Author's Note: This is a one-shot dual perspective Trigun Fanfic. I wrote in homage to two of the most important characters in the series. After all, without Legato or Wolfwood, where would our favorite Villain and Hero be? But why two men, who are strong in their own rights, follow two others, that want to either destroy the world, or save it from itself? This gives a little insight into the thoughts and feelings of those two precarious men, why they do what they do, and what they expect to come from it... One Chapter/One Shot.




I see you in my mind's eye as I sleep. You are with me when I wake. Your power is my power. The joy you see in people's misery is my joy. It comes so easily to you, that love of blood and torture.

There is a part of me that is consumed in jealousy as I watch. The way you devour the world around you is something I could only hope to achieve.

You are the inevitable. With you all things will be possible. I came to you when I was young and vulnerable and you gave me hope and the chance to be something better then I was. Without you, I would be nothing.

Because of you I know what glorious pain is like. You are an addiction to me. I cannot live without your approval anymore then I could live without the need for air in my lungs.

It is with the greatest joy that I serve you. I shed my blood when you ask and I kill when you will it.

When the end of the world comes, I will be there, at your side. I will help you rid this world of its insects and parasites. I will make sure that anyone not willing to bow before your great power is destroyed in the most hideously manner possible.

And when all is said and done, and the world is on the verge of becoming the great and beautiful Eden that you so long for, I will stand before you. Your final sacrifice, consumed in the fires of Hell that you may have your greatest desire….


I watch you from across the room. The ease in your gait, the easy smile that plays across your lips, the relaxed way you lean back in your seat. All an act, I know, but preformed beyond measure. Who would ever guess the trouble that breaks your heart?

You carry the sins of the world on your shoulders, but don't you know that you don't need to? How many times have you sought out the best in people, in the world in general, only to be burned? I lost count long ago, yet you still continue on, as though you will find the answers to all of life's troubles someday.

Have I told you how strange I find it? Everywhere you go, trouble follows and chaos ensues. People cry out your name in terror, and flee from your visage, not knowing that you are as tame as a kitten. Children play in the streets safely because of you, yet no one knows it.

The things your brother does, you take the blame for. You want only to find that one moment of redemption for him, though I fear that there is none. I have never known a person who absolutely refuses to give up. It has restored my faith in humanity.

Perhaps that is the reason I find myself unable to part from your company. With you there is hope and not so distant moments of happiness. With you, the world is light, where without you it was dark.

Even when we fight, side by side, and the adrenaline pumps through my veins, I hear only the laughter of what will be when we have finally saved the day. The thought of all the good that might come from you is too much of an addiction for me to break.

Because of you friend, I have love in my life. Because of you friend, I know that in the end, everything will be all right after all. Because of you, I have hope….