and seventy-seven men. It was a figure that Maria had looked up in some encyclopedia somewhere, when she had first become interested in becoming a soldier.

Since then, all hopes of finding someone interesting in the line of duty diminished to one in two hundred and seventy-seven.

That is, until Fate decided that the one in two hundred and seventy-seven not only be an independent, strong-willed woman; but also breathtakingly attractive.

Maria stopped suddenly, causing Broche to charge into her back, toppling them both. "Give a signal or something!" He muttered, rubbing his head.

Said attractive woman looked at her oddly for a moment, before raising an eyebrow and entering the office of Colonel Mustang.

Maria thought she'd never see her again, but fate decided that Riza Hawkeye wasn't just a woman in a government of men, nor was she a pretty face with soft features in a swarm of chiseled profiles and rough cheeks: she was what mattered when it felt like nothing did.

Theme #27: Soulless Without You
Words: 196

"More." Maria's tongue slipped down her neck, teeth pressing into the pulse throbbing beneath. Riza made a breathy noise and set her jaw, the muscles in her face tensing and relaxing almost at random. It was a morbid and gruesome game they played, over and over each night.

"More." How does one satisfy the unsatisfied? Biting her own lips, Maria dropped her hand between Riza's legs, pressing her palm against the thick military canvas, watching the way her lover's nose scrunched and wondered idly if such an expression meant pleasure or disgust: or maybe both.

"More." Riza mouthed again, still not opening her eyes. Ignoring the sting in her own groin, Maria smiled and went diligently to work, all notions of foreplay forgotten. The game had many rules, and sometimes they changed without warning. "More." She urged, and with rushed precision, Maria unzipped the material, sliding it down her lover's hips.

It was a morbid and gruesome game they played, over and over each night; satisfying the unsatisfied and soothing a lust that went deeper than physical attraction.

But by now, Maria mused darkly as she kissed up a thigh and down a stomach; this game was her life.

Theme #28: I Feel Safe With You By My Side
Words: 131

They were in different jurisdictions, different departments, lived completely different lives; they dated different people, ate at different restaurants and they had both sworn to protect different people.

"You can't go alone." Riza had said, popping a new magazine into her pistol like second nature.

They were in different cities, answered to different superiors, lived completely different lives.

Maria felt like smiling, but the expression somehow felt foreign. "Sure I can."

They were in different jurisdictions, they dated different people and lead very different lives that somehow connected with flawless precision.

"You can," Riza replied softly, kissing her slowly; lovingly. "But you won't."

They were different people in different cities with different priorities. But somehow, it didn't matter.

The answer just came so easily, now, and Maria kissed back. "Not anymore."

Theme #29: I Will Never Hurt You
Words: 187

Perhaps it was the dark, closely cut hair that attracted her, raven black with an almost unkempt, sloppy quality. Maybe it was the same deeply set eyes, almost black, glazed with this determined, moral depth in a way that only those with an understanding of what it meant to hurt could. Or it could be the pale, clear skin that freckled below the jaw and dimpled behind the lips that attracted her most. Who could really say?

Sometimes she felt that she was just a substitute for him; other times she felt as if he were just a stand-in while Maria was in Central. Did it really matter, at this point, what they meant to her or why? Did it, in the grand scheme of things, make it any less real?

She hadn't meant for either to find out, but looking back it was inevitable. How could she have kept it a secret? They worked in the same building, had the same connections, the same priorities, the same lover.

It had been inevitable, the hurt and pain that Riza caused. But it didn't make her feel any better.

Theme #30: It Hurt To See You Cry
Words: 166

The feeling wasn't foreign, no; she was used to such a sin by now, accustomed to it's malicious eyes and fingers like razorblades, scratching and clawing it's way up her throat every single time that she saw those dark, brooding eyes meet hers.

Envy was perhaps the most elusive, most cunning of the seven. He crawled his way into her heart, into her very soul, kissing it into submission time and time again. Soon, he became an addiction; a sweet, lingering addiction that burned, ironically, like a flame.

He was the need, the want and desire for more skin, more contact, more anything. More eye contact, more long nights alone. MoreMoreMore.

Envy thrashed when Roy had fallen, shot and bleeding. He had gnashed his teeth and tore Maria's heart to shreds as Riza cried for him- and only him. And yet, ironically, the tears where exactly what quieted the green monster within her. Suddenly, who Riza cried for didn't matter.

The point was that it hurt.
